Ms. Davis

This class is open to all students. Orem High school offers education to all students. Orem High does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, disability, or national origin. Students who have a grievance with another student or any school employee should talk to the School Administration or a Counselor about their concerns.

Dear Parents and Students: This disclosure document will provide you with an idea of what can be expected during the course. Please review and discuss the following information, sign in the space provided on the second page, and return only the signature portion for assignment credit.

Class Fee and Supplies:

  • We will be dealing with graphite, charcoal, pastel, and other messy materials. Students are responsible for their own clothing. It is recommended to bring an apron or some kind of a protective shirt. Any damage done to clothing is the responsibility of the student.
  • Students will be required to buy a sketchbook to practice in. It is recommended to buy a professional, blank-paged, spiral bound sketchbook.
  • This class is to prepare students to continue in a lifetime pursuit of art, whether professionally or as a hobby. One of the most respected mediums in the professional world is oil paint. I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND students purchase an oil kit so that I can introduce students to this wonderful medium.

Course Outline and Guaranteed Curriculum:

Students taking this class are expected to submit an AP Portfolio. This class is mostly a skill-based class. The major objective for this class is to develop the students’ eye as an artist and skill of drawing. The students have the choice to take either the 2D Design or Drawing portfolios. After having taken this class, you can say:

  • I can develop a portfolio ready for submission to the AP Board. This portfolio will consist of breadth, concentration, and quality pieces.
  • I understand the basic principles and elements of art. I have a good understanding of line, shape and form, texture, color, space, balance, movement, unity, and perspective. I understand the impact of color and light on representing artwork.
  • I know what elements make a good composition, and all of my artwork is artfully designed.
  • I have a foundation in art history and understand how great artists of the past have used these principles and elements in their own artwork. Learning about others’ artwork helps me improve my own.
  • I have a foundation in art history and understand how great artists of the past have used these principles and elements in their own artwork. Learning about others’ artwork is inspirational to creation my own.
  • I have experience with a wide variety of media. I will be drawing with pencils and colored pencils. Other media include charcoal, pastel, and watercolor.
  • I can develop my own technical art abilities. I can learn, by careful observation, how to produce the representation that I want. I keep a sketchbook to help me practice my skills and brainstorm compositions.
  • I can develop critical thinking by critiquing my own artwork, art of the past, and the art of my fellow students. I can take these critical thinking skills to enrich all other parts of my life.

Credit for Assignments: Students should look forward to earning credit with the following assignments:

  • 20 points per day for appropriate participation and cooperation.
  • These participation points are based on attendance and participation. They cannot be made up if the student is absent, even if it is excused.
  • Points given for each art assignment.
  • Points for each written assignment, including critiques, responses, quizzes, and reports.

Schedule and Pacing: Every Friday in class (which is about every two weeks) will be a “celebration” day, where we will look at and critique each other’s work. Students should have TWO assignments completed ever “celebration” day to stay on schedule. Students will need to submit 29 works of art, so they should have a depth of at least 36 works (9 per semester) of art in their portfolio to choose from. It is the responsibility of the artist to do homework and to work independently to make sure that these assignments are completed. THERE WILL NOT BE ENOUGH CLASS TIME TO FINISH EVERYTHING. Students should match, if not double, the amount of time spent in class working on projects at home.

Class Rules and Procedures: Students will be expected to exercise self-discipline. Students will be referred to administration if inappropriate behavior is excessive or harmful. Students will be expected to:

  • Arrive to class prepared to learn and study by bringing pencils and any other homework assigned.
  • Stay on task, participate, and use time wisely (no sleeping.)
  • Follow the rules of respect: 1) Respect yourself. 2) Respect others. 3) Respect this place, including your work area, the classroom, and the materials of the class. This includes using socially acceptable language, only using constructive expressions in regards to others’ artwork, completing assignments and taking care not to distract from others’ work.

School Policies: Students should learn and follow all of the school’s policies and procedures, including but not limited to the following:

  • Attendance and tardy policies. The State of Utah requires accurate documentation of all student absences and tardies, which will be recorded on PowerGrade.
  • Dress code. Students who are not in compliance may be reported to the Administration.
  • Rules forbidding the use of PDAs, cell phones, MP3 players, games, or other personal electronic devices. I think that music can help inspire creativity. Therefore, I will allow students to listen to their MP3 or CD players while working on projects. However, if I see headphones in ears while I am talking, during a critique, or any other situation that demands full attention, I will confiscate the headphones, and they will only be retrieved from the front office by the parents. If I see you use (texting under the desk) or hear your cell phone, I will take it and keep it until your parents picks it up. Any situation that requires immediate communication necessitating a phone call will be done with my prior consent.

