AT 12:00 NOON ON THE 7th DAY OF JUNE, 2017

The Board of Park Commissioners of Decatur Park District, Macon County, Illinois, met in a regular session on Wednesday, the 7th day of June, 2017 at the hour of 12:00 Noon at the Decatur Park District Administration Office, 620 E. Riverside Avenue, Decatur, Illinois at which time and place there were present the following officers and members of said Board:

Bob Brilley, II, President

Chris Harrison, Vice President

Chris Riley, Commissioner

Jack Kenny, Commissioner

Absent: Stacey Young, Commissioner

A quorum of the members of the Board of Park Commissioners being present, President Brilley called the meeting to order and declared the Board to be in session for the transaction of business.

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States was recited.

PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing on Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance No. 2017-5 for Fiscal Year 2017-2018 having been published for June 7, 2017, at 12:00 Noon at the Decatur Park District Administration Office, 620 E. Riverside Ave, Decatur, IL was held accordingly. No one from the public presented questions or comments at the hearing.

NO. 15740 A motion was made by Commissioner Kenny and seconded by Commissioner Harrison to close the public hearing. Upon call of the roll all voted aye.

NO. 15741 Commissioner Riley moved that Ordinance No. 2017-5 Annual Budget and Appropriation be adopted as presented, seconded by Commissioner Harrison. Motion carried unanimously upon call of the roll.

NO. 15742 A motion to approve items 1 – 4 on the Consent Agenda was made by Commissioner Kenny and seconded by Commissioner Harrison. Upon call of the roll all voted aye.

1.  Minutes of the Previous Meeting

2.  Approval to Purchase a 2017 Dodge Grand Caravan Minivan (Recreation Dept.)

3.  Approval of Ordinance No. 2017-7 Adopting Prevailing Wage Rates

4.  Bills for Approval

NO. 15743 A motion was made by Commissioner Harrison and seconded by Commissioner Riley to table the update and approval of the annual agreement with the Izaak Walton League of America. Representatives will attend the June 21 meeting to provide an update of the club and request approval of the land lease agreement.

DISC STAFF RECOGNITION Several staff members from the Decatur Indoor Sports Center were involved in saving a patron’s life who appeared to suffer a heart attack. They acted quickly and professionally. Although the AED was ready if needed, it did not have to be used. Kudos to Jamie Davis, Tony Albertina, Abby Lowe, Jeff Rounds, and Annette Sutton.

NO. 15744 IDOT Division of Aeronautics handled the bid letting for the project of rehabilitating the pavement around hangar G. Seven companies submitted bids, with the low bid being from Feutz Construction Company in the amount of $415,348.00. The project is 95% funded by Federal grant money, with a 2.5% match from each the State and Decatur Airport. Hanson Engineering will oversee the project. A motion was made by Commissioner Riley and seconded by Commissioner Harrison to approve the low bid received from Feutz as presented. All voted aye upon call of the roll.

NO. 15745 ADM rents two hangars at Decatur Airport, and the current lease will expire June 30. Staff recommended approval of the renewal of a one-year lease agreement. ADM has signed the lease. Commissioner Harrison made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Kenny to approve the ADM Hangar Lease Agreement for another year. All voted aye.

RECREATION Today is National Running Day. The Decatur Running Club, Fleet Feet and Park District partnered to hold “The Big Run” at 6:00 p.m. starting at Fleet Feet on Wood St. near the DISC. The run will include a 5K through Lincoln Park.

Movie in the Park was very well attended last Friday evening in Nelson Park. Stone Soup Shakespeare’s presentation of Julius Caesar prior to the movie had a good turnout, as well. The mini golf and ropes courses were also busy.

DISC Day Camp had a record number of campers this week at 107.

Fairview Pool is open, baseball/softball and soccer games are ongoing, and Camp I Can and B.O.S.S. have started. Free Admission Thursdays began at Scovill Zoo on June 1.

The first Shake the Lake concert will be this Friday. The concert begins at 7:00 p.m. and will feature Borderline.

Almost 5,000 people have been through the ropes course. The batting cages should be completed by the end of June.

CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Administration staff has been busy with the opening of summer facilities and getting procedures in place for each. Deposits are coming in.

Staff continues preliminary work on the audit in preparation for the auditors to be onsite in early July.

GOLF The Zoo Open was rained out and will be held on June 30 at Red Tail Run. No teams have withdrawn at this time.

The Ladies Golf Clinic was completed May 25, with 30 enrolled.

On Memorial Day weekend, the Jr. Golf Prep Tour played at Red Tail Run and Hickory Point, with 78 players. The Bob Scherer Pub Links also played that weekend.

The Golden K Outing had a very nice day at Hickory Point on June 2. Also in June is the Decatur-Forsyth Classic, Junior Optimist Tour and Signature Cup.

The golf courses are in fabulous shape.

OPERATIONS On May 12, volunteers from the Golden K did cleanup work at Sinawik Park. They rotate every other year between Sinawik and Kiwanis to clean up the parks.

A group of 150 ADM interns volunteered to remove honeysuckle at Fairview Park on May 26. They worked near Pavilion 4 in the west end and in the area by the pool.

Construction on the batting cages continues. The machines will be installed and calibrated this week. Sidewalks and site grading will be done next week, as well. The batting cages will have lighting, which was part of the bid for the facility.

The native grass planting contractor has been in town working in Nelson Park to kill the grasses where the new native plantings will be installed. The areas will start to turn brown where the grass is being killed from the pesticide application.

The City has started the storm sewer replacement project in Nelson Park. This will be done before the new parking lot and road project begin in August. The area is sealed off by the contractor for safety reasons. Nelson Park Pavilion #1 is not being rented at this time.

The south side of the roof on the large pavilion in Fairview Park is finished, and the contractors have moved to complete the north side.

The Shake the Lake concerts and 4th of July will be held this summer in the area near the Beach House parking lot.

Pavilion 2 in Nelson Park has a new grill and is ADA accessible. The bathroom project will start soon.

AIRPORT Staff held a tour for the DISC Day Campers. The Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts will also take summer tours.

The north ramp pavement project is back on track after weather delays and the concrete plant being down. Once the concrete is poured, it will have to cure for 20 days.

Hats off to staff for getting the airport looking great for Airport Fun Day. The day was a huge success with 121 Young Eagle flights. The Macon County Sheriff’s Office did K9 demonstrations and sponsored the Mister Softee ice cream truck.

OFFICER CULP The burglary at Graceland Ball Complex has been solved, but the golf cart has not yet been recovered.

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR In the instance of the medical emergency at the DISC, we saw that our safety program paid off. The lifeguards at the pool have regular audits where they are evaluated. It is great to see staff in action using their training when the time comes.

There is a need for an executive session to discuss the sale and lease of real estate.

Commissioner Riley made and Commissioner Harrison seconded a motion that the Board recess to Executive Session. All voted aye and the meeting moved into closed session at approximately 12:50 p.m.

A motion to adjourn closed session and return to open session was made by Commissioner Riley and seconded by Vice President Harrison and unanimously approved.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Vice President Harrison and second by Commissioner Riley and was unanimously approved.

/s/ Bob Brilley II President, Board of Park Commissioners

/s/ Amanda M. Childress

Secretary, Board of Park Commissioners