Shining Stars of 2012-13
...Read our current newsletter below picture...

September 10, 2012

Hello Parents~

I hope this finds you doing well. Hard to believe we are in the third week of school already. It sure has been a busy start... good but very busy. We have had a few challenges with our daily schedules but I think we have finally ironed them out. Hopefully we will now be able to get into a routine which will help us all get into the swing of things.

First, I would like to tell you what a delight the kids have been. They have truly been amazing. I am very excited about the learning journey we are beginning together. The entire group walked through my doors with such excitement to learn…I LOVE it! We are going to have a great year!

Secondly, I would like to direct you to my web-site

This site is where I post all my parent communications, due dates, schedules, and newsletters. I attempt to keep the site updated, typically every two weeks or as needed, with necessary information. If you would like me to send you notification that the site is updated please send an email to the following address:

In effort to be GREEN, I don’t plan to send home newsletters. I will gladly copy them if you do not have internet access. Again, please jot me a note explaining.

Finally, I know the WAX MUSEUM is a MAJOR topic of conversation. The kids are SOOO eager to get started they just don’t know what to do! lol I have assured the kids to hold tight. I will be addressing the timeline/calendar with them later this week. At this point all the kids need to do start looking for a biography within their reading range. I will be sending home a lengthy explanation of each project as well as rubrics and detailed timeline. I assure you that you will have adequate time and direction. Tentative date is the Tuesday of Thanksgiving week…from 10-11:15.

As always, please feel free to contact me at my e-mail above at any time with questions, comments, or concerns. Calling the school at 740-687-7330 is also an option. Please know in advance that I have very limited time to talk but I will if you prefer that form of communication.

Have a great week…

~ Blessings ~
Mrs. Sines

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