After School Open Studio: I would like to provide an opportunity for students to further develop their drawing skills, particularly figure drawing. Therefore, I will provide an Open Studio every Tuesday from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. where students will come in to work on their drawing skills. Students will be required to attend at least two sessions per semester. However, attending more sessions can give extra credit. Some students will be asked to model. All models will be clothed and will be given a break every fifteen minutes. No student will be forced to model that does not want to. Students willing to model will receive extra credit. We might also practice drawing still-lifes or other subject matter.

Grading Policies:

  • Grades will be updated weekly. Scores will be uploaded to PowerSchool as soon as they are entered
  • Daily participation points can be regained through restitution (making it up, if possible) and cleaning the classroom outside of class time. One day after school (20 minutes or so) spent cleaning will make up 20 points (one absence or two tardies). If students need to make up participation points, they must give enough time at the end of the quarter to allow for the number of days they need to make up.
  • Student artwork that is turned in by the due date but receives a low grade may be reworked and re-graded.
  • Students will be graded on the following:
  1. Participation points (20 per day).
  2. Completed works of art (two finished every two weeks for 100 points each, 9 in a quarter).
  3. Sketchbook checks (checked every two weeks).
  4. Museum attendance (one per term).
  5. Figure drawing (two per term).
  6. Artist lectures.
  7. Any additional assignments, quizzes, etc.

Grading Scale: I use the grading scale adopted by Orem High School.

94-100% A84-86% B74-76% C64-66% D

90-93% A-80-83% B-70-73% C-60-63% D-

87-89% B+77-79% C+67-69% D+0-59% F

Tardies: Students who are not in class at the bell will be marked absent. They will need to meet with Miss Davis during class in order to have their absence changed to a tardy. If you don’t make sure I realize that you have come in, there is the chance that you will be marked absence instead of tardy. It is a good idea to check PowerSchool regularly to make sure attendance and grades are correct. Each time that students are tardy, they will lose 10 of their daily participation points.

Hall Passes: Students will be given 3 hall passes at the beginning of each quarter. Each time a student needs to leave the classroom, he/she must give Ms. Davis a hall pass, no exceptions. If a student needs to use the restroom, but has already used all of his/her hall passes, he/she will need to borrow one from a friend. So, make sure that these hall passes are used wisely. Come to class already prepared and with a water bottle, so unnecessary trips are avoided. At the end of each quarter each hall pass can be turned in for 10 points of extra credit.

Due Dates and Late Work: At the end of the year, each student will submit 29 works of art in the AP Portfolio. However, to help students develop a fleshed- out portfolio and be able to select the highest quality pieces, it is recommended to finish 36 works of art by the end of the year. At this rate, students will need to complete approximately one work of art every week. Time will be given in class to complete assignments, but students should expect to at least match the amount of time spent on artwork out of class as time in.

Every Friday we have class, we will have a “celebration day” where two works of art should be completed and brought in to show the class. These can be assignments completed on your own or in class. Work that is not ready to be graded by the due date will be considered late. After that day, the student will have five school days from the due date to bring it in completed with the maximum credit being 85% (a B). After that week, the students will have until midterm (if the assignment was given during eh first half) or the Monday of the last week of the term (if the assignment was given during the second half) to get a possible 75% of the credit (a C). Once mid-term is passed, there is no way to make up assignments that were missed prior to mid-term.

Discipline Policy: Upon a students’ infraction of any class rule or if the student refuses to quiet down after I am trying to get the class’s attention, I will write his/her name on the board. As soon as the name is on the board, 10 of the participation points will be lost for the day. If the student continues to be disruptive, a check mark will be added to the name. As a result, all 20 participation points will be lost for the day. If the student is disruptive a third time, we will have a private conversation in the hall and during lunch with the student’s parent.

If the students’ name is written on the board three times the student’s behavior will be discussed with the parent. On the fourth time, the students’ behavior will be discussed with an administrator. On the fifth time, the student’s behavior will be discussed with a counselor to remove the student from the class. Other grounds for removal would be consistently not getting work done, thus failing the class.

Teacher Contact: Should you have any questions or concerns about the class or our student in the class, please call me at Orem High School at 801-227-8765 ext. 200 (A day) or 155 (B day) to leave a message or sent an email to . I will respond as soon as possible. If a problem arises that is not covered in this document, I will meet with the student, and if necessary, the student’s parent(s) in order to come to an equitable solution.

Anna Davis


AP Art

I, the undersigned, have read the AP Art Disclosure Document and understand that by signing this form I accept and am accountable to the provisions therein.


StudentSignature Date

As parent(s) of the above named student, I understand and agree with the provisions in this disclosure document.


Parent Signature Date


Administrator’s Signature:Date