Environmental Plan for the year 2009


Category / Environmental
objective / Environmental targets / Environmental Programs / Related Team / Investment / Remarks
Item / 2008 Result / 2009 Target
Air pollution / Reduce Co2 emission / Co2 emission [g/TEU(DWT)-Km] / 86 (CNTR) / 85 / -Extend Co2 monitoring to all fleets
-Keep economic speed in accordance with proper schedule of ship
-Prohibit unnecessary running and minimize the idling
-Keep the complete combustion condition of engine
-Monitoring of fuel oil consumption per each vessel
-Obtimized rudder setting
-Obtimized Trim / EG
-Hull polishing / 15 Vessels / 12 Vessels / EI
Vessel / ○ / -Apply all vessels which are scheduled to enter dry dock
-Propeller polishing / 15 Vessels / 12 Vessels
-Bottom survey / 15 Vessels / 12 Vessels
-Use an weather routing service / 24 Vessels / 24 Vessels / EG
Vessel / ○
-Weather monitoring system / 44 Vessels / 44 (+0) / ○
-Shaft generators / 1 Vessels / 1 (+0) / HZ
Vessel / -El Junior
-Electronic engine controls system / 12Vessels / 12 (+0)
-Slide fuel injection valve / 7 Vessels / 7 (+0) / -2001 : 3 Vessels
-2006~2008 : 4 Vessels
-Silicon based hull paint / 7 Vessels / 14(+7) / ○ / -2006~2008 : 7 Vessels
-2009 : 7 Vessels
-Homogenizer / 5 Vessels / 5 (+0) / -2008 : 5 Vessels
-PBCF (Propeller Boss Cap With Pins) / - / 3 Vessels / ○ / -2009 : 3 Vessels
Reduce SOX emission / Sulfhur content in fuel oil (%) / 3.03% / 3.0% / -Extend SOX monitoring to all fleets
-Using low sulfhur fuel oil in the SECA areas
-Using low sulfhur fuel oil in the California states / EG / -MARPOL Rule : 4.5%
SOX emission [g/TEU(DWT)-Km] / 1.58 (CNTR) / 1.55 / Vessel
-Main engine fuel incentive program / 1 Vessels / 15(+14) / FE
Vessel / -Changeable by ship’s schedules
Reduce NOX emission / NOX 배출량 [g/TEU(DWT)-Km] / 2.4 (CNTR) / 2.3 / -Extend NOX monitoring to all fleets
-Control of over supplied air quality and temperature
-Sublation unnecessary fuel use
-proper maintenance of M/E / EG
-Electronic engine controls system / 12 Vessels / 12 (+0) / HZ
-Slide fuel injection valve / 7 Vessels / 7 (+0) / -2001: 3 Vessels
-2006~2008: 4 Vessels
-DE-NOX system / 1 Vessels / 1 (+0) / -P/SUCCESS
-Cold ironing system / 1 Vessels / 1 (+0) / -P/SUCCESS
-NOX Tier Ⅰ (Built in 2000~2010) / 17 Vessels / 172 (+0)
Category / Environmental
objective / Environmental targets / Environmental Programs / Related Team / Investment / Remarks
Item / 2008 Result / 2009 Target
Air pollution / Reduce ozone-depleting substances / Reduction of Halon fire extinguisher / 2 Vessels / 2 (-0) / -Minimizing the emissions of ozone depleting substances during make a repair of refrigerators/air conditioners
-Using a R-134, R-404a refrigerators /air conditioners onboard new buildings
-Replacement of refrigerators/air conditioner (if need) / HZ
Reduction of CFC (R-22) / 4588 kg / 4500 kg
Reduce VOCs emission / VECS / 5 Vessels / 5 (+0) / -Prohibit unnecessary emission of cargo vapour
-Tank pressure monitoring / EG
Reduce smoke/soot/dust / Comply with the Rule 401 / Violation Zero / Violation Zero / -Using low sulfhur fuel oil in the California states
-Proper maintenance for nozzles of main/auxiliary engine and boiler
-Maintain the proper combustion temperature and monitor complete combustion condition of boiler
-prohibit soot blower in port
-regularly EGE cleaning / EG
-Using LSDO for auxiliary engine in port / 11 Vessels / 15 (+4) / FE
Vessel / ○ / -Changeable by ship’s schedules
-Using LSDO for main engine in port / 1 Vessels / 15 (+4)
Water pollution / Prevention of oil spill / Oil Spill Zero / Zero / Zero / -Risk assessment in advance
-Use the relevant checklist
-observe relevant rule and regulation
-regularly training and education / EG
-Prevent environmental accidents (collision, grounding and sinking) / Zero / Zero
-Prevention of pollution due to mis-handling / Zero / Zero
-OWS Calibration (Every 2.5 year) / 3 Vessels / 33 Vessels / EI
Vessel / ○
-ODME Calibration / 3 Vessels / 1 Vessels / ○ / -PFG (2009)
anti-fouling paint / TIN Free Paint / 15 Vessels / 12 Vessels / -Prohibit hull maintenance in port (VGP area)
