Record of Tollesbury WI Annual General Meeting

10th April 2017, 7.30pm, Parish Rooms, Tollesbury

The President welcomed36 members and 0visitors

The Record of last monthly meetingon 13th March 2017and that of the Annual General Meeting 11thApril 2016 were taken as read and placed on the screen for members to read, to be signed at the end of the meeting.

Annual General meeting:

  1. Judy Crees was elected president, by all members, for the forthcoming year.
  2. Angela Nixon resigned as Minute secretary.
  3. 2 new committee members: Sue Redhead and Angela Legerton

Correspondence received this month was:

  1. 17-18 June NFWI “The Great Get Together”. No event planned.
  2. Essex WI intend to reduce paper flyers as events advertised in Essex News.
  3. 2017 quiz – Diverse Essex £1 per copy
  4. 7-8 July 2017 Centenary WI show request for cakes

7-8 July 2017 Centenary WI showrequest for Stewards – 3-4 hours in exchange for a free ticket.

  1. 8-11 Sept 2017 Gosfield Lake Resort, Halstead – WI Campers weekend £40pp
  2. 19.6.17 Bure Valley Railway £40 members £44 non-members
  3. 24.11-31.12 RHS Hyde Hall – decorate trees with hand made recycled decorations - £5 per entry
  4. 7. Leaflet on training days in 2017
  5. 22-23 April 2017 Cake International, Alexander Palace - £13 Seniors;
  6. 20-22 April 2017 Stitching, Sewing & Hobbycrafts Show, Excel £11 Seniors;
  7. 13-14 May 2017 Essex Fine Food Show, Chelmsford City Racecourse - £6 pp
  8. Thank you card received from Beacon House for St Mary’s Church’s clothes
  9. Bulb booklets

Members agreed to the following decisions:

  1. Janine Carter, Treasurer, asked members to agree to the financial statements dated 2016-2017. Jill Mason seconded this and all members agreed.
  2. Janine Carter proposed the coming year’s budget and all members agreed.
  3. Janine Carter proposed Sheila Gunson to be our auditor for the next year and all members agreed.
  4. Judy Crees, President, proposed adoption of Committee’s report and all members agreed.

Members were reminded of:dates for future trips and events

The financial position was:The end of year Financial Statement was presented by the Treasurer and agreed by members. The statement is held by the Treasurer along with other Financial Documents and can be seen on request.

This month’s speaker was:Jane Bird, Essex Federation Representativewho chaired the formal part of the meeting and spoke about the Essex Federation of WIs.

The talk was on:N/A

The social time was:A Toast to the Essex Federation celebrating 100 years. Members enjoyed wine, cheese and biscuits.

Flower of the month won by:N/A

Competition won by:N/A

Future planned events include:8.6.17 Archaeological tour, Colchester

19.6.17 Heybridge walk

3.8.17 Hampton Court

Signed and dated as a true record of the meetingJudy Crees(President)1 May 2017