This is Tripp Crayton, Principal at Jordan-Matthews High School, with your biweekly announcement. Copies of all phone messages in Spanish and English can be found on our school’s website. As a reminder, report cards will be distributed on Wednesday, December 7, 2016.

We continue sending phone messages each night for absences and tardies. These calls go out for both unexcused and excused tardies and absences. If you feel your child was in school, please contact our office to see if your child may have decided to take a mini-vacation. Students who miss more than nine days in a class during a semester automatically fail the course due to attendance. It is important that students are present each day and actively engaged each class period in order to increase the success of our students throughout the year and beyond high school. This includes the importance of students getting to each class on time. When students are tardy, they can miss a valuable portion of the start of the lesson. As it is important for people to be on time for their job, we need for our students to be on time for their job as a student at J-M. Please help encourage your child to come to school each day and on time each period, ready to work with our amazing faculty and staff.

Jordan-Matthews will be hosting the district’s science fair on Thursday, December 8, 2016. You are welcome to attend the evening’s festivities beginning at 6:00 p.m.

Continue to visit our school’s website for our calendar of events and activities covering the next few weeks, including SOLO Flight presentations, the holiday concert on December 15th, and various athletic events.

As a reminder, parents are asked to complete the survey found on the main page of our website in order to obtain valuable feedback on our school. Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this important survey. If you wish to complete this survey in Spanish, you must do this on paper as the online portal is only available in English. You can receive a copy at the front desk if needed. Please be assured that your responses to this survey will be anonymous.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @JMHSJets. This is Our Community. Our School. My J-M. Enjoy the rest of your day, thank you for your continued support of Jordan-Matthews, where it’s always a great day to be a Jet. Goodbye.