Solution ID: 200782194 / Date Last Revised: 12/28/2004

Title: Troubleshooting Rate Errors

Abstract: An overview and FAQ of Basic Rates/Errors in PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne Transportation software.

Table of Contents

Charge Code Set Up
Rate Definition Specifications
Setting Up Lookup Types/Values
Advanced Rate Definition Specifications
Basic Route Set Up
Options and Equipment
Multi-Currency Set Up
TroubleShooting Rate Errors


A rate determines the cost of shipping product for inbound and outbound shipments to various locations and the amount that will be charged for the freight. The cost to ship products is referred to as Payable Freight. The amount that is billed to customers for freight is called Billable Freight. A rate definition specifies the following:

·  The basis for the rate such as Weight, Cubes, or Distance value.

·  The structure for the rate such as a single flat rate, a one-dimensional look-up rate, a two-dimensional look up rate, or whether it will be stored in the route.

·  Whether the rate is Payable, Billable, or both.

·  Whether discounts can be applied and if there are any rate parameters, including Minimum and Maximum charges, or container Dimension restrictions. (see Advanced Rate Specifications)

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Charge Code Set Up (P4978, F4978, menu G49412)

Charge codes are set up to group similar freight charges together for accounting and tax purposes. The charge code description appears on the customer invoice.A rate can have a charge code for billable charges and a different code for payable charges. If the G/L class code is left blank the system uses the default value from the Customer Master (F03012) or the Supplier Master (F0401). The Freight Allocations Flag will proportionately allocate shipment charges to each item that contributes to the total weight and volume of the shipment. The Tax Y/N field will determine when tax is collected on freight payables. Freight tax is calculated based on the following: the taxable flag passing from the Charge Code table, the Tax Rate/Area, and Tax Explanation Code passing from the Carrier Master.

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Rate Definition Specifications (P4970, F4971, G49412)

/ Rate Type is an amount that is multiplied by the weight, volume or other factor to calculate the total charge. The different types include:
1.  Unit Amount- the amount charged specified by the rate basis.
2.  Fixed Amount- amount charged regardless of weight or volume (flat rate).
3.  Stored in Route- actual charges are stored in the route set up.
4.  Prorated Amount- an amount that calculates 1 or more billable charges by prorating a payable charge based on Volume or Weight.
5.  Business Function Exit- a BSFN calculates the rate, all rate set up is ignored.
Rate Level
1.  Shipment- the rate is calculated based on the entire shipment regardless of whether separate items exist within the shipment.
2.  Detail Level- the shipment is rated according to a common attribute (NMFC number, Dispatch Group, Category code 1 or 2) that is set in the Item Master (P4101) Storage/Shipping row exit.
3.  Piece Level- the system calculates the rates for each piece within the shipment and adds those rates for a total freight charge (parcel rating).
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Setting Up Lookup Types/Values (P4970, F4971)

/ Calculating a rate can be done using the look-up types as variables with numerous choices from the UDC 49/BM that include Dimensions, Distance, or Carrier Zone. The values for Lookup Type 1 and 2 are stored in the Rate Structure Definition (F4973) file. / Lookup Type 1 Values
Geometrically, the Look up Type 1 value is the X axis variable and the Look up Type 2 value is the Y axis variable. / Lookup Type 2 Values

Rate Structure- this field allows for easy maintenance of rate tables, copying the Look up Type 1 and 2 labels from the Rate Structure Definition (F4973) for the specified rate.

Once the Look up Type 1 and 2 values have been established the actual rates need to be added to the Rate Detail (F4972) table.

Note, using the rate definition/lookup set up from above an order for 2 EA (1,000 lbs EA) shipped to a customer with a zip code of 24433 will result in a billable/payable charge of $20 (2 EA * 1000 lbs = 2000).

/ Note that rates can be set up for various combinations including:
·  specific Origin
·  Carrier Number
·  Inbound or Outbound Shipments or both
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Advanced Rate Definition Specifications

Advanced Settings Form Exit (P4970)

·  Contains settings for use of Dimensional Weight rule or Factor as well as the settings for Pro-Rated Charges (Rate Type 4).

·  Rate Type 5 Business Functions are input here to bypass all other rate tables and settings.

Rate Parameters (P4970, F4977)

Contains information that allows further definition of how charges are assessed by the Carrier or the Rate, including:

·  Base charge mark ups/discounts

·  Maximum and Minimum charges

·  Container Dimensions

For more detailed information related to advanced rate definition specifications please reference the EnterpriseOne XE Transportation Management System Manual.