-Prohibit residual paint discharge into the sea
-Dispose waste paint can to shore facility / HZ
Vessel / ○
BALLAST WATER Management / No violation / Zero / Zero / -Observe ballast water convention
-Comply with local regulation
-Mid ocean exchange
-Maintain proper record / EG
-Chemical into Ballast Waste / Zero / If applicable / -Argentina port only
Gray Water / Sewage / No violation / Zero / Zero / -Observe local regulation including PSSA
-Maintain proper record / EG
-VGP complying Vessel / Zero / 23 Vessels / -USA port only
-develop a VGP compliance manual / No / Yes
-Approve Sewage flow rate / 0 Vessels / 45 Vessels / EI
M6 / ○
Category / Environmental
objective / Environmental targets / Environmental Programs / Related Team / Investment / Remarks
Item / 2008 Result / 2009 Target
Waste Management / Waste oil / Reduce waste oil generation / 1.26% / 1.31% / -Proper maintenance to prevent any leakage
-Evaluate waste oil contractors / EG
Prevent a violation / Zero / Zero
-Waste oil generation ratio (㎥) / 14,155 / 14,000 / -Reduce 1% against last year
-use free shore facility / 69.5 % / 70.0 %
Plastic / Reduce plastic waste (㎥) / 812.2 / 800 / -Restraint of plastic package
-Observe incinerator operating area
-Observe MARPOL rules / EG
Vessel / -Reduce 1% against last year
Prevent a violation / Zero / Zero
-IMO TYPE incinerator / 18 Vessels / 18 (+0)
-Use free shore facility / 62 % / 65 %
-Plastic compactor / 5 Vessels / 5 (+0) / HZ
Vessel / -2006 : 5 Vessels
General garbage /food waste / Reduce general garbage/food waste discharge into the sea (㎥) / Manage by each ship / Manage by each ship / -Observe MARPOL and relevant regulation
-Observe the PSSA / Vessel
Resources management / Oil consumption / Reduce oil consumption / Manage by each ship / Manage by each ship / -Extend Co2 monitoring to all fleets
-Keep economic speed in accordance with proper schedule of ship
-Prohibit unnecessary running and minimize the idling
-Keep the complete combustion condition of engine
-Monitoring of fuel oil consumption per each vessel
-Obtimized rudder setting
-Obtimized Trim / Vessel
- ALPHA LUBRICATOR / 3 Vessels / 3 (+0) / HZ / -To reduce Lub. oil
-HFM. HGL, HHG (2004)
synthetic detergent / Reduce using quantity (kg) / Manage by each ship / Manage by each ship / - / Vessel
disposable cup / Reduce using quantity (kg) / Manage by each ship / Manage by each ship / - / Vessel
Award program / Environmental incentive program / Green Ship / 16 Vessels / 20 (+4) / EG
Green Flag / 11 Vessels / 15 (+4) / -Participate the VSRP (LA/LONG beach) / -Changeable by ship’s schedules
USCG Qualship / 1 Vessels / 1 (+0) / -PSU
others / Carbon Disclosure Project / NO / YES / EG


Category / Environmental
objective / Environmental targets / Environmental Programs / Related Team / Investment / Remarks
Item / 2008Result / 2009Target
Offices / Fuel oils for business vehicles / Reduce fuel Consumption (Ltr) / 65,088 / 100,836 / -Restrain the unnecessary operation
-Periodical inspection & thoroughly maintenance
-education of the inadequate driving habit / GA / -Reflect the increasing of vehicles
company formoffice waste / Reduce production cost / 140,116 / 150,129 / -Reuse of company form paper
-Operation of auto. lighting on/off system such as a lunch break, and afterdaily work
-Using the Hi-mail system instead of paper document / GA / -Reflect the production coast
CY Operation / Waste rag / Reduce Waste rag / 14.58/M / 14.74/M / -Minimization of oil leakage during maintenance
-Regular maintenance & inspection / OD / -Reduce 1% against last year in consideration of deterioration
Sludge / Reduce sludge / 23.33/M / 29.79/M / -Water cleaning after sweeping before cleaning the container / OD / -Reduce 0.5% against last year in consideration of 2009 business plan
Fuel oil / Reduce fuel oil consumption / 1.79/VAN / 1.77/VAN / -Power off during waiting for cargo operation
-Prohibit reckless driving
-Minimization of re-handling
-Observe limited speed regulations (20Km/hour) / OD / -Reduce 1% against last year in consideration of 2009 business plan