Lanercost CE Primary School

Number 2 October – 2015

Dear Parents,

I am pleased to say that all of the children have settled back in well and are working hard. September was a busy month with our trip to Long Meg and Penrith museum, Cyclewise, the netball and football tournaments as well as the beetle drive. It looks like October is going to be action packed as well!

Beetle Drive:

Thank you to everyone who attended this event and madly rolled dice and drew interesting beetles! Just over £100 was raised for the FOLS funds.

FOLS Halloween Disco: - Friday 23rd October

This year’s Halloween disco will be held at The Dacre Hall on Friday 23rd October. Please see the FOLS committee for further details.

WHS Netball Tournament:

On Wednesday afternoon Amy, Ella, Fern, Hannah, Lewis and William G. took part in the William Howard netball tournament. Of the five matches that they played, they drew four of them and lost to Fir Ends (the tournament winners). Despite being a fairly inexperienced team they played well and came third overall which was a fantastic result. Well done! Pictures of the team in action are on the website on the Sports Event page.

Brampton Consortium Football Tournament:

On a fairly chilly Saturday morning our team of footballers took part in the annual football tournament at William Howard School. The team comprised of Daniel, Fern, Fergus, Hannah, Lewis, Megan, William B. and William G. who played five matches against Hallbankgate, Warwick Bridge B team, Lees Hill, Bewcastle and Irthington B team. Of the five matches played they won against Hallbankgate, drew against Irthington and Bewcastle and lost to Warwick Bridge and Lees Hill. Everyone was excited to get

through to the semi-finals where they were narrowly defeated by Lees Hill who were the overall winners. Some excellent sportsmanship was exhibited by our players and both Mr Laithwaite and I were very proud of them. For more pictures of the team in action visit the Sports Event page of our website.

Stone Age Topic:

Our Stone Age topic has got off to a good start, with both the trip to Long Meg and Penrith museum and the visit from Rufus the Stone Age man. Judging the Stone Age summer homework has been extremely difficult

because of the fantastic standard of all the work. The prizes were won by the following pupils; Nina (class 1), Maia (class 2) and Ethan (class 3).

November: To let you know what is happening:

Stone Age pottery with Carolyn Marr

Stone Age art with Alex Jacob-Whitworth

Stone Age feast

Flag of the Month:

We have a new flag flying for this month, Friday’s homework will be to find out about this country. (Clue - Mr McClure has just visited this country!)


We were very proud that all of our cyclists were awarded with their level 2 certificates and that Charlie (the instructor) was extremely complementary about the standard of their behaviour. A special mention was given to William A. and Ella for their excellent attitude.

Maths Curriculum Evening and Maths Passports:

Thank you to all parents who attended this evening; your feedback indicated that you found it useful. For those parents who were unable to make it, Mr Laithwaite is available after school on Thursday at 3.30pm for a brief meeting to fill you in on what you missed.

Parents Evenings Monday 19th and Tues 20th Oct 3.40 – 6.30pm

Letters will be sent out on Monday to let you know what time your parents evening meeting will be.

Parents Assembly at the Priory


Monday 5th October

Monday 2nd November

Monday 7th December

Please come and join us in our act of collective worship at 9.15 am for approximately 20 minutes.

News from the Garden:

Thank you to everyone who has sent in wellington boots to be planted with spring time bulbs, Elaine Nightingale was very pleased with the response to the request. The garden has produced some delicious raspberries and runner beans, however, the potatoes didn’t do very well as they have got blight.

Harvest Festival and Saints Celebration – Friday 16th October at 2.15 pm

This year we plan to incorporate the work that we have been doing for our RE week based on saints with our Harvest Festival. This will be on Friday 16th October at 2.15pm in the Priory. Please come along and join in with our celebration. Please bring any Harvest Produce into school on Thursday 15th October; proceeds will go to the Moot Lodge in Brampton.

Talkin Tarn X Country –Friday 23rd October

Just to let you know the date of the cross country has been confirmed and will take place on the last day of this half term.

Parents are more than welcome to come along and watch; the races start at 1.00pm. Children can either go home directly or come back to school for the end of the school day. Please be aware that parking is no longer free and the car park becomes very congested. Nursery children are welcome to come but must be accompanied by a parent. This will be the last year that we can take the whole school as the event is becoming too big.

New dates for your diaries:

FOLS Secret Santa Room: Saturday 28th November, 9 -1pm Low Row Village Hall

This is an excellent opportunity for your child/children to come along and buy presents for their parents and siblings in a wonderfully friendly atmosphere whist helping FOLS to raise funds towards the cost of the Christmas pantomime treat in December. FOLS will be sending out a request for gifts shortly.

Christingle Service – Friday 4th December 3.15pm

Please come along and join the children in a Christingle service at the Priory on Friday 4th December. In the preceding week all children will be making their own Christingle in school. As children will be holding a lit candle during part of the service parental attendance is essential.

Christmas Play:

Please note that we have decided to do both the afternoon and evening performances of the Christmas play on Wednesday 9th December which is different from previous years.

Carol Service on the last day of term:

On Thursday 17th December our carol service will start at 1.30pm and will be finished by 2.30pm. Please can you ensure that you are able to pick your children up at the end of the service as all of the staff will be leaving promptly in order to attend a literacy training course in Penrith.

Forthcoming diary dates (please note that these could be subject to change)

Dates can also be found on the website


Mon 5th Priory 9.15am

Wed 7th Year 3 and 4 Festival at WHS 3.30 – 4.45

Mon 12th RE Week

Fri 16th Harvest Festival 2.15pm

Mon 19th Parents Evening 3.45- 6.30pm

Tues 20th Parents Evening 3.45- 6.30pm

Fri 23rd Talkin Tarn X country 1pm

Halloween disco at the Dacre Hall

Half term


Mon 2nd Collective worship in the Priory 9.15am

Tues 3rd Individual and family photos

Thurs 5th Alex Jacob-Whitworth to work with children on Stone Age art

Wed 18th KS1 Festival 3.30-4.45

Sat 28th Secret Santa 9 - 1pm


Wed 2nd Year 5 and 6 Festival 3.30-4.45

Thurs 3rd Pre School Xmas party 1.30pm

Fri 4th Christingle Service at the Priory 3.25pm

Mon 7th Priory 9.15am

Wed 9th pm performance of Xmas play 2-3pm

Wed 9th Evening performance Xmas plays 6.30 – 8pm

Thurs 10th Christmas Special dinner

Fri 12th Pantomime at the Sands am

Tues 15th Xmas party 1.30- 4pm

Thurs 17th Carol service 1.30pm

Term finishes

Date of next newsletter – Friday 6th November

Best wishes,

Alison Clarricoats
