Trailside Middle School

Choral Department



Trailside Middle School School

20325 Clairborne Parkway

Ashburn, VA 20147

Dream * Believe * Achieve

Trailside Middle School

Choral Department

McKenna M. Klontz Contact Information:

Director of Choral Activities

Trailside Middle School 571-252-2280

Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome to Vocal Music at Trailside! I am extremely excited to welcome you to the brand new Timberwolves choral community. Through our vocal program, I hope you will develop insight, appreciation and passion for making music with others while gaining critical skills to develop personal musicianship in and outside the classroom. The study of choral music provides opportunity for musical growth, confidence, enrichment, and ensemble skill through diverse repertoire, music theory practice and expressive music making with others.

This choral program has something for everyone and welcomes all ages and ability levels. A few exciting events this year include three seasonal concerts, Fall, Winter and Spring. Additional events throughout the year include Solo and Ensemble, Virginia Music Educators Association Adjudicated Events (such as contest), district chorus, small ensemble work, a spring day trip to a local amusement park and exciting collaborations with other schools in the Loudoun County District.

The choir handbook is intended to help students and parents take advantage of the wonderful opportunities provided through the Trailside Middle School Vocal Music program. Please take the time to read through the details and begin marking your calendars with upcoming events, form due dates and ensemble fees! This handbook attempts to eliminate student/parent misunderstanding by providing a reference of all policies. Please feel free to contact me with questions, concerns or positive comments! As a new director and educator in the district, I am anticipating a truly wonderful year of music-making, growing, and encouraging each and every grow!


Ms. Klontz

Singing is a skill that can be developed with practice and perseverance


Through the rehearsal process, students will be able to...

  1. Distinguish and apply unison and part singing in an ensemble
  2. Recognize and use standard musical terms and markings within choral repertoire
  3. Recognize and apply proper vocal techniques (posture, head/chest voice, tone quality, intonation, diction, phrasing and general vocal care)
  4. Study and perform quality choral literature from many genres; secular, sacred, world, folk song, vocal jazz, pop, multicultural holiday, spirituals)
  5. To develop and share a respect for choral music and singing with one another, the school and community
  6. Evaluate musical performances, including: recordings, live performances, personal performance and sight reading performance
  7. Demonstrate appropriate stage presence, proper performance and audience etiquette (including movement when specified)
  8. Develop sight singing skills as a group and individually
  9. Explore vocal improvisation and part independence
  10. To proudly represent and build and uphold a long-standing tradition of choral music at TSMS

Singers‘ Responsibilities

  1. Class Materials:

1. Pencil (Must have at every rehearsal or counts as a tardy)

2. 1” Black Matte Binder with repertoire for specific ensemble

3. 4 Different Colored Highlighters

4. Headphones

5. One small flash drive, for storing projects

6. Agenda

  1. Classroom Expectations:

1. Be respectful: Be respectful of yourself, others and their property.

2. Be prepared with your music and pencil at EVERY rehearsal.

3. Be on time to every rehearsal: Please respect our limited rehearsal time, respect will be given to your time as well.

4. Be proactive and plan ahead: Check your calendar in advance to avoid conflicts. All conflicts must be discussed with Ms. Klontz, see attached conflict form.

5. Be an active participant! Take responsibility for your personal effort and put into the ensemble what you wish to get out of it. Everything we do, we do together.

6. All electronic devices must be OFF and OUT OF SIGHT, unless otherwise instructed by Ms. Klontz

III. Daily Classroom Procedures

1. Set your belongs in the designated area. Check that electronics are off and away!

2. Students will be seated with their binder and pencil before the bell rings

4.Check the board for further instructions (ie: board work or warm up instruction)

5.Chewing gum, food or drink (except water in a closed container) will not be present during rehearsal!

Tardy Policy:

If you are late, you must give your hall pass/agenda directly to Ms. Klontz, then follow class procedures and join the rehearsal. If unexcused, students must report directly to the main office.

Restroom Policy:

Each student will receive three restroom passes at the beginning of the grading period. These passes must be filled out by the student and presented to Ms. Klontz prior to leaving the room. Once you are out of passes, each restroom trip counts as a tardy. Any extra passes at the end of the semester are used as extra credit points on the students Final Exam.


Music is a constant refinement of skills that students obtain through daily practice, ensemble work and diligence. In an ensemble setting every musician shares his or her own unique timbre, voice and personality to create the ultimate whole: A Choir. Individual and group vocal development, especially in developing voices, is an area that should be monitored and cultivated. Formative and summative individual and group vocal checks will occur periodically to ensure every musician’s success and healthy vocal development.

Grading Policy

Students grades will reflect individual achievement and growth based on the initial assessment of course content. Quarterly grades will round up when the percentage is .5 or higher. The final grade will be calculated using the summative assignments which are distributed during the quarter. In addition to achievement, work habits and formative assessments as noted in Clarity will be evaluated for each course using the following symbols.

