Answer the following questions and submit at the start of the Experimental Enzymology Lab session.

All page references are for the Physiology Lab Manual, starting from Page 19.

1. Enzymes are ______that act as biological ______.

2. Enzymes increase the ______of a chemical reaction without ______.

3. The ______on the enzyme is an area into which the substrate molecule fits.

4. What is denaturation of an enzyme?

5. Succinctly define a) competitive and b) non-competitive inhibition in terms of enzyme action.



6. In Part I: Urease Activity and Diffusion Dish (p20): Side A will always have ______in it. Side B will always have the ______and ______in it.

7. Bromothymol blue is ______at a basic pH, ______at neutral pH, and ______at an acid pH. If the bromothymol blue in your supply basket is at an acidic pH, its color would be ______.

8. In the reaction that is catalyzed by urease (p20), the products generated are ______and ______. What changes in the indicator solution (bromothymol blue) will you look for to indicate an end point of the reaction? ______.

9. In Exercise 2, Experiment B, what goes in Side B? ______and ______.

10. In Exercise 4, Experiment C, what goes in Side B? ______and ______.

11. The enzyme amylase digests the specific molecule ______, which is a type of ______, it is made up of many molecules of ______. Therefore, the only molecule liberated during this chemical reaction will be: ______.

12. Reading the procedure for Part II Amylase Activity (p23): Adding one drop of ______to the sample in the cell well chamber is used to determine if a reaction has occurred. Dark blue-black indicates the presence of ______. A yellow/brown color indicates ______, because it has all ______.

13. For Exercise 5, Effect of pH on Amylase, diagram below what you need to do in this experiment: