Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer, 5th Edition

Welty et al

Errata – November, 2007

HILTED - 2008

Pg 98, Prob. 8.13, line 6Presently reads: Change to: P

Pg 144, Figure 12.5Velocity profile isn’t accurate; v = 0 at the solid boundary

Pg 184, Prob. 13.20, line 3 Presently reads: ..water in the pipe..

Change to: ..water in the tank..

Pg 184, Prob. 13.25The following sentences should be added following the table of data:

Determine the total flow rate of 20 C water for the system. Neglect minor losses.

Pg 206, Example 1, line 14 Presently reads: A=2πL, Change to: A=2πrL

Pg 210, Figure 15.5Temperature profile isn’t accurate; the line from T3 to T4 should be straight.

Pg 223, Prob. 16.13In the problem statement and in the diagram: change X to x.

Pg 225, Paragraph 4, line 2 Presently reads: Section 5., Change to: Section 15.5.

Pg 238, Figure 17.11, x-axis Presently reads: (rL/ro), Change to: (rL - ro)

Pg 239, Example 3, line 10 Presently reads in square root term: T, Change to: t

Pg 239, Example 3: 2t used in calculation rather than t

Pg 243, Table 17.1The figure representing Eccentric Circular Cylinders is in error.

Pg 244, Example 4, should be a 5th line reading: square grid shown below (right).

Pg 244, Example 4, line 2nd from last Presently reads: (8.415 K), Change to: (85.415 K)

Pg 247, Prob. 17.12, line 1Presently reads: ..percent in heat flux..

Change to: ..percent increase in heat flux..

line 2Presently reads: Problem 17.8

Change to: Problem 17.11

line 4units should read Btu/h ft F

Pg 250, Prob. 17.39, line 3 Presently reads: 0.3 m, Change to: 0.3 cm.

Pg 255, Example 1, line 13 Presently reads: (), Change to: (18.9)

Pg 271, Prob. 18.5, line 6 Presently reads: But, Change to: Btu

Pg 272, Prob. 18.17, line 1 Presently reads: …Problem 18.4..

Change to: …Problem 18.12..

Pg 287, equation (19-41) Presently reads: dt, Change to: dT

Pg 292, Example 1, line 8 from last Presently reads: Figure 14.1, Change to: Figure 13.1

Pg 296, Prob. 19.21 line 5Presently reads:  = … Change to: v = …

Pg 296, Prob. 19.22 line 3Presently reads:  = … Change to: v = …

Pg 302, line 5 Presently reads: T1/T2, Change to: T1 + T2

Pg 304, Example 1, line 8 Presently reads: 38.5 K, Change to: 385 K

Pg 316, equation (20-38) Presently reads: Re, Change to Pr

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Pg 321, Prob. 20.38, line 3Change to: ..1/2-in. schedule 40 water line …

Pg 321, Prob. 20.40, line 1-2 Presently reads: 1 in. schedule 140 steel pipe

Pg 321, Prob. 20.43 line 13 Presently reads: v = … Change to: 

Pg 324, Figure 21.1 Point b is not labeled

Pg 329, equation (21-14) Presently reads in the denominator: δ, Change to: μ

Pg 330, line 1 Presently reads: (), Change to: (21.16)

Pg 330, line 3 Presently reads: (21-20), Change to: (21-14)

Pg 331, Example, line 8 from last: remove the first =

Pg 335, Prob. 21.17, line 1 Presently reads: 21.14, Change to: 21.16

Pg 355, line 9 Presently reads: (15-19), Change to: (15-18)

Pg 357, Prob. 22.8 line 2 Presently reads: Cc =… Change to: cpo = …

line 4 Presently reads: CH = … Change to: cpw = …

Pg 357, Prob. 22.9 line 2 Presently reads: ..reaches 30 C instead of 38 C…

Change to: ..reaches 28 C instead of 30 C…

Pg 357, Prob. 22.10 line 2 Presently reads: CC = … Change to: cpo = …

line 4 Presently reads: CH = … Change to: cpw = …

Pg 357, Prob. 22.13 line 2 Presently reads: ..Problem 22.4...

Change to: ..Problem 22.3…

Pg 359, Paragraph 4, line 3 Presently reads: v = c, .. Change to:  = c, ..

Pg 406, Table 24.2 , line 8 Presently reads: jA Change to: JA

Pg 413, line 10 Presently reads: (), Change to: (24.33)

Pg 416, line 14-15 Presently reads: none-lectrolytes, Change to: non-eletrolytes

Pg 429, Prob. 24.1, line 7 Presently reads: C5H8, Change to: C3H8

Pg 430, Prob. 24.3, line 9 Presently reads: g. mass density of air:

Change to: g. average molecular weight of the gas mixture

line 10 delete the entire line beginning with h.

Prob. 24.7, line 6 Presently reads: ...(Az - Bz)… Change to: …(vAz – vBz)..

Pg 430, Prob. 24.7, top of right-hand column: in the equation, (6 times)

Change all terms: Az to vAz, Bz to vBz, Cz to vCz,Oz to vOz

Pg 431, Prob. 24.23, line 2 Presently reads: ..synthesistic.. Change to: ..synthesis..

