VPWG Minutes January 2015 DRAFT

Attendees: ABrose, BGC; Dkolke, OBB; JEash, MWCDC; JMcNutt, UPP; DDanna, MWCDC; TDolan, HA; KKeating, EDS; PBrewton, ELDI; BKossis,OPDC; ESing, GTECH; ENusser, LC; DLeyden, NSLC; HEwing, LC; RBey, LCF/UPP; CConnors, NSLC; LRuss, ALyon, KBoyle, BDavidson PCRG;

The Cahir called the meeting to order at 9:20. Introductions were made.

Minutes: The Minutes were reviewed and passed with one minor date correction. EN/DK


The group discussed the following updates:

PWSA – Staff will be meeting with them in February to discuss Conservatorship. There was an additional request to discuss PWSA’s new practice of attaching liens fo owner portfolios, which is holding up closings.

City Land Recycling Process: Staff and chair are requesting follow-up information regarding adjacent owners and re-notification and will follow-up with City Finance regarding property reserve parcel responsibility (ie need two adjacent properties for a project and one doesn’t make it through), and what is the minimum tax delinquency amount to be eligible for sale (eg. 5425 Natrona – 120-N-23 $98.77 TTB 4/2014 sale -Thought was $300)

ACTION – staff will follow-up on opinion letter request from City Finance to the Solicitor

Update: Staff and Chair updated the group on the 12/18 meeting with city leadership.

Staff and Chair relayed the following goals:

·  Need for over all vision‘vision’

·  Difference between side yard v developable

·  Process losing clarity/transparency/

·  Wasking for clarity on when groups can have confidence around parcel acquisition

Outcomes: monthly meeting with leadership


LC did an analysis of Lawrenceville treasurer’s sale transactions - $250k was made at sale from LC-initiated parcels. Similarly, $150k was generated from MWCDC-initiated parcels.

ELDI and BGC offered to do a tax increment analysis for their development over the last 5-10 years.

GSA followed a similar path and after 14 months and has had limited to negative progress. Noted that it is important to have mayor’s office at the table.

Land Recycling Updates –

The group reviewed the immediate past and upcoming treasurer’s sales and land reserve report.

4/2014 sale note – the 18s/7s are going to be put back on the next (August or October 2015) sale.


·  10/14 sale note – deposits due 1/30

·  4/15 sale – no updates / compliance deadline 1/16

·  8/15 sale – deadline for info request 1/27

·  10/15 sale – no notes

There was a request to discuss with the city if we can we use the monies that CDCs have generated to hire a staff person to do the title research hire a property title researcher for certain really tangled properties?

The group noted that the city needs to clean up the process before we are willing to go the extra step to do the title research.

The City is requesting settlement statements immediately – need to do a ‘bring down’/additional costs

The group would like the city to NOT send settlement sheets to title company at that point, as it is very confusing.

The group noted that if it a lot was once a structure that was demolished, BBI may have a contact in their file.

GLS – groups have had some success negotiating the cost owed to GLS down (URA/HI have had this work) and recommended others try this strategy.

Update: Rental Registry : Staff updated the group that the proposed rental registry ordinance has been tabled for the first half of 2015.


·  VLTK – Esing provided the update that the City and consultants have been working on the processes and policies more-so that the resource guide itself at this point

·  GTECH - Lots2Love website ready for testing next month. Staff will send around the link when ready

·  Conservatorship law – December 2014 state amended the legislation. Will discuss changes at a later meeting

·  Permanent Affordability Legislation (SPDistrict) updates

Adjourn – There was no new business and the group adjourned at 10:55am