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Basic Route Set Up (P4950)

A Routing Entry defines the Origin and Destination that is served by a common carrier or private fleet. In addition, a Routing Entry specifies the Carrier Number and Mode of Transport used for a given combination of Origin and Destination for a Shipment or Load. It also specifies the information used by the rating system to calculate the Freight Charges. After a rate has been assigned to a Rate Schedule, the schedule must be attached to a route in either the inbound (FRSI) or outbound (FRSC) rate schedule fields:

In order for the Route to be a valid selection, the routing entry must contain the following information:
·  Origin
·  Destination
·  Carrier
·  Mode of Transport
·  Rate Schedule / Routing Hierarchy / The Origin for Routing Entries can be specified as follows:
·  Origin (address number for Branch Plant, Supplier, or Hub)
·  Origin Postal and Country Code
·  Origin Branch Plant
Note: The Business Unit Master (P0006) AND also the Branch Plant Constants (P41001) must contain the Address Book Number for Origin Depot.
The system does not display more than one routing entry for the same combination of carrier and mode. For example, if there are two entries for the same mode, both servicing the Origin and Destination, the system uses the most specific entry, based on the Routing Hierarchy.

For more detailed information related to route set up, restrictions, and other routing features please reference the EnterpriseOne XE Transportation Management System Manual.

Options and Equipment (P4915, Work with Shipments row exit)

If a shipment or load has been created and an Option/Equipment has been added to the shipment or load only routes that offer that specific Option/Equipment will display. No errors will be received when selecting the route if any route offers that Option/Equipment. However, if no routing entry offers that specific Option/Equipment, error 082S will be issued (see below). Note, if a routing entry has an Option/Equipment added to the route it will still display for shipments and loads that do not require that specific option/equipment.

The Option/Equipment can be specified by Mode of Transportation, Carrier Number, or specific Route Number.

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Multi-Currency Set Up

For Payable Charges, make sure that there is a rate defined in either the Carrier's Currency Code or in the Domestic Currency Code. For Billable Charges, a rate should be defined in the Customer's Currency Code or in the Domestic Currency Code. Error 089V may be issued when selecting a Routing Option (P4980) that does not meet the aforementioned criteria or does not meet other set up (see below).

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Troubleshooting Specific Rate Errors (P4980)

In order to troubleshoot specific errors issued in the Routing Options screen, look at the actual route Error ID (DTAI) that is referenced for each Route.The error that is referenced for each specific route applies only to that routing option and not to all options listed. As seen in the example above, Error ID '089U' is issued.

Detail Error ID / Cause of Error / Resolution
082S (no routes appear) / No routing entries met the criteria for the Shipment step or Load. / Go to Routing Entries (P4950) and view all possible routing entries for the shipment step or load. For each routing entry verify the following:
·  Routing Restrictions, Carrier, Mode of Transport, Lead and Transit Dates are correct.
·  Check that the Origin and Destination are correct on the Route and also the Shipment.
·  The Planning and Transit days required allow the route to be selected.
·  The route is effective for the current date.
·  That no Options/Equipment are required by the Shipment.
089V / No detail rate exists. Rating could not find a detail rate record that could be used for the requested shipment or load. / Make sure that the Origin Address Book Number is set up in the Revise Single Business Unit (P0006) on the 'More Detail' tab and that the same number is set up in the Branch Plant Constants (P41001) for that business unit. Verify that the Actual or Promised Ship Date is not zero. For Payable Charges, make sure that a rate is defined to that specific Carrier Number or a blank Carrier Number. For Billable Charges, a rate must be set up for the specific Ship To Address or to a blank Ship To Address.
089T / The value for Lookup 1 was not found in the rate structure defined on the rate definition. / Check to insure that the correct rate structure is referenced on the rate definition, including the following:
·  Rate structure ranges for inclusions of zero or blank in case the value is not populated.
·  Missing values in the Rate Structure Ranges (F4973) or incorrect UOM entries.
·  For numeric values, insure that fractional amounts are included in the range definitions.
·  The correct values are present in the Shipment Header (F4215).
089U / The value for Lookup 2 was not found in the rate structure defined on the rate definition. / Check to insure that the correct rate structure is referenced on the rate definition, including the following:
·  Rate structure ranges for inclusions of zero or blank in case the value is not populated.
·  Missing values in the Rate Structure Ranges (F4973) or incorrect UOM entries.
·  For numeric values, insure that fractional amounts are included in the range definitions.
·  The correct values are present in the Shipment Header (F4215).
069F / The Rate Type must be '1' or '2' when the rate is stored in the route. / Check the Rate Type (FRTP) value on the Route (F4950). This must be set to either a '1' or '2' when the rate is stored in the route.
089L / No freight rate schedule exists in the Freight Rate Schedule (F4970). / Add the rate name to the Rate Schedule (P4970).
103W / Carrier and Preferred Carriers mismatch. / This is not an error. When in routing options, a lightning bolt will display next to the routes that are not preferred according to how preferences are set up. However, the route may still be selected.
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