Patient Participation Group Meeting

Saturday, 6th May 2017, 9.30 a.m.

Seaford Medical Practice


Attendees: Sue Smith (Chair), Paul Welch – Integrated Locality Manager, Seaford, Myrtle Kracke, Zena Gibbs, Rita Evans, Steve Machan, Charis Isted, Maggie Chitty, Veronica Holden, Penny Lower, Dr Dan Elliott (SMP), Phil Abbott (SMP)

Apologies: David Burleigh, Pam Burleigh, Sandy Richards, Jane Macefield (SMP), Christina Machan, Leanne Sammers, Gill Bunce, John Bunce, Roy Dobson, Clive Lacey, Barry Smith, Val Callon, Shirley Jones, Kirsty Moxon, Sarah Atherton, Susan Drader, Phyllis Sammers, Graham Weatherill, Kate Parkinson

The PPG welcomed SS back after her illness. SS thanked DB for chairing the PPG so effectively in her absence.

1.  Minutes of last meeting/matters arising

1.1.  Suggestion of change of address form and repeat prescription requests on wall: the Practice receives approx. 25 requests per week. At the conclusion of the meeting PPG members agreed the best location for the wall unit would be near to the ticket machine, near the PPG suggestion box. PA would also see how change of address requests could be received online – action PA

1.2.  PPG to produce a newsletter: see later agenda item

1.3.  Wave Leisure exercise regimes at Old School Surgery: DHE to speak to OSS GPs – action carried forward - DHE

1.4.  Reception staff to be reminded of reason for bypass phone: actioned

1.5.  Issuing of emergency prescriptions from late GP phone calls: discussed at meeting. It was noted that Morrison’s pharmacy remains open until 8.00 p.m.

1.6.  Arrange presentation from Paul Welch, Integrated Locality Manager for Seaford: actioned

1.7.  Increase size of some of the messages on the waiting room TV: actioned

2.  Update on Seaford Integrated Locality Teams (Paul Welch):

2.1.  Paul Welch, Seaford Integrated Locality Team manager for Seaford, updated the meeting on the progress of how health and social care services locally were being brought together. Services include community nursing, integrated night service, neighbourhood support team, joint community rehabilitation, occupational therapy, nurse crisis response, falls and fracture liaison, proactive care and frailty. Challenges currently include recruitment in to some of these teams, a premises large enough to accommodate the integrated team and different IT systems

2.2.  Arising from the discussion, PPG members offered to advise SS of 3rd sector groups they were aware of in Seaford. SS would then pass on a consolidated list to PW so that he can check they are all listed in the “asset register” that is being compiled for Seaford – action PPG members / SS

3.  Patient access to medical records:

3.1.  CI asked about how patients can have access to their medical records. PA explained about the (1) basic records access and (2) more detailed access. The form to request access is available from the home page of the Practice’s website -

Currently, over 3000 patients have registered for the basic access and over 200 for the more detailed access.

4.  Update from Practice (PA):

4.1.  The last three months has been focused on our new / returning GPs settling back in and the new EMIS computer system bedding in

4.2.  Practice pharmacist: the initial joint bid between Old School Surgery and Seaford Medical Practice (reported at the last PPG meeting) was declined. A revised bid is being submitted next week

4.3.  Practice nurse: Kate Stephens joined the Practice in March and will be working 2 days a week for the Practice. Lack of clinical rooms was the reason that the Practice couldn’t employ Kate for more hours per week

5.  PPG Newsletter (SS):

5.1.  The group discussed media available to share a newsletter, e.g. a printed newsletter, a facebook page, using the Seaford Notice Board on facebook, Seaford Scene etc. The PPG also discussed what sort of information is already available from other sources, e.g. the Practice website, the CCG website etc

5.2.  It was agreed that PPG members would give further thought to what it is they feel should be covered and how news should be shared ahead of the next PPG meeting. SS would add the topic as an agenda item for the next meeting – action PPG / SS

6.  AOB:

6.1.  SS will be updating her PPG email distribution list as several recipients haven’t attended PPG meetings for some time

7.  Date of next meeting: Saturday 12th August 2017, 9.30am

Minutes: Phil Abbott, 9th May 2017