The National Alliance for Medicaid in Education, Inc. (NAME)

Invites you to Present at our

9th Annual Conference

“Aspire to New Heights With Medicaid in Education”

Conference Dates: October 11-14, 2011

Conference Location: Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town, Albuquerque, New Mexico (

Deadline to submit applications to present: April 25, 2011 EXTENDED to May 12, 2011!!

Mission of Name:

NAME Bridges Medicaid and Education to promote integrity in school based health services.

Conference Goals:

v  Share current information, news, research, successful systems and best practices with members and other interested individuals and organizations on the wide array of issues pertinent to Medicaid covered services delivered in public schools.

v  Provide a forum for professional development to enhance the capacity of school personnel, clinicians, administrators and others to comply with federal Medicaid and special education requirements.

v  Build relationships with federal agencies and other national organizations and agencies who are also interested in supporting school based health services programs.

v  Facilitate networking between Medicaid and special education professionals.

We are seeking proposals from individuals, teams and panels to present breakout and/or nugget sessions:

Breakout sessions are usually 1.5 hours in length which allows for an in-depth presentation on a specific relevant topic while allowing plenty of time for audience participation, discussion and Q & A. Conference attendees choose from several concurrently offered breakout sessions.

Nugget sessions are 25 minutes in length and are repeated four consecutive times over two hours. Nugget sessions provide a high-level overview of a topic or a sliver of in-depth knowledge on a narrow topic. Over the two hour period, Conference attendees can attend up to four different nugget sessions from those offered concurrently.

Audience: Professionals such as special educators, health care providers, Medicaid policy specialists, education administrators, state and local government policymakers, Medicaid coordinators in school districts, Medicaid billing and consulting vendors, and others who work in fields related to Medicaid, health care and related services delivered in public schools, or who work with health care issues pertinent to children and young adults.

Attendance: 192 in 2008 195 in 2009 217 in 2010

How to submit a proposal:

·  Save this WORD or interactive PDF document to your computer,

·  Complete pages 3-6;

·  E-mail your proposal as an attachment to by April 25, 2011 EXTENDED to May 12, 2011

·  Keep a copy for your records

The Application to Present is also on the NAME website ( Click on the Annual Conference tab, then “2011 Conference”, and finally “Proposal to Present”.

Suggested Topics:

The NAME Annual Conference is the national forum for an audience that works in the education and/or health care and related fields. Attendees are committed to learn more about best practices in Medicaid reimbursement to schools, quality assurance and service delivery issues that they face in their various roles and responsibilities with school-based health services programs. We welcome presentations on the following or other related topics.

Meeting federal mandates from Medicaid, Special Education/IDEA and Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), while delivering effective, high quality services for children and youth with disabilities.

The most current national, state, regional or local policy issues or changes and impacts. on Medicaid and/or Special Education programs. Consider the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act; the national health care reform--Affordable Care Act; or others.

Retaining and improving the integrity of your Medicaid school based health services program with dwindling resources.

Lessons learned while implementing specific changes in your State’s SBS program.

v  The economic climate and its impact on all levels of government, including school systems and health care and related services delivered by public schools.

v  Innovations in data systems that meet requirements of Special Education and/or Medicaid.

v  Improving child health and/or educational outcomes.

v  In-depth looks at day-to-day operations of school based health services programs—what makes your district’s program successful.

v  Identifying partners for program improvement, local collaboration, overcoming challenges and being successful.

v  Medicaid Outreach- either an overview or in-depth analysis or both. What are the hidden gems and disappointments in your system and processes? How do you integrate Medicaid and Special education and related services? How do you reach children and families to give them information? To help them apply for Medicaid?

Selection Process:

All proposals received by the deadline will be evaluated by the Conference Education and Program Subcommittee, using selection criteria that support the Mission of NAME and goals of the Conference. Presenters will be notified of the decision early June 2011 via email. The Conference Committee reserves the right to make and suggest adjustments to the title, description, presenters and/or content of the proposal.

Presenters are required to submit final presentation materials (handouts, PowerPoint presentation, etc) electronically by August 31st, 2011. Product pitches, marketing and sales NOT be accepted. All final presentations will be edited to determine if any factors could be perceived as product pitches or marketing and presenters will be required to remove such elements from the materials. This includes company logos on presentation materials.

All Presenters must register for the Conference and are responsible to pay for their own conference registration, travel, lodging, food and other expenses. Each Nugget and Breakout presentation accepted will receive one $50 conference registration discount. If there is more than one presenter, the presenters decide who will use the $50 discount and inform the Selection Committee during the application process.

If you have questions about submitting a proposal contact:

Cathy Griffin, , 651-582-8263

Jane Reagan, , 517-335-2250

Application to Present

1.  Lead Presenter Contact Information: the lead presenter is the person with whom the Program and Education Subcommittee will communicate and who is responsible to share communication with co-presenters. If your presentation is selected, THIS INDIVIDUAL WILL RECEIVE the $50 discount from the Conference Registration fee unless you inform us otherwise.
Address, including city, state and zip
Phone number
Email Address
Short bio of your professional career
include education, degrees and positions held, including responsibilities in current position (attach separate sheet if necessary) Limit 200 words
2.  Additional Session Presenter
Address including city, state and zip
Phone number
Short bio of your professional career
include education, degrees and positions held, including responsibilities in current position (attach separate sheet if necessary) Limit 200 words
3.  Additional Session Presenter
Address including city, state and zip
till l free to call at any timek a box)
ersion and I will have my folks remove the wording from the pictures she will
Phone number
Email Address
Short bio of your professional career
include education, degrees and positions held, including responsibilities in current position (attach separate sheet if necessary) Limit 200 words

Note: If there will be more than three presenters, Cut and Paste # 3 above and add as many as needed

Presentation Details
Suggested Title of Presentation
(< 10 words) / (This should tell attendees what the session is about and entices them to attend your session. Be creative. Hint: Use the conference theme if possible.)
Describe the essence of your presentation. / (Some, or all, of this will appear in the official program and may be edited for clarity and/or space.)
Provide at least three course objectives / Participants of this session will be able to:
Samples are provided below. Simply delete to enter your own.
1) Use at least three techniques to prepare for an audit of their program.2) Identify federal regulations related to Third Party Liability (TPL).
3) List at least two strategies for long-term success of a Medicaid School Based Services Program.
Which area(s) does your proposal address? (you may check more than one) / Double-Click in boxes to check or uncheck
Medicaid Administrative Claiming
Medicaid Direct Billing for IEP Services
IDEA Funding or Regulations
Innovative Programs/Services for Children with Disabilities
Personal Development
Presentation will best suit attendees with this level of understanding /
Basic: those with limited or no knowledge about the topic.
Intermediate: those who have some understanding about the topic but want to add to their knowledge or skills.
Advanced: those with extensive understanding who are interested in further refining small details in the programs and services for which they are responsible.
All: general audiences with all levels of knowledge on the topic.
Type of session proposed /
Nugget: 25 minute session that is repeated, back-to-back at least four (4) times over two hours. Concurrent with multiple other sessions.
Breakout Session: In-depth presentation on specific relevant topic. Provided concurrently with other breakout sessions and lasting:
(NOTE: Most are 1.5 hours in length but the Education and Program Subcommittee may adjust the presentation time based on scheduling needs, but will attempt to honor your preferences)
We are/I am willing to repeat this breakout session more than once
Audio/Visual Needs /
Please check all equipment you will need for your presentation:
LCD (projector Laptop
TV/VCR Microphone

Flip Charts/markers Overhead Projector

Other ______

I/We agree that by submitting a proposal to do a presentation at the 2011 National Alliance for Medicaid in Education, Inc. (NAME) Annual Conference, each presenter will comply with the conditions below. Please check each statement to show you understand.
To attend the Conference (not just as a presenter), it is necessary to register and pay the registration fee .
We are responsible for our own travel expenses.
Presentation materials will be submitted according to the timelines established by NAME.
Presentation and handout materials will be placed on the NAME web site.
Select only one of the boxes below and fill in person’s name if applies:
Each unique General, Nugget and Breakout presentation accepted will receive ONE $50 Conference registration discount
As explained in the first section of this application, the lead member of our presentation team will receive this discount
Instead of the lead presenter receiving the registration discount, we have designated another presentation member to receive the discount (insert Name here) :______

Proposal Checklist:

q. Deadline for submission of proposals is April 25, 2011 EXTENDED to May 12, 2011

q. Double-check that you completed all information in the application and saved a copy for your records.

q. Submitted applications are evaluated by the Conference Education and Program Subcommittee using the following selection criteria:

v  Presenter qualifications;

v  Supports the Conference goals;

v  Appropriate to the NAME audience;

v  Furthers the Mission of NAME;

v  Is NOT a sales, marketing or promotional pitch

q. Applicants will be notified of acceptance by Early June, 2011.

q. Final presentation materials must be submitted to NAME by August 31, 2011.

If you have questions contact:

Cathy Griffin, , 651-582-8263

Jane Reagan, , 517-335-2250