Nativity Prep Academy NAME:

6th grade Science

Scientist Behind the Science

List of Scientists

6th grade Scientists

·  Alfred Wegener (pg. 19) – Theory of Pangaea

·  Harry Hess (pg. 25) – Proposed ocean floors moved

·  J. Tuzo Wilson (pg. 32) – Theory of Plate Tectonics

·  Friedrich Mohs (pg. 111) – Created the Mohs Hardness Scale

·  Evangelista Torricelli (pg. 460) – Invented the Barometer

·  Benjamin Franklin (pg. 460) – Demonstrated that lightning is a form of electricity

·  Joseph-Louis Gay-Lussac (pg. 460) – Traveled 7 km in altitude studying the troposphere

·  Auguste Piccard (pg. 461) – First to travel to the stratosphere (16 km)

7th grade Scientists

·  Robert Hooke (pg. 7) – First to Observe Cells, Cell Theory

·  Anton Van Leeuwenhoek (pg. 8, 246) – First to Observe Bacteria, Cell Theory

·  Matthais Schlelden (pg. 10) – Claimed all plants are made of cells, Cell Theory

·  Theodor Schwann (pg. 10) – Claimed all animals are made of cells, Cell Theory

·  Rudolf Virchow (pg. 10) – Claimed cells form only from other cells, Cell Theory

·  James Watson & Francis Crick (pg. 57) – Figured out structure of DNA

·  Gregor Mendel (pg. 70) – Father of Genetics

·  Walter Sutton (pg. 86) – Formation of sex cells

·  Charles Darwin (pg. 137, 224) – Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection

·  Stephen Jay Gould & Niles Eldridge (pg. 150) – Theory of Punctuated Equilibria

·  Francesco Redi (pg. 210) – Disproved Theory of Spontaneous Generation

·  Louis Pasteur (pg. 211) – Disproved Theory of Spontaneous Generation

·  Aristotle (pg. 219) – First to classify organisms

·  Carolus Linnaeus (pg. 222) – Created Binomial Nomenclature naming system

·  Alexander Fleming (pg. 293) – Discovered Penicillin

·  T.W Engelmann (pg. 310) – Found clues about how light is involved in photosynthesis

·  Jean-Baptiste Van Helmont (pg. 312) – Concluded plants only need water to survive

·  Joseph Priestley (pg. 312) – Concluded plants release something into air that keeps candles burning

·  Jan Ingenhousz (pg. 312) – Concluded plants need sunlight to produce oxygen

·  Julius Sachs (pg. 313) – Discovered plants develop carbohydrates during photosynthesis

·  Melvin Calvin (pg. 313) – Followed chemical path for photosynthesis

·  Hermann Von Meyer (pg. 470) – Discovered the Archaeopteryx fossil

·  Dr. William Beaumont (pg. 576) – Observed the role of the stomach in digestion

8th grade Scientists

·  Galileo Galilei (pg. 40, 731, 742) – Stated that an object tin motion does not need a force to continue moving, observed moon features, proved Copernicus correct

·  Sir Issac Newton (pg. 40, 743) – Discovered the 3 basic Laws of Motion, explained forces that keep planets in orbit

·  Blaise Pascal (pg. 79) – Discovered pressure increases by the same amount throughout a confined fluid

·  Archimedes (pg. 83) – Discovered the amount of fluid displaced by an object is equal to its buoyant force

·  Wilbur & Orville Wright (pg. 89) – Fathers of Aviation

·  Daniel Bernoulli (pg. 89) – Found that the faster a fluid moves, the less pressure it exerts

·  James Prescott Joule (pg. 101) – Calculated amount of work for one unit of heat

·  Albert Einstein (pg. 145) – Theory of Relativity

·  James Watt (pg. 151) – Improved the steam engine

·  Democritus (pg. 454) – Suggested everything was composed of atomos

·  John Dalton (pg. 455) – Atomic Theory

·  Robert Boyle (pg. 476) – Found when pressure on a gas is increased at a constant temperature, the volume decreases

·  Jacques Charles (pg. 478) – Found when temperature on a gas is increased at a constant pressure, the volume increases

·  Robert H. Goddard (pg. 726) – Showed liquid fuel can provide continuous power

·  Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (pg. 726) – Came up with idea for multistage rockets

·  Ptolemy (pg. 741) – Believed Earth was at the center of the solar system

·  Nicolaus Copernicus (pg. 742) – Showed the sun was at the center of the solar system

·  Tycho Brahe (pg. 742) – Made highly accurate observations of the positions of the planets

·  Johannes Kepler (pg. 743) – Discovered the orbits of the planets was elliptical

·  William Herchel (pg. 765) – Discovered Uranus

·  Clyde Tombaugh (pg. 767) – Discovered Pluto

·  James Christy (pg. 767) – Discovered Pluto’s moon, Charon

·  Ejnar Hertzsprung & Henry Norris Russell (pg. 798) – Created graphs of temperature and brightness of stars

·  Edwin Hubble (pg. 811) – Discovered that the farther away a galaxy, the faster it is moving