The Following Scholarships are Available to C-1 Students:

** Amounts may vary year to year

**It is the student's responsibility to pick up or download the scholarship application and complete the forms as instructed.There will be directions on the application as to what to do with the completed application.Some applications are available in the counseling office from Mrs. Bentleyor Mrs. Smithson.New entries and changes to scholarships are highlighted in red.

Scholarship / Description / Amount
Access Missouri / Undergraduate student enrolled full time, an EFC of $12,000 or less / Varies
ACT Poster Concept Contest / Design a poster that encourages other students to attend college and to take the ACT as their college entrance exam. / $5,000
AFA Scholarship / AFA Scholarship Fact Sheet
Essay, community service, etc. Must be filled out electronically and then printed off. / $3,200
AFS Intercultural Program Scholarships / Study abroad – many different areas. For more information visit / Varies
Alice Madden Barton Cosmetology School / Pursuing a career in cosmetology or barbering. / Varies
All-USA High School Academic Team Scholarship Program / USA TODAY honors outstanding COLLEGE students with the All-USA Academic Teams.
For more information or to apply visit: / $2,500
American Chemical Society Scholars Program / Designed to encourage underrepresented minority students to enter the field of chemistry or chemistry-related fields. African American, Hispanic, or American Indian high school seniors or college freshman, sophomores, or juniors pursuing a college degree in the chemical sciences or chemical technology are eligible to apply. For more information or to apply visit: / $2, 500
American Legion Auxiliary Health Careers Scholarship / Entering a health career; financial need.Local / $400
American Legion Auxiliary Past President Parley Nurses Scholarship / Nursing career. Must be a member of a veteran's family. 3 letters of recommendation and a personal letter / $500
American Legion Scholarships / Scholarships available include: Lillie Lois Ford, M.D. Jack Murphy, Charles L. Bacon, Erman W. Taylor, Joseph J. Frank, Shane Dean Voyles
Applications available at
Descendant of veteran with at least 90 days active service and an honorable discharge. Photocopy of discharge needed. / $500-$1,000
AXA Achievement Community Scholarship / Demonstrated outstanding achievement in activities in school, community, or the work place. / $2,000
AXA Achievement Scholarship Program / Well-rounded, determined to succeed and have achieved excellence outside the classroom - at a job, sport or extracurricular activity. To download an application / $10,000-25,000
Marguerite Ross Barnett Memorial Scholarship / Need-based scholarship for students who are employed while attending a postsecondary school part-time. For more information and to apply visit / Varies
The Austin Beck Memorial Wrestling Scholarship / Class rank, GPA, ACT, must be wrestler. Local scholarship / $500
Beef Industry Scholarship / Applicants must be a graduating high school senior or full-time undergraduate student enrolled at a two or four-year institution for the following school year.Students must be pursuing careers in the beef industry. Fields of study may include: education, communications, production, research or any other area involved with the beef industry. For more information or to apply visit / $1,500
John T. Belcher Memorial Scholarship (MO School Board Association) / All seniors can apply, BUT each school may submit one nominee.500 word essay. See counselor for information and questions. / $750-$1,500
Charles B. Bell Conservation Scholarship / Click here for information and to apply: / $250-$600
Best Buy @15 Scholarship Program / Solid grades, involved in volunteer community service or work experience / $1,000
Beta Sigma Phi International Scholarship / Member, or child or grandchild of a member / $1,000
BigSun Organization Scholarship for Athletes / High school senior, will be attending a post-secondary institute and currently involved in a sport at an institution or in the community. / $500
Bour Memorial Scholarship / Academics, financial need, multiple recipients / up to $4,000
Breaking Traditions Non-Traditional Scholarship / Students participating in a nontraditional program at any Missouri public community college or Linn State Technical College. Questionnaire and short essay. / Varies
Brielpohl Family Scholarship / Plan to go to University of Missouri-Columbia. Rank in top 10% of class and entering the field of engineering. No application is necessary. The counselor must be notified of intent and university acceptance. / $5000
