The Texas A&M University System

The Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service

Agency Rules

07.03.01.N1 Political Campaign Events on Property Under the Control of The Texas

Engineering Extension Service

Approved: July 22, 2008

Revised: September 30, 2013

Next Scheduled Review: September 30, 2018


Rule Statement


This rule is required of state-supported institutions of higher education. The Texas A&M

University System and its members are required to remain neutral in partisan political activities. Individual faculty, staff, and students continue to enjoy all constitutional rights and privileges concerning freedom of speech and participation in political events, subject to reasonable time,

place and manner restrictions.


Reason for Rule


This rule implements state law governing political activities on property under the control of the

Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service.


Procedures and Responsibilities


1. Endorsement of Candidates and Officeholders

TEEX will not attempt to affect the result of an election or nomination of a candidate or to achieve any political purpose, including but not limited to actions such as endorsing, recommending, or

otherwise indicating political support for any candidate for an elected office, or for any current

office holder of such an office. It is the intent and expectation of TEEX that all employees avoid

any behavior that could reasonably be interpreted as an agency endorsement, support or promotion

of political candidates or political activities. Nothing in this Rule should be construed to limit the

right or ability of any employee to express personal opinions or to exercise his or her right to engage

in political activities outside his/her official capacity or affiliation with TEEX, within the

limits of The Texas A&M University System Policy 07.01 Ethics, System Policy 07.03

Conflicts of Interest, Dual Office Holding and Political Activities, and System

Regulation 07.03.01 Political Campaign Events on Property Under the Control of The

Texas A&M University System.

2. Use of Facilities

All political events held on Agency property must be approved in advance by the Agency


3. Use of TEEX Symbols, Insignia, and Other Identifying Marks

The agency prohibits the use of its name, symbols, insignias, or other identifying marks in

any political endorsements, campaigns, elections, or political activities.


Related Statutes, Policies, or Requirements


Texas Gov’t Code, Chapter 556

System Policy 07.01 Ethics

System Policy 07.03 Conflicts of Interest, Dual Office Holding and Political Activities

System Regulation 07.03.01 Political Campaign Events on Property Under the Control of The Texas A&M University System


Contact Office


TEEX Financial Services


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