
2012 No. 28Issue –International Trade

The growth of China construction machine industry slowed down

The trade association indicated that the growth rate of China construction machine industry would only be 4%-5% while it is estimated to be 12% at the beginning of this year. After Chinese “4000 Billion Investment”, the investment to the basic construction decreased and the demand to construction machine fell sharply. The sales volume of some products has gone down by 40% compared with the same period last year. However, the industry estimated that the growth rate would be back to 12% in 2013.

China rare earth export decreased

According to China customs statistics, the export of rare earth is just about 9967 tons in the first 9 months of 2012, down by 11.5% compared with the same period last year. The industry indicated that Japan declined the dependence of China rare earth and some enterprises reduced its production because of the price fall. China now is trying to improve the additional value of rare earth.

The prospects of Chinese textile export to Brazil look good

The prospects of Chinese textile export to Brazil look good. Brazil now is the sixth biggest economic entity in the world and its domestic consumer market is active. Some Chinese enterprises are exploring its market. Its demand for the textile will provide a huge market opportunity to Chinese textile enterprises because of the its World Cup and OlympicGames in the near future.

China becomes the second biggest seed market

The size of Chinese seed market has expanded to nearly RMB 100 billion. It has become the second biggest seed market in the world. There are nearly 7000 seed enterprises in China, among which top 50 enterprises have a market share of more than 30%. This active seed market made great contribution to the Chinese grain production.

Chinese industrial products export was in trouble

The growth of Chinese industrial products export was just 2.7% compared with the same period last year. The profit of industrial enterprises went down by 3.1% in the first 8 months compared with the same period last year, of which the cost rose faster than the income. Some industries, such as the steel and cement, were puzzled by serious excess production capacity. Chinese government wanted to issue some supporting policy.

Chinese food export enterprises need to re-register in the United States

According to the notice from FDA, all the food manufacturers which exported to the United States should re-register in the United States from Oct 22, 2012 to Dec 31, 2012. Or its products will be

prohibited from entry of the United States. Chinese government has set up the working group to help the Chinese food enterprises.

Mexico pressured Chinese textile export to the United States

Chinese textile products accounted for about 37.2% of the United States market in the first 7 months of 2012. Meanwhile, Mexico now dropped to the sixth clothing exporter to the United States, which is caused by the rise of its cost. Mexico requested China to negotiate under the WTO for the Chinese subsidy to its textile product in order to pressure Chinese textile export to the United States.

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