Your Board Briefs

from the March 8, 2012 Board Meeting

From our superintendent…

Lea Dahl introduced Paul Bennett, social studies instructor and innovation coach from the Prairie Center Academy, who is advancing to the semifinals of the Minnesota Teacher of the Year Program. Paul highlighted aspects of his career and philosophy, acknowledging the help and support of many staff members who came to celebrate his recognition.

Char Myklebust reviewed the district involvement in the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) Leadership Group, the goal of which is leverage influence of community agencies, Hennepin County, nonprofit organizations and schools to achieve an important common community health goal the group will identify.

Sandy Lewandowski announced she has been visiting sites in the districts this week, sharing the message of the district “The Tipping Point” white paper and presentation as well as what the district has done to promote safety. She also has announced the new staff recognition program in her visits. Sandy then drew attention to two pieces of information in the packet, “What the Board Needs to Know about the Area Learning Center (ALC) Plus” and the agenda for the Alternatives Suspension Conference held February 29 to support the regional graduation goal. Finally, Sandy showed the video of the two student speakers from the 40 year celebration of the district’s Vista Programs.

From our instructional services …

Jane Holmberg introduced Mike Smart, Jon Voss, and Jon Fila as members of the team who are creating a prototype of a system to truly personalize education. Mike began by discussing the benefits of a system that could use new tools to match student needs and interests with learning. Such a system would be an important element of the regional graduation initiative. A graphic that shows how the district would envision the system depicts a Student Learning System that is based on units rather than courses and standards clusters rather than credits would provide student choice and accountability. The Student Learning System would draw needed curriculum material from a Curriculum Hub that is currently being built and would include all types of lessons, not only online. Jon Voss reported progress on the prototype, and explained how a pivotal idea has recently been incorporated: the student progress will be reflected visually as student’s complete units. This system provides information on what students have achieved, even if it is not course-equivalent, so that incremental progress can be communicated among programs, and eventually, among districts. Jon Fila discussed how the Curriculum Hub provides a series of choices matched to student needs, allowing multiple pathways through the content. The several advantages of this prototype and potential impact beyond District 287 were discussed by the Board.

From our administrative services…

Janet Johnson summarized planning information received from member districts and presented the recommended Budget Assumptions for FY 13 which the Board approved.

Anne Becker presented for first read three Board policies related to Curriculum and Instruction.

Board Briefs is produced bi-weekly for all employees and stakeholders of Intermediate District 287. If you have a question about the content, please contact Wauneen Denson-Mgeni at 763-550-7101 or