UMW HERC Fall 2014 Member Professional Development Session

“Supporting Faculty Through Their Transition Into Retirement”

Jean McLaughlin, Associate Director, Institutional Leadership Group, American Council on Education, and co-editor and co-author, Faculty Retirement:Best Practices for Navigating the Transition*

Friday, November 7, 9:00-11:30

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Walter Library, Room 402

“The number of faculty retirement programs and policies that cover pre- and post-retirement for faculty has been growing. To best meet the needs of retiring individuals, institutions are moving beyond simply finding ways for faculty to feel secure about their finances and health coverage, and work to helping faculty find outlets through which to continue their ‘positive accomplishments.’ Fortunately, many of the ways through which faculty may continue these efforts are beneficial to their institutions.

In this seminar, emerging strategies and best practices for faculty retirement transitions implemented by higher education institutions will be discussed. The intended audiences include practitioners who work with faculty on campuses, academic leaders in administrative positions, and researchers who study retirement transitions of faculty and staff.”

All interested faculty and staff at UMW HERC current and prospective institutions are welcome to attend this free event.

Please RSVP to by Monday, November 3rd. Pre-registration is not required, but is appreciated. Directions and parking instructions:

If you are unable to attend the event but would like to participate via a remote broadcast, contact HERC, 612-626-0775 or . You will be able to log in from your desk. The tentative URL is However, check the HERC homepage the day of the event to confirm the URL.

Additional questions? Contact Mary Everley, Director, UMW HERC, at or 612-626-0775, orconsult the HERC website for more information.

*Limited copies of Faculty Retirement:Best Practices for Navigating the Transition will be available for sale at the session.MW HERC Fall 2012 Membership M