Social Science 3EP


Programming of teaching units


Lesson 1. We live together

1. Objectives in terms of competencies and in relation to multiple intelligences

1. Understand, value and enjoy the different cultural and linguistic manifestations of our autonomous community, as well as Spain, the European Union, recognising and respecting the differences between people, based on knowledge of the diversity of geographical, social, economic or cultural factors that define the features inherent to each population and their demographic variables; to do this, it will be very helpful to study the reality of Spain as a meeting place of cultures. (Cultural awareness and expression / Interpersonal intelligence)

2. Know, value and respect human rights and democratic values that grant an inherent idiosyncrasy to different groups of humans, putting into practice skills and strategies for the prevention and peaceful and tolerant resolution of conflicts in the family and social scope in which students live and they develop as a person. (Social and civic competence / Interpersonal intelligence)

2. List of Content / Grading Criteria / Learning standards

Content / Grading Criteria / Learning standards
• Presentation of the content of the unit. P
• Introduction to the vocabulary of the unit. P
• Family. Family structures. C
• School and the educational community. C
• The rules of coexistence and responsibility in their fulfilment. P
• Town councils: composition, functions and municipal services. C
• Elections. C
• Norms of society and coexistence. V
• Cultural and popular manifestations. C
• The countries and capitals of Europe. C
• The countries and capitals of the world. C / • Become aware of the family environment of which students are a part, and of the values that are the foundation of family life, valuing pacific and tolerant cohabitation.
• Recognise the inherent characteristics and features of the different social groups, respecting and valuing their differences.
• Identify and name the elements that comprise the city, describe their functions and social organisation, including the citizens’ rules of coexistence.
• Describe the municipality and understand the basic structure of the city councils, learning the municipal services as well as their organisation and the duties of the persons that comprise it.
• Identify the cultural and popular manifestations that coexist in the environment, recognise their evolution in time and assess them as elements of social cohesion. / • Explains which are the values and feelings on which his or her family life is established.
• Values the contribution of each family member and shows respect and empathy toward him or her.
• Explains the family, school and town organisation and identifies some of the functions that their members develop.
• Describes the work that the persons that surround us perform and the importance of this for the society as a whole.
• Identifies and names the elements that comprise the town and describes their functions.
• Values the need to take care of the elements of the town so they can be used and enjoyed by all.
• Describes the social organisation of the town, identifying and respecting the social norms of coexistence and the bases on which they are founded.
• Defines municipality and knows the elements that comprise it, explaining the structure of the town council and the duties that it carries out.
• Names and describes municipal services, identifies the tasks that they carry out, valuing the jobs performed by the people that work there.
• Identifies, respects and values the most important democratic principles established in the Spanish Constitution, based on knowledge of how local bodies, the city council and the municipality operate and values the cultural, social, political and linguistic diversity as a source of cultural enrichment.
• Locates and names continents and oceans on globes and world maps.
• Locates on a political map of Europe the different countries and knows their capitals.
• Identifies some non-European countries and cities.
• Our heritage: students become aware of the importance of cooperation and identifies different ways of cooperating in their immediate environment
–  Identify different types of family relationships on a family tree.
–  Understand and apply the concept of maiden name.
–  Explain the changes that take place in our body as we grow up.
–  Create a family tree.
–  Draw a portrait of persons we live with at home and write a list of the things that we do to help one another.
–  Identify the class and recess rules, as well as the class delegate and the method with which the delegate was elected.
–  Search for the school rules.
–  Interview the school principal and the PTA president and identify the jobs they perform.
–  Give reasons for why class rules are important.
–  Name the public services of the place where the students live.
–  Do research on the mayor and city council regulators and present the information.
–  Relate the taxes that are paid with the services they cover.
–  Identify the election dates in their own city or village.
–  Give reasons for their own involvement in the place where they live and establish strategies to improve it.
–  Analyse the local problems and propose ways to resolve them.
–  Describe the local holidays.
–  Explain the traditions that are followed at home.
–  Search for a traditional song, learn the words and explain if it is related with any local holiday.
–  Identify the largest and smallest country in Europe and compare them.
–  Search for information on a European country and present it in class.
–  Do a puzzle with the map of Europe, identifying the capitals of the countries and Spain’s borders.
–  Do research on and compare the main cities of different continents.
–  Identify the capitals of different countries.
–  Do research on the capital of a country in the world.
–  Brainstorm ideas on the key content of the lesson to focus attention and be able to activate the previous knowledge necessary (in this case, the fact that we all live with other people peacefully, as well as the rules the that are followed in environments like the home, school, or village or city).
MOTIVATION / –  Ask the students questions on the rules that are followed when driving or walking on the street. Afterward students will observe the mural and must respond to questions asked by the teacher such as what traffic signs are they aware of.
–  Introduce the main vocabulary in the lesson.
–  Explain to the students that in this lesson they will look at topics related to family, school rules, community, the city council, elections, informed citizens, traditions, Europe and countries of the world.