Buick Achievers Scholarship / Enroll full-time study at a 4 year college or university, plan to major in one of the following: Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Business Administration, Accounting, Finance, Marketing, or Design. Are interested in a career in the automotive or related industries. / $2,000
Burger King Scholars Foundation Award / 2.5 or higher GPA, Work 10 hrs per week, 40 weeks per year, Activities, Community Service, Financial need. / $1,000
Helen L. and Ben C. Butler Scholarship / Academics and financial need. Local scholarship / $400
Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship / Based on academics only; 90th percentile on ACT, file a statement of registration status certifying that you are registered with the selective service or that, for a specific reason, you are not required to be registered. / $1,500/yr for 4 years
C-1 Academic Partners (CAPS) Scholarship / 3.0 GPA, financial need, 2 references / Varies
Careers in Agriculture Scholarship / 2/4 yr agronomy or related crop production curriculum. Demonstrate leadership abilities & academic performance.Applications can be downloaded at / $1,000
Cargill/UNCF Scholarships / Minority student, be enrolled at a UNCF institution, or school specified by Cargill, at least a 3.0 GPA, financial need / $5,000
Central MO District Secondary Principals' Association Scholarship / Principal is member of CMDSPA. Must be middle or secondary education major.One applicant per school. / $500-$1,000
Central Methodist University (CMU) Scholarships / Visit their website for more information on available scholarships and grants: / Varies
The Chapel of Four Chaplains Annual Essay Contest / Seniors only.For essay topic and guidelines, visit the website / $300 - $1,000
The Chapel of Four Chaplains Annual Project Lifesaver Scholarships / Seniors only.One project per school is permitted. 6 people and 1 faculty member per team. The team identifies a problem of need in their community of in the United States.Examples: alcohol/drug abuse, homelessness, disaster relief. For more information go to / $750 - $1,000
The Chapel of Four Chaplains National Art Contest / Seniors only.Any form of flat art, except photography, is eligible. Artwork must reflect the theme "Making the World a Better Place Through Service and Sacrifice".For more information go to / $500 - $1,000
Christian Colleges Scholarship Drawing / Log onto to be automatically entered in the scholarship drawing / $2,500
Diane Christodoulou Memorial Scholarship / Any Missouri LD student who will be graduating in the spring and can meet college entrance requirements is eligible / $500
CHS Foundation High School Scholarship Program / Pursue an agricultural-related degree from a two or four year college / $1,000
The Class of 1977 Memorial Scholarship / 2.5 GPA or above, list of activities / $500
Class of 1978 Memorial Scholarship / 2.5 GPA or above, must graduate from Lafayette Co. C-1 / $500
CME Pork Industry Scholarship Program / Pursue a career in the pork industry, enter a two-year swine program or four-year college of agriculture, letter, essay, references / $2,500
Jack Coats Memorial Scholarship / Academic, citizenship and past service to community. Local scholarship. / $500
Coca-Cola Two Year College Program / GPA of 2.5 or higher, complete 100 hours of community service, will is or will enrolled in 2 or 4 year college / $1,000
CollegeSTEPS Program Scholarship Sweepstakes / One hundred high school seniors will be randomly selected to receive a tuition prize. Monthly drawings October -May. Sign up at / $1,000
Conclave Radio-Music Industry Scholarship / Must submit voice tape and application for radio scholarship. Must submitessay for music industry scholarship.Broadcasting field; music or music business.Valid at three schools. / $17,000
The Conservation Foundation of Missouri Ed Stegner Natural Resource Scholarships / Assist students in five areas of natural resource management: fisheries, forestry, wildlife, parks and recreation and soil and water conservation. Plan to enroll in Missouri college or university, financial need / $1,000
Cooperative Education Scholarship Program / GPA 3.0 or better, one page resume, one page essay, must be accepted and plan to enroll for the academic year at one of the following National Commission Member Colleges. or contact College of the Ozarks. / $2,500
Corder Lions Club Scholarship / 3.0 GPA, Corder resident.Local scholarship / $400
Corder VFW Scholarship / Financial need, academic. Local scholarship / $500
Council for America's First Freedom Student Competition / 9-12 grade, Essay on religious freedom, its history, current importance and relevance in their lives. / $750-$3,000
Country Mart Scholarship Promotion / See counselor for information or visit / $250-$1,000
Crossties Cowboy Church Equine Scholarship / Show evidence of participating in Equine related activities while attending college or university / Varies
Daedalian Scholarship for Potential Military Pilots / Senior. Accepted to accredited college or university, demonstrated desire and potential to become a military pilot. / $500
Daughters of American Agriculture Scholarship / Must be a farmer, rancher or be the wife, daughter or other close relative of a farmer, rancher, or other person employed in agriculture, must be an economic or financial need, knowledge of or work experience in agriculture / $500
David R. Davis Memorial Scholarship / Agriculture student, C+ GPA, Financial need. Must be entering Ag-related field. / $100 +
DEKALB Ag Youth Scholarship / Pursuingagricultural-related degrees and demonstrate strong leadership skills and community involvement. FFA membership is not required to be eligible. / $2,500
Delta Sigma Phi Men of Achievment.pdf / Male attending University of Missouri, ACT, school improvement, community activities, leadership roles / $500
John Dennis Scholarship / Students planning to major in criminal justice. Must attend a Missouri College or University. GPA of 2.0 or higher. See counselor for more information. / $1,000
Department of Natural Resources Environmental Education Scholarship Program / Minority or other under represented students.Bachelor or Master Degree - 3.0 GPA, Essay, 3 letters of recommendation, listing & summary of school and community activities, transcript. / $2,000 per year
DeVry University Scholarships / Variety of scholarships available / $1,000 +
The Dillenkoffer Endowment / College tuition grants to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered high school seniors, 2.75 GPA, community and school involvement. / $10,000
Samuel Duncan Memorial Scholarship / 3.0 GPA, Leadership and financial need. Education major / $125
EF Educational Tours Global Citizens Awards & Scholarships / Sophomores or Juniors. Essay, application can be downloaded - - Ten day expenses paid educational tour of Europe. / $1,000
Elks Lodge Scholarships (National and Local) / Financial need, leadership and scholarship. For information visit
See counselor for application. / $1,000-$60,000
John and Kathryn English Memorial Scholarship / Minimum ACT 20, 4-H membership at time of graduation, interview, 2.75 GPA. Local scholarship. More information and applications available at: / $1,000
ESA (Epsilon Sigma Alpha) Foundation Scholarship / 3.0 GPA orupper 25% of class or 22 ACT, 2 letters of recommendation, essay, $5 processing fee. / $500-$1,500
Essay on Ayn Rand's Novelette Anthem / For students in grades 9-10. Essay contest. 5 different cash award areas. / Varies
The Gary W. Evans Memorial Scholarship / 3.0 GPA, participant in 2 or more sports during the final two years of high school, 3 letters of recommendation / $1,000
Excellence through Ethics Essay Contest / Seniors, 500 word essay. For rules and info go to / $5,000
FCS Financial Scholarship Program / Must be a relative (child or grandchild) of FCS Financial customer. Applications available online at / $1,000
Donald Fischer Agricultural Memorial / Plan to pursue a degree in agricultural or agricultural related field, essay, letters of recommendation / $500
(FIRE) Foundation for Individual Rights in Education Essay Contest / High School Senior, 700-1200 word essay, / $1,000-$5,000
(FRED) Foundation for Rural Education and Development / 1 letter from OPASTCO member, 1 letter of recommendation, 250-750 word typed essay, statement of financial need, description of plans after school, list of school/community activities (awards, clubs) / $500-$5,000
Free Scholarships for Minorities / 200 different scholarships for minorities. All with different due dates. / Varies
The GAR Scholarship / 3.5 GPA, have financial need, are dependent children of employees who have or had a career in the financial services industry / $12, 500
Gates Millennium Scholar / Available to entering Hispanic American, African American, Asian American and Native American first year students, 3.3 GPA, leadership skills, significant financial need / Varies
Brandon Gieselman Memorial 4-H/FFA Scholarship / Current or former member of Laf. Co 4-H Club or FFA Chapter or
Application available in counselors office or online at link above / $500
Great Clips for Hair Scholarship / Essay, recommendation, cosmetology. For additional information and to apply visit / $500
CHELSEA LEANN GUILFORD SCHOLARSHIP / Student at Lafayette Co. C-1 or Lexington High School, GPA of 2.5 or higher, Financial Need, letter of recommendation / Varies
The Hagan Scholarship Foundation / Must have attended as a junior & seniors in high school, 3.5 GPA, ACT of 23 or higher, have an unmet financial need of $2000 or more. / $2,000-$10,000
Hall Family Scholarship Program / From employee at Hallmark, Top 1/3 of class, SAT/ACT / up to $1,500