Pg 440, line 15 Presently reads: = -kc, Change to: = -ks

Pg 448, Prob. 25.2, line 1 Presently reads: Show that the (25-11)…

Change to: Show that equation (25-11)…

Pg 449, Prob. 25.11, line 2 Presently reads: water, Change to: wafer

Pg 450, Prob. 25.11, line 1 Presently reads: Purpose, Change to: Propose

Pg 4532, line 8 Presently reads: Section 24.4, Change to: Section 25.4

Pg 468, equation (26-27) Presently reads: = 4πR2NO2r, Change to: = 4πr2NO2r

Pg 483, Figure caption Presently reads: Figure 26. Change to: Figure 26.14

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Pg 493, Prob. 26.22, figure Presently reads: mmol/cm3, Change to: mmol/L

Pg 494, Prob. 26.25, line 3 Presently reads: z = 0, Change to: z = δ

Pg 494, Prob. 26.27.b, line 2 Presently reads: ..of the rod. Change to: ..of the rod?

Pg 498, line 8 and line 17 Presently read: (), Change to: (27.1)

Pg 500, line 16 Presently reads within squareroot term: πDAB, Change to: πDABt

Pg 501, line 4 and 15, Presently read: t = L, Change to: z = L

Pg 502, equation (27-16) Add (1/n) term within the summation

Pg 503, line 7 Presently reads: of has, Change to: having

Pg 509, paragraph 4, line 2 Presently reads: negative, Change to: negligible

Pg 511, Example 3.b, line 7 Presently reads: From the appendix Figure F.4 …

Change to: From Figure F.4 …

Pg 514, Prob. 27.7, line 6 Presently reads: water, Change to: wafer

Pg 515, Prob. 27.16, line 1 Presently reads: requires, Change to: require

Pg 520, Example 2, line 8 Presently reads: v = 1.569 …. Change to:  = 1.569 …

line 10 Presently reads: Sc = v/DAB = Change to: Sc = /DAB =

Pg 524-525 Chapter 12 equations are numbered out of order – need to be edited (including a () at the top of pg 525)

Pg 528, equation (28-21) Presently reads in numerator: x, Change to: L

Pg 534, equation (19-36) – actually is equation (19-37)

Pg 538, line 8 Presently reads: (19-57), Change to: (19-58)

Pg 538, paragraph 4, line 5 Presently reads: (19-39), Change to: (19-40)

Pg 540, Example 4, line 11 Value for cpair is off by x103

Pg 540, Example 4, solution is off by x103

Pg 541, Example 6, line 11 Value for cpair is off by x103

Pg 542, Example 6, line 8 Equation should read:

T∞ = [(TS MH2O)/( cp)](Pr/Sc)2/3[cH2O,s – cH2O,∞] + Ts

Pg 542, Example 6, line 13 Value used for cpair is off by x103

Pg 547, 28.14, line 13 Presently reads: vA = … , vB = … , vC = …

Change to: A = … , B = … , C = …

Pg 548, Prob. 28.19, line 4 Presently reads: x = … Change to: vx = …

Pg 548, Prob. 28.19 (b), line 4 dashed line in expression should be a solid line

Pg 549, Prob. 28.25 Value given for heat capacity of air is off by x10-3

Pg 556, line 2, close parenthesis sign following pA,i should be removed

Pg 557, Figure 29.7, x-axis Presently reads: pA*, Change to: cA*

Pg 564, Prob. 29.7 a. Presently reads: , kL; Change to: , kc; ?

Pg 564, Prob. 29.8, line 2 Presently reads: TCA/L Change to: TCA/l

Pg 564, Prob. 29.8 c. Presently reads: If kL … Change to: If kc = …

Pg 566, Prob. 29.16 c. Presently reads: …, pAL; Change to: …, pA.i*;

Pg 566, Prob. 29.20, figure Presently reads: 0= ? m3/hr Change to: v0 = ? m3/hr

Pg 567, Prob. 29.22, line 3 Presently reads: KL is … Change to: KGis …

Pg 574, Example 1, line 4 Write units of the result: = 0.868 cm/s (on one line)

Pg 576, Example 2, line 20 Presently reads: …for 0 is correct.

Change to: …for v0 is correct.

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Pg 599, Prob. 30.16, figure Presently reads: ∞ = 50 cm/s Change to: v∞ = 50 cm/s

Pg 600, Prob. 30.21, line 1 Presently reads: … in Figure 30.4 ….

Change to: … in Figure 30.3 …

Pg 637, Prob. 31.1, line 2 Presently reads: … 7.08 x 10-3 m2/s.

Change to: … 7.08 x 10-3 m3/s.

Pg 640, Prob. 31.20, line 8 Presently reads: … 8.8 kg mol/m3∙s∙Pa.

Change to: … 8.8 x 10-8 kg mol/m3∙s∙Pa.

Pg 640, Prob. 31.20, table Row headings are presently: XHCl and YHCl

Change to: xHCl and yHCl