G9DF 23 SVQ 3 in Community Support through Electronic Monitoring at SCQF Level 6- Structure

To attain the qualification candidates must complete 8 Units in total. This comprises:
5Mandatory Units
3 Optional Units

Please note the table below shows the SSC identification codes listed alongside the corresponding SQA Unit codes. It is important that the SQA Unit codes are used in all your recording documentation and when your results are communicated to SQA.

Mandatory Units: Candidates must complete 3Units
SQA code / SSC code / Title / SCQF level / SCQF credits
F29704 / AA1 / Promote Equality and Value Diversity / 7 / 8
F2AT04 / AB1 / Communicate Effectively with People / 5 / 4
F799 04 / AC1 / Contribute to the Quality of Team Working / 6 / 8
Mandatory Units : Candidates must complete from 1 to 3 Units from this group
SQA code / SSC code / Title / SCQF level / SCQF credits
F29804 / AE1 / Maintain and Develop Your Own Knowledge, Skills and Competence / 5 / 5
H4R504 / AE1 / Maintain and Develop Your Own Knowledge, Skills and Competence / 5 / 5
F299 04 / AF1 / Ensure your own Actions Reduce Risks to Health and Safety / 5 / 8
H4RV 04 / AF1 / Make Sure Your Own Actions Reduce Risks to Health and Safety / 5 / 8
Optional Units: Candidates must complete 1 – 3 Units from this group
SQA code / SSC code / Title / SCQF level / SCQF credits
D7F0 04 / FG1 / Contribute to Planning the Installation and Decommissioning of Electronic Monitoring Equipment / - / -
D7F3 04 / FG2 / Install and Decommission Electronic Monitoring Equipment / - / -
D7F4 04 / FG3 / Help People to Comply with Electronic Monitoring Requirements / - / -
D7F104 / FG4 / Identify Electronic Monitoring Incidents and Initiate a Response / - / -
D7F504 / FG5 / Follow Up Electronic Monitoring Incidents in the Field / - / -
Optional Units: Candidates must complete 1- 2 Units from this group
SQA code / SSC code / Title / SCQF level / SCQF credits
F29C04 / AD1 / Develop and Sustain Effective Working with Staff from Other Agencies / 5 / 6
DK4L04 / AF2 / Protect Yourself from the Risk of Violence at Work / 6 / 10
F29F 04 / DA1 / Provide and Obtain Information at Courts and Formal Hearings / 6 / 11
B83X 04 / DA2 / Represent the Agency in Courts and Formal Hearings / 9 / 9
F29Y 04 / FE3 / Drive Vehicles to Carry Out Custodial Duties / 6 / 4
F79A 04 / GA7 / Communicate and Engage with Children, Young People, and their Families and Carers / 7 / 11
F2AK 04 / ME8 / Support the Efficient Use of Resources / 6 / 5
F2AL 04 / HF16 / Manage Information for Action / 7 / 6
B6KL 04 / HJ2 / Monitor Compliance with Quality Systems / - / -
B6T2 04 / ZA1 / Receive, Transmit, Store and Retrieve Information / - / -
D7F7 04 / ZA3 / Research, Prepare and Present Information from a Variety of Sources / - / -
D7F6 04 / ZB3 / Provide Effective Customer Service / - / -
F2AM 04 / ZH2 / Enter and Find Data Using a Computer / 4 / 5