COMPETENCIES AND MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES / ·  Do a study to discover how the city of London has changed over the course of history. Students should follow a methodology: Make a hypothesis, Research and Analyse. They’ll have to establish a hypothesis on how much London has changed over the course of its history. Afterward, and following the proposed links, they should analyse the maps of different historical moments of the city. Once the information is collected, they can decide if they were right in their hypothesis and establish a conclusion.
·  Students will have to do research on their great grandparents. To do so, they will start collecting information on family members using the Internet. Then they will create a poster with one of their great grandparents and do a presentation in class.
SUPPLEMENTARY / –  Hello song with a sing-along: listen to, discuss and translate some of the greeting of the Hello song, and, in groups of five, make up a new verse.
–  Stages of life: hang up photograph at the age of four or five and another current photo on a mural, discuss the different aspects, as well as things that they couldn’t do and now can.
–  My school: listen to, discuss and learn a poem about the school. In groups of five or six, they will invent a new verse dedicated to one of the bodies or levels of the school.
–  If I were the Mayor: in groups of five, prepare an agreed electoral plan to improve their city. Each group will give their political party a name, appoint a candidate for mayor and write their proposals. The candidates will have to present and defend their proposals in front of their classmates in class before their classmates vote for the aspiring candidate with the best proposal.
–  Home recycling: after viewing the proposed video, and following the book’s instructions, three rubbish bins will be duly indicated for recycling. Each day a student must empty the rubbish bins in the corresponding containers.
–  Poster activity: in groups, choose a holiday in Spain, search for information and depict it on a posterboard, which will be displayed in class. Each group will give a presentation to the rest of their classmates explaining the village or city they chose and the details of their holiday and tradition.
–  World cultures: in groups, pick a country, search for information and prepare a presentation in class. The rest of the classmates will visit the exhibition, express their opinion in a dialogue where they can ask questions.
–  Make your own globe!: following the instructions given, make a globe of the world with paper mache and tempera paint.
Photocopiable sheets for review
–  Complete different sentences with the vocabulary studied in the unit.
–  Relate words on kinship with their definitions.
–  Write the name of ten European countries.
Photocopiable sheets for further study
–  Draw two actions that can be performed to collaborate with the neighbourhood.
–  Establish whether various statements are either true or false.
–  Classify different countries according to the continent they belong to.
Grading resources (material for the teacher)
–  Photocopiable grading sheet:
• Establish whether a set of statements are true or false.
• Write two rules that are followed at home, school and the place where you live.
• Explain who governs a town or a city, where they do it and how those persons are elected.
• Name three European and non-European countries, and specify the continent they belong to. / Course plan and teaching guidelines
Indicators for on-going grading
–  Competencies work/Multiple Intelligences
–  Grading competencies / Multiple Intelligences Individual record.
–  Portfolio index.
–  Grading report.
Use reading comprehension strategies:
Silent reading (self-regulation of comprehension).
Reading aloud.
Comprehensively read text.
Read other written texts, in digital format, interactive activities…, to obtain information, learn, have fun or communicate.
Read text fragments.
O/W Expression
Oral activities to break the ice, which allow an appropriate ambience to be established, and the topic to be introduced.
Appropriately express orally/in writing the learning, using accurate vocabulary.
Respond in writing to questions related to the content of the lesson.
Listen to sounds corresponding to objects and actions and identify them.
Observe and discuss images.
Use open-ended questions, information search tasks, games …
Sing songs.
Online resources (
–  Interactive Digital Book.
–  Flashcards.
–  Listening exercises.
Web links
Sing the Hello song (
Link on recycling
–  Describes the human lifecycle.
–  Names different jobs that are performed at the school.
–  Knows the different holidays and draditions of the towns.
–  Differentiates the different services of the town where the student lives.
–  Proposes ways to cooperate with the city where the student lives.
–  Explanation of which are the values and feelings on which his or her family life is established.
–  Value of the contribution of each family member and shows respect and empathy toward them.
–  Explanation of the family, school and town organisation and identifies some of the functions that their members develop.
–  Description of the work that the persons that surround us perform and the importance of this for the society as a whole.
–  Identification and naming of elements that comprise the town and describes their functions.
–  Value of the need to take care of the elements of the town so they can be used and enjoyed by all.
–  Description of the social organisation of the town, identification and respecting of the social norms of coexistence and the bases on which they are founded.
–  Definition of municipality and knowledge of the elements that comprise it, explaining the structure of the town council and the duties that it carries out.
–  Naming and description of municipal services, identification of the tasks that they carry out, valuing the jobs performed by the people that work there.
–  Identification, respect and value of the most important democratic principles established in the Spanish Constitution, based on knowledge of how local bodies, the city council and the municipality operate and values the cultural, social, political and linguistic diversity as a source of cultural enrichment.
–  Location and naming of continents and oceans on globes and world maps.
–  Location of the different countries on a political map of Europe and knowledge of their capitals.
–  Identification of some non-European countries and cities.
–  Student’s book Social Science 3, edebé
–  Flashcards
–  Murals
Online resources
–  Interactive Digital Book
–  Listening exercises
–  Flashcards
–  Art and Science
Other resources
–  Activity book Social Science 3, edebé
–  Digital whiteboard
–  Educational resources
–  Consumable material / –  Classroom; other spaces.
–  Approximate time: three weeks. / The proposed methodology promotes the construction of significant learning based on the following sequence: