Mitacs Globalink Early Career Fellowship – Brazil

Forpostdoctoral fellow research at a university in Canada


The call for applications will open on March 30, 2016, at 8:01 PDT, and will close onMay 24, 2016, at
7:59 p.m. PDT.


  1. Full details about the Mitacs Globalink Early Career Fellowship – Brazilare available at:
  1. Please read through and complete the following application. Make sure you are using the latest version of this form posted on the Mitacs websiteand do not modify or reformat.
  2. Applicants must apply by May 24, 2016. Travel to the destination prior to the approval of the fellowship is not permitted, and neither Mitacs nor CNPq is responsible for any costs incurred before the application is approved and awarded.
  3. Contact Mitacs International at if you have any questions regarding the application or eligibility requirements.

Eligibility requirements:
In order to be eligible for a Mitacs Globalink Early Career Fellowshipfor research at a university in Canada, a postdoctoral fellow must:

  1. Be a Brazilian citizen or have a permanent visa in Brazil
  2. Hold a doctoral degree from an accredited university obtained no more than five years prior to the date of application
  3. Demonstrate written and oral proficiency in English or French, where relevant, and be willing to conduct a phone or Skype interview with the host supervisor as requested
  4. Demonstrate skills and interests suitable to the project in question
  5. Identify a host academic supervisor at a Mitacs full or associate Canadian university who is eligible to supervise the project
  6. Meet all necessary requirements for travel to Canada
  7. Meet and adhere to the host university’s requirements and policies regarding research in Canada

Visa Requirements

The successful applicants for theMitacs Globalink Early Career Fellowship – Braziltraveling to Canada to work on a research project must ensure that they have the appropriate immigration documentation in place,including an appropriate work permit. Please note that you must have the appropriate work permit in place prior to starting yourfellowship.

A complete application package includes the following:

  • The completed proposal
  • Postdoctoral fellow’s CV
  • Host supervisor’s CV, outlining their:
