The Blue Foundation for a Healthy Florida

Line-Item Budget Instructions

Two important components of your grant application are the line-item budget and budget narrative. Please carefully read the instructions before completing the budget documents.

How to Download the Line-Item Budget

The Line-Item Budget Form is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that can be found on the IMPACT Health Care grants page of The Blue Foundation’s web site: To download the form, please click on the corresponding link. You will then be asked if you want to “Open” or “Save” the file; click on “Save.” You will be prompted to designate in which folder on your computer you would like to save the form. Select the appropriate location and click “Save.” When you are ready to begin filling out the form, open the Excel spreadsheet from the location you designated. Remember to save often.

How to Attach / Upload the Line-Item Budget to the Online Application

The last page of the online application provides the opportunity to attach the required documents to your application. At the bottom of the page is a section with the header “Upload.” From the drop-down menu select “The Blue Foundation Line-Item Budget Form” from the list. Click on the “Browse” button. You will be prompted to locate the saved Line-Item Budget Form on your computer. Once you locate your saved form, click on the “Open” button. Click on the “Upload” button and the document will be attached to your application.

How to Write the Budget Narrative

A budget narrative is a document that includes a brief explanation of each item on your line-item budget.

For example, if you entered $100,000 in the Salaries and Wages line, in the budget narrative, you would list the positions, the full-time equivalents and the salary for each position. Example:


Executive Director .75 FTE $50,000

Program Manager 1 FTE $50,000

While it will vary with the complexity of your budget, a budget narrative is typically one (1) to two (2) pages in length. You will need to create your own budget narrative in the form of either a Microsoft Word (.doc) document or simple text (.txt) document.

You will attach / upload the budget narrative just as you would the Line-Item Budget Form. Select “Budget Narrative” from the drop-down menu, click on the “Browse” button and locate your saved budget narrative on your computer, then click on the “Open” button. Click on the “Upload” button and the document will be attached to your application.



·  The line-item budget should include all revenue sources and expenses associated with the proposed program / project.

·  Please note that not every line-item applies to every program / project.

·  Revenue and expense amounts should be rounded and entered as whole dollars.

·  Revenue and expenses entered on the Line-Item Budget Form should only pertain to, and align with, each year for which you are requesting funds from The Blue Foundation.

·  Total revenue should equal total expenses. If revenue exceeds expenses, please explain the rationale in detail in the budget narrative.

·  Please note that the Line-Item Budget Form includes a number of functions that will automatically sum columns and rows.

·  The budget narrative must include an explanation for every revenue source and expense listed on your line-item budget.

Program / Project Revenue

·  Please enter both approved and pending (or requested) amounts for all applicable revenue sources for each year for which you are requesting funds from The Blue Foundation.

·  On the line labeled “The Blue Foundation Request,” please enter the amount you are requesting from The Blue Foundation for each year. It is only necessary to enter figures for the years for which you are requesting funds from The Blue Foundation (e.g., for a one-year request, only fill in the column for year one).

·  Please note that the total amount requested from The Blue Foundation must be between $10,000 and $100,000.

·  In the budget narrative, please describe each line-item revenue source identified (e.g., for foundation grants – the name of the foundation, the amount and whether the grant is approved or pending).

·  Do not show in-kind contributions as revenue on the budget form (e.g., volunteer time by those not employed at your organization, donated materials, services, or equipment). Such contributions should be described and quantified in the budget narrative.

Program / Project Expenses

·  Please enter budgeted expenses for each year for which you are requesting funds from The Blue Foundation.

·  Colleges, community colleges and universities may not apply requested funds from The Blue Foundation towards indirect expenses.

·  In the budget narrative, please describe each line-item expense identified, especially those which will be paid for with a grant from The Blue Foundation.

Program/Project Expense Definitions

Salaries and Wages: includes the total amount paid to all full-time, part-time and temporary persons employed by your organization that will be working on the program/project. This does NOT include consultants or contract workers who are not considered regular employees of the organization.

Benefits and Taxes: includes FICA, retirement/pension, health insurance, workers’ compensation, unemployment, etc.

Contracted Services / Professional Fees: includes outsourced services or workers; workers who are not regular employees of the organization. Examples include, but are not limited to, fees paid to medical professionals subcontracted to provide services to your clients and fees paid to consultants to evaluate your program / project.

Equipment and Supplies: includes the physical resources directly associated with your program / project. Items may include, but are not limited to, such things as: medical/dental/vision equipment and software, medical supplies, medications, vaccines, prescriptions, etc.

Marketing / Communications: includes expenses directly related to marketing for your program / project, such as: the printing or purchase of educational or collateral materials (e.g., brochures, manuals, pamphlets, etc.), advertisements (e.g., billboards, PSAs, ads, etc.), translation services, etc.

Events / Meetings: includes expenses directly related to events and meetings (e.g., health fairs, seminars, group sessions, etc.) associated with your program / project, such as: registration fees, meeting space, audio/visual equipment, rental fees, food, beverages, etc.

Training: includes expenses directly associated with staff training for your program, project or services.

Travel / Mileage: includes both local / in-town and out-of-town travel, such as: air travel, ground transportation (i.e., cab / taxi service, rental car and fuel), conference travel expenses and per diem, parking and mileage reimbursement.

Construction / Renovation Costs: includes expenses associated with constructing or renovating property vital to the success of your program / project. Examples include, but are not limited to, building a new clinic (new construction), refurbishing an existing clinic (renovations) or converting existing space into a clinic (remodeling).

Indirect Costs: also known as overhead or operating expenses, indirect costs include business expenses not directly connected with your program / project, such as: rent, maintenance, utilities, telephone, fax, Internet connection, general liability insurance, furnishings, office supplies, etc. In the budget narrative, this may be expressed as a percentage of the total direct program / project expenses.

Other: For any “miscellaneous” expenses, please enter the total of these costs on the spreadsheet and describe them in the budget narrative.