DONNA ALBANO, Associate Professor of Hospitality and Tourism Management
- along with co-presenterMICHAEL SCALES,Associate Professor of Hospitality and Tourism Management, gave a presentation on “Hospitality Industry’s Perception of College Graduates’ Management Skills.”It was presented to the Northeastern Association of Business, Economics and Technology (NABET) Annual Conference. It was sponsored by NABET at PennsylvaniaStateUniversity.25, 26 Oct 2007.
along with co-presenter Dr. MaryBeth Walpole from RowanUniversitygave a presentation on the “Teaching Liberal Arts Skills in Professional Studies Courses: A Qualitative Inquires into Faculty Strategies,” to the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE). Louisville, KY. It was sponsored by RichardStocktonCollege. Nov 2007.
VINCENT A. CICIRELLO, Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Information Systems
- published “The Challenge of Sequence-Dependent Setups: Proposal for a Scheduling Competition Track on One Machine Sequencing Problems” and “On the Design of an Adaptive Simulated Annealing Algorithm” in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling Workshop on Scheduling a Scheduling Competition. Oct 2007.
JILL GERHARDT, Associate Professor of Computer Sciences and Information Systems
- was selected Alumna of the Month by the iSchool (Information Science and Technology) at DrexelUniversity. Dr. Gerhardt’s dissertation, picture, and biography were displayed for the month of July in the college lobby. This was the first month that the honor was bestowed on an alumna.
- presented “Equal Grade for Equal Work” at the Consortium for Computing Sciences Eastern Division, Eastern 2007. It was sponsored by Association of Computing Machinery and Special Interest Group in Computer Science Education. St. Joseph’s College. Patchogue, NY. Professor Gerhardt was also a judge of the student posters. 12-13 Oct 2007.
- presented “Developing an Equal Playing Field in the Information Systems Classroom,” at the 24th Annual Information Systems Education Conference on Bridges in Information Systems Education, sponsored by the Association of Information Technology Professionals. Pittsburgh, PA. 1-4 Nov 2007.
AJANTHA HERATH, Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Information Systems
- with Suvineetha Herath, presented and published in the conference proceedings, “Computer Forensics Learning Modules to Enhance Undergraduate Computer Security Curriculum,” and “Intrusion Detection Using the Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Test to Enhance Information Assurance Network and Software Security Curricula,” at the Rocky Mountain 16th Annual Conference, sponsored by the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges. UtahValleyState College. 19-20 Oct 2007.
DIANE HOLTZMAN, Instructor of Business Studies
- with DEBRA DAGAVARIAN, Assistant Provost, co-presented a session titled “Electronic Portfolios inTeaching and Assessing Adult Student Learning,” at the National Institute on the Assessment of Experiential Learning. Princeton, NJ. 2-4 June 2007.
- withDebra Dagavarian, co-presented a session with a colleague from RowanUniversity titled “Teaching the Millennial Generation,” at the annual conference of the Middle States Association Commission on Higher Education. Philadelphia, PA. 10 Dec 2007.
AUDREY WOLFSON LATOURETTE, Professor of Business Law
- was notified that her biographical profile was selected for inclusion by Marquis Who's Whoin the 2007-2008 Edition of Marquis Who's Who in American Law, which was published in August 2007. Marquis Who's Who is a reference publication that has been produced since 1899 which designates those persons whose achievements or positions merit national reference interest.
- was named University Associate of New York University for the 2007-2008 academic year. The appointment affords the recipient unlimited access to New YorkUniversity libraries and to faculty colloquia.
- was notified that her biographical profile was selected for inclusion by Marquis Who's Whoin the 2008 Edition of Marquis Who's Who in America, which was published in Oct 2007. Marquis Who's Who is a reference publication that has been produced since 1899 which designates those persons whose achievements or positions merit national reference interest.
- published “Distance Education and Copyright Law” in the International Journal of Business and Economics. 6. (Fall 2007): 108-118. The article appears in recognition of its receiving the McGraw Hill Publishing Best Paper Award in Law/Ethics and Higher Education when it was presented at the 5th Global Conference of Business and Economics at CambridgeUniversity.
