2011-11-14 1900.7-11/0022r0

IEEE 1900.7 WS Radio WG

November 14 Teleconference

Chair: Stanislav Filin

Acting Secretary: Junyi Wang

November 14, 9AM, UTC

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by the chair Stanislav Filin on November 24 at 9:05AM UTC.

The Chair asked for volunteers to be Acting Secretary for this teleconference. No volunteers

The Chair appointed Junyi Wang as IEEE 1900.7 WG Acting Secretary for the duration of the November 14 teleconference with the following responsibility

■  Recording minutes of November 24 teleconference and publishing them within 60 calendar days of the end of the meeting

The Chair asked for approval from the WG. The appointment was approved.

The chair reminded everyone to send their attendance to the chair and the acting secretary.


Name / Employer / Affiliation
Last / First
1 / Baykas / Tuncer / NICT / NICT
2 / Demessie / Yohannes / NICT / NICT
3 / Filin / Stanislav / NICT / NICT
4 / Hoang / Vinh-Dien / NICT / NICT
5 / Kliks / Adrian / PUT / PUT
6 / Lee / Ignatius / ISS international / Self
7 / Lu / Liru / NICT / NICT
8 / MacKenzie / Richard / BT / BT
9 / Mingtuo / Zhou / NICT / NICT
10 / Noguet / Dominique / CEA / CEA LETI
11 / Sun / Chen / NICT / NICT
12 / Thilakawardana / Shyamalie / BBC / BBC R&D
13 / Tran / HaNguyen / NICT / NICT
14 / Wang / Junyi / NICT / NICT
15 / Zhang / Xin / NICT / NICT

The chair and Acting Secretary performed roll call for attendance:

l  15 participants present

l  13 voting members out of total 19 voting members (quorum is achieved)

2. Approval of Agenda

The chair asked for any technical contribution for today’s meeting. No one came forwards with new contributions.


To approve October 24 meeting agenda 7-11-0017-01

Moved by Alina Riru Lu

Seconded by Richard MacKenzie

The chair made a call for any request for roll call vote for this motion. None made.

The chair asked any further discussions. None.

The question was called by the chair .

The chair made a call for any objections to approve the agenda. No objections

The chair made a call for anyone who abstains for this motion. No one came forwards.

The motion was approved with unanimous consensus.

3. Call for Essential Patent Claims

The chair showed patent policy to the group.

The Chair made a call for essential patent claims. No new essential patent claims were indicated.

4. Approval of minutes of October 24 teleconference 7-11-0016-00


To approve October 24 teleconference minutes 7-11-0016-00

Moved by Junyi Wang

Seconded by Vinh-Dien Hoang

The chair asked the group for further discussions. None. The questioned was called.

The chair made a call for any request for roll call vote for this motion. None made.

The chair made a call for any objections to approve the agenda. No objections

The chair made a call for anyone who abstains for this motion. No one came forwards.

The motion was approved with unanimous consensus.

5. Status report 7-11-0018-00

The chair presented the document 7-11-18-00

The chair asked the WG to make decision to authorize Bernd Bochow to re-opening the nominations period for the WG vice Chair and Secretary.


To authorize Bernd Bochow to reopen the nominations for the elections of 1900.7 WG Vice Chair and Secretary

Moved by Richard MacKenzie

Seconded by Yohannes Demessie

The chair asked the group for further discussions. None made. The questioned was called.

The chair made a call for any request for roll call vote for this motion. None made.

The chair made a call for any objections to approve the agenda. No objections

The chair made a call for anyone who abstains for this motion. No one came forwards.

The motion was approved with unanimous consensus.

The chair asked the group for the question and comments on the document 7-11-18-00. No one came forward with any questions. The chair suggested using E-mail reflector for questions and comments.

6. Technical contributions

There were no technical contributions indicated in the meeting.

7 Draft development process 7-11-19-00

The chair presented the document 7-11-19-00.

Liru Lu questioned on when we are going to make the final decision on the direction.

Chair answered that the key information will be sent in mail list. During Dec meeting, we will create Ad-Hoc subgroup, and we are hoping that the Ad-Hoc subgroup may reach the final decision by the end of March meeting.

Liru Lu suggested having direction 1 as main direction and using direction 2 as an option. She indicated that she would like to make a motion to decide immediately in this teleconference.

The chair suggested having more discussions in the f2f meeting and having this motion in the f2f meeting to make the final decision on it because this is very important decision for the group, and most of important members of our group are absent for this teleconference. She agreed.

8. Next meetings

The chair indicated the following meeting information

Next face-to-face meeting: December 12-14, 2011, Scottsdale, AZ, USA (co-located with DySPAN-SC plenary meeting)

The chair made a call for any questions. None heard

9. AOB

The chair made a call for any other new business. No one came forwards with new business.

10. Adjourn

The chair made a call for any objections to adjourn the meeting. No objections.

Meeting adjourned at 10:33AM, UTC