
The objectives of this laboratory are:

  1. To demonstrate delta-modulation
  2. To convert an analog signal into a 3 bit digital

Equipment List

1 . PC with Matlab and Simulink


Most real world signals of practical interest, such as speech, radar signals, sonar signals, and various communication signals such as audio and video signals are analog. To process an analog signal by digital means, it is vital to convert it into digital form. That is to convert it to a sequence of numbers having finite precision. This procedure is called analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion, and the corresponding devices are called A/D converters. However, modern demands for precise, fast transmission and processing of such signals coupled with the recent advances in VLSI technology has resulted in the necessity of cost-effective and highly accurate A/D converters. Sigma-delta modulation has recently become the choice for high resolution A/D conversion. The sigma-delta modulator, which forms a significant part of an A/D converter, uses the concept of oversampling the signal and shaping the noise out of the band of interest. The benefits of such an oversampled noise-shaping converter include inherent linearity and high tolerance to circuit imperfection.

The block diagram of a general sigma-delta modulator is shown below. The sigma-delta modulator consists of a discrete time integrator, a quantizer and a D/A converter in the feedback path. The discrete time integrator (accumulator) is modeled as an adder and a unity delayor in the feed-forward path, with unity feedback. The role of the feedback in the sigma-delta modulator structure is to force the average value of the quantized signal to track the input. By doing that, any difference between them is accumulated in the discrete time integrator and eventually the system corrects itself.

A qualitative description of a conventional first-order S-D modulator is given below. The quantizer (comparator) produces +1s for positive inputs and -1s for negative inputs. The output from the quantizer is feedback and subtracted from the input. This generates an error signal u(k), which is the difference between the input and the output signals of the modulator. In this case the feedback forces the output signal to be equal to the input signal. When the output from the quantizer is +1s , y(k) is greater than the input, and the error u(k) is negative. At this time negative values will be accumulated in the accumulator, and will force after a few clocks cycles the quantizer to produce -1s and therefore the error u(k) will become positive. Also the error u(k) will be reduced because positive errors will cancel out negative errors when averaged over a period of time. Now with -1s at the output of the quantizer y(k), the error u(k) will be positive and positive values will be accumulated in the accumulator, and will force the quantizer after a few clock cycles to produce +1s. This operation, of producing +1s and -1s at the output of the modulator and averaging them over a period of time is related to the DC input value of the modulator.

The figure below shows how the output y(k) from the modulator responds to a sinusoid applied to its input x(k).

The frequency response of the modulator is plotted below. Applying a 32k FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) using a Hanning window has produced the output. It is obvious that the Sigma-Delta modulator shapes the quantization noise away from the signal band leaving the actual signal virtually unaffected.

figure 9 (a) Delta modulation

figure 9 (b) Delta modulation – block parameters of DPCM encode

figure 9 A – Delta Modulation

The input signal is given by

figure 9 (c) Delta modulation – input signal

figure 9 (d) Delta modulation quantization recovered signal

figure 9 (e) Delta modulation – input signal & output