Art, Craft and Design Department

Marking and Assessment Policy

Criteria by which pupils work will be assessed

KS3 - KS3 National Curriculum Art and Design levels

KS4 -BTEC First Level 1/Level 2 Award in Art and Design assessment criteria

KS5 - BTEC National Level 3 Art and Design assessment criteria

Frequency of detailed marking and monitoring of other work

Students should have at least one form of detailed written feedback with specific assessment criteria per half term for KS4 and 5, once a term for KS3 or when appropriate. The KS3 most detailed written feedback will be conducted during the spring term to correctly and accurately inform the Pathway choices made.

Frequency of homework

KS3– Two PLP projects will issued throughout the course of the year – see Year 9 PLP calendar

KS4 – Once a fortnight

KS5 – Once a week

Details of marking for coursework, controlled assessments and KS5 work.

  • Select pieces of work are commented on with ‘what went well’, ‘even better if’ targets and student comments following the school marking policy. Comments will regularly be made about select pieces of work through peer, self and teacher assessment. These comments are recorded for KS3 on progress logs attached to work. For KS4 and KS5 comments are recorded on a combination of a group attainment spread sheet and individual student record sheets.
  • Teacher marking on the progress logs and individual students record sheets should be completed in red pen. The peer and/or self-assessment should be completed in green pen and circled PA/SA on the progress log.
  • Verbal feedback should be acknowledged by a verbal feedback stamp or a pupil comment noting what was spoken about. This is to be recorded on work or progress logs as appropriate.
  • A record will be kept for each individual piece of work completed and for KS4 and KS5 individual grades awarded will be recorded on an attainment spreadsheets.
  • Work is marked and awarded a level or grade when the student has completed a body of work. This may be a whole project combining lesson work and homework.
  • The body of work may only still cover one or two assessment criteria therefore the student must be aware that their awarded level or grade is a working at level or grade.
  • Key assessment tasks will be delivered and marked throughout the development of a whole project. The key assessment tasks will focus on individual assessment criteria and marked using the above criteria.
  • At least once per half term an extended piece of writing should be identified for literacy marking. A minimum of 1 paragraph should be marked using the literacy marking codes (Sp, //, QWC, P)
  • It is the responsibility of the subject teachers to assess what students produce in accordance with the assessment criteria set out in the examination specification and national curriculum.
  • A bank of exemplar projects are available electronically and live work is located within the classrooms for students to view and gain a greater understanding of the required standard for a particular level or grade.

How pupils are involved in tracking their own progress


All students have a generic ‘I can….’ levelled assessment grid on the back of sketchbooks, specific task/project levelled assessment grids are created and displayed in teachers PowerPoint presentations, in controlled assessment paperwork and in PLP’s when appropriate.


All students have the BTEC assessment grading grids specific to the units being completed in sketchbooks or portfolios; which are part of project booklets for some units. Specific task assessment grids are created and displayed in teachers PowerPoint presentations and in independent project and/or controlled assessment paperwork when appropriate.


All students have the BTEC assessment grading grids specific to the units being completed in sketchbooks or portfolios; which are part of project booklets for some units.

Rewards and sanctions which arise from marking of work.

Good work and effort should be rewarded using the school reward system. There should be evidence of this in students’ portfolios.

KS3 and KS4 students are awarded merits for attainment and effort in planners with a total of four merits equalling a postcard home. All students studying art are entered into the ‘artist of the month’ in which several individual students can be awarded for producing outstanding work. Successful artists of the month have their work displayed on the school newsletter, website and receive a certificate.

The school sanctions system is followed if lesson or homework tasks are not complete and the department operates weekly compulsory coursework catch-up sessions for students who have not produced the standard of work they are capable of and/or quantity of work required.

Record-keeping and how the department uses pupil records to inform progress, planning and reporting


Record keeping of progress is kept on attainment spreadsheets in teachers teaching and learning folders and on SIMS. This data is collated to award students a KS3 National Curriculum level at regular intervals throughout the academic year in accordance with the school assessment calendar.


Record keeping of progress is kept on an electronic attainment spread sheet, individual task sheets and SIMS. This data is collated to award students a BTEC First Level 1/Level 2 Art and Design grade at regular intervals throughout the academic year in accordance with the school assessment calendar.


Record keeping of progress is kept on an electronic attainment spread sheet, students own checklists and SIMS. This data is collated to award students a BTEC National Level 3 Art and Design grade at regular intervals throughout the academic year in accordance with the school assessment calendar.

Data collated is actively used by staff to track student progress and identify underperformance enabling an intervention plan to be put in to place for individual students.

The use of target setting

All students will know their school target grade and personal/ aspirational grade and these should be displayed on a sticker at the front of their sketchbook/ folder. For KS4 and KS5 individual students and groups of students are identified on the attainment spread sheets that are targeted requiring department or school intervention e.g. attending catch-up sessions or requiring one to one tuition.

The systems which ensure consistency of teachers’ assessments within the department

It is the responsibility of the Head of Department to ensure that all class teachers mark work on a regular basis and keep clear and appropriate records in accordance with the department policy. The quality of marking and feedback will be monitored by the Head of Department and subject family group via work scrutinies/reviews as per the MER calendar. This will involve looking at a selection of portfolios to evaluate the effectiveness of this policy. The outcomes of work scrutinies will be shared with the department staff and may inform part of the appraisal process. Assessment data will be used to identify underachievers and intervention strategies should be led within the department. The Head of Department regularly reviews progress of groups taught by other teachers within the department to ensure records are being kept. Internal moderation is conducted on a regular basis in order to ensure standardization of marking and to provide a reliable order of merit.

Mrs C Jack Z:\Art Department Paperwork\Art Department Handbook\Art Marking Policy 110914.doc