4 - Surpasses Expectations

3 - Meets Expectations

2 - approaching expectations

1 - Needs Improvement

***Student grades reflect student achievement, not student behavior ****

Performances and/or Group Singing Tests: Graded Summative Assessment

-Concert attendance is REQUIRED for every student enrolled in choir

-Students are expected to remain for the ENTIRE concert and often the final song will include a group number

-Students are expected to keep track of performance dates, after school rehearsals and all components of the choir uniform

***Students may be excused from an UNAVOIDABLE conflict. To be excused, a parent or guardian must submit a letter to Ms. Klontz along with the conflict form attached to the handbook THREE WEEKS prior to the event. Serious emergencies or illness will also be excused with verification from a parent or guardian. In EITHER case, students must make up the performance by singing assigned portions of the music for Ms. Klontz (live or recorded) within ONE week. Students will also view the recorded concert and fill out the group evaluation form.

Assignments/Quizzes/Short Projects: Summative Graded Assessment

-Musical Knowledge Quizzes (music theory, music vocabulary, etc.)

-Personal Goal Setting: reflective writings or other short projects as assigned

-Weekly practice of assigned music

-At least once per quarter, students will sing a solo or solo passage for Ms. Klontz. Students will sing live for Ms. Klontz and/or record their solo using recording devices provided at lunch, before school and after school. Students may substitute a SmartMusic assessment, auditioning for District Chorus of All Virginia MS Chorus for any of these assessments

Daily Work: 1-4 Formative Assessment

-Students will earn a daily grade (1-4 points) with 1 point assigned for accomplishing each task:, materials, posture, music reading and singing/written work

Demonstrating Responsibility: 1-4 Formative

-Binder Checks with sections neatly organized (Music in concert order, board work completed)

-Turning in assignments on time (permission slips, homework, etc.)

-Attending dress rehearsal on time and bringing required uniform

Examples of possible projects/concert attendance:

-Performance in an approved outside concert (submit program)

-Attendance at an approved concert by another Trailside Ensemble (submit program)

-Attendance at an approved concert in the community with a written summary (accapella groups, community chorus concerts, events at the Kennedy Center)

Optional Materials:

-SmartMusic Account: Ask Ms. Klontz for detials

-Uber Sense account

-Sound Cloud App.

Performance Attire:

In a few weeks students will be bringing home Polo Shirt Order forms. The Polos will come in many sizes and will be red and feature our Trailside Choir Logo. In addition to the polo, you will need:

1. Black Dress Pants - not leggings or black jeans

  1. Black Shoes - heels no higher than 1”
  2. Black Socks - no designs

***When we perform hair must be pulled back and out of your face

Order forms will also be sent home for a “casual” choir t-shirt later in the month.

Concert Etiquette:

Audience members are encouraged to follow well-established standards for formal concert behavior.

1. Refrain from talking during the performance.

2. Remain seated for the entire concert if at all possible. If it is absolutely necessary to do so, move only between selections and exit at the nearest door.

3. Wait to re-enter the auditorium until the performing group is finished.

4. Applause is the only appropriate form of expressing appreciation. Please wait until the conductor lowers his or her hands to indicate the completion of the selection or work.

  1. Please eliminate disruptions by turning off ALL ELECTRONICS (pagers, cell phones etc.)
  2. Please remove small children who are crying or speaking loudly to the lobby for a moment until they are prepared to re-enter the concert.

7. Students are not permitted to leave until the end of the concert and are expected to observe all performing groups. This is part of the educational process and to support your fellow musicians!

Trailside Middle School

Choral Department

Ensemble Information:

6th Grade Concert Choir: Comprised of 6th grade men and women, this ensemble provides a continuation of skills in part-singing, musical independency, varied repertoire.

7th Grade Chorus: Comprised of 7th grade men and women, this ensemble will explore varied literature for two and three part harmony. We will focus on sight singing, solfege and singing varied repertoire throughout the year.

8th Grade Symphonic Choir: Comprised of 8th grade men and women, this Choir studies and performs a variety of literature, increases sight singing ability and explores singing and performing in small groups.

Extra Musical Opportunity:

1. ACDA National Honor Choir Auditions: Salt Lake City, Utah Feb. 25-28th

Middle School/Jr. High School Girls and Boys Honor Choir. Ms. Klontz will be assisting with practice tracks, smart music tracks and recording!

Go to and follow the links for Honor Choir auditions. You will be asked to sing part of Handel’s “Hallelujah, Amen” along with the accompaniment. The music and sound files are available on the website. We will record students and then submit tracks as an mp3 file.

All auditions are due by September 30th

  1. District Chorus Auditions: for 7th and 8th grade choral students, November 4th
  1. Middle School All State: Auditions typically due end of January
  1. Voices United Annual: Annual Summer Festival

Calendar: please see the website for details!

Spring Trip:

This spring, the Choral Music Department will take a Spring Trip to Hershey Parkto perform, get verbal and written feedback and experience a professional competition. This trip serves to promotes our school choral program, allows students feedback and participation in educational clinics and promotes bonding between our choir students. We are already looking for parent volunteers to assist with our trip! Details to follow!