- presented “The Challenge for Women at Law Firms and Law Schools,” at a conference called Advancing Women and the Underrepresented in the Academy National Symposium at New York University in NYC, NY and Johnson C. Smith University in Charlotte, NC. 16-18 Nov 2007.
- published an abstract called, “Copyright Implications for Online Distance Education,” in the Sixth Annual Volume, Publications of New Jersey’s Business Faculty. The abstract was edited by the Stillman School of Business at SetonHallUniversity in the New Jersey Policy Research Organization Foundation, for the New Jersey Business Magazine. 6. Oct 2007: 69, 178 and 194.
Amit Mukherjee, Assistant Professor of Business Studies
- with Brian Tyrrell, Assistant Professor of Business, presented “Transnational Advocacy Networks Confronts Transnational Tobacco Marketing” at the Annual Conference for the Academy of International Business – Northeastern Region. Portsmouth, NH. Oct 2007
MOHAMAD NEILFOROSHAN, Professor of Computer Science and Information Systems
- has been reappointed to serve for the academic year 2007-2008 as an American Board of Engineering and Technology accreditation evaluator for the fifth consecutive year by the Computing Accreditation Commission.
MICHAEL OLAN, Professor of Computer Science and Information Systems
- was selected to participate in a conference/workshop funded by the Department of Homeland Security at the Center for Dynamic Data Analysis (DyDAn) Reconnect 2007: “Data Analysis in Law Enforcement and Homeland Security.” RutgersUniversity. NJ.29 July - 4 Aug 2007.
MICHAEL SCALES, Assistant Professor of Business Studies
- presented “Implementing Group Service Learning Projects into a Hospitality/Tourism Management Course,” at the International Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Educators (I-CHRIE) Annual Conference. Dallas, TX. 25-29 July2007.
- along with Mills, J., BRIAN TYRRELL, Assistant Professor of Business Studies, Werner, W., and Woods, R. published“Cybergriping: Violating the Law While E-Complaining” in The Florida International University Hospitality and Tourism Review. Spring 2007.
- published “Hurricane Relief: How Katrina Empowered a Class of Freshmen. Case Study in Civic Engagement in the First Year of College”, a new volume in The First Year Experience Monograph Series. The NationalResourceCenter for the First Year Experience and Students in Transition. 2007.
- with CLIFF WHITHEM, Director of Hospitality and Professor of Business Studies, presented “Increasing Civic Engagement Through Service Learning In Business Courses,” at the American Democracy Project National Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. 7-9 June 2007.
- published “Hurricane Relief: How Katrina Empowered a Class of Freshmen. Case Study in Civic Engagement in the First Year of College,” a new volume in The First Year Experience Monograph Series. New York City: The NationalResourceCenter for the First Year Experience and Students in Transition and The New York Times. 2007.
presented “The ABC’s of the Hospitality Industry” for theStocktonCenter on Successful Aging (SCOSA). It was sponsored by SCOSA at the Atlantic County Institute of Technology. 12 Dec 2007.
Marilyn E. Vito, Professor of Business Studies
- presented “Women Like Wine – Aging to Perfection” to the South Jersey Senior Marketing Group at the TownsendResidentialLifeCenter. RichardStocktonCollege. 27 Sep 2007.
- with MaryAnnTrail, presented “Civic Engagement Ideas for the Liberal Arts” at the Summer Faculty Workshop on Encouraging Civic Engagement Across the Curriculum. RichardStocktonCollege Political Engagement Project. RichardStocktonCollege. 27 Aug 2007.
- was chosen as one of 3 scholars named at RSC and only 30 named nationally by the Carnegie Foundation and American Association for States Colleges Universities (AASCU). The purpose of the Carnegie Foundation/AASCU Political Engagement Scholar is to recognize work in promoting civic and political engagement across the curriculum and serve as campus liaison for national political engagement project conferences. 2007 – 2008.
- was notified that her biological profile was selected for inclusion by Marquis Who’s Who in the 2007-2008 Edition of Marquis, Who’s Who in American Education, 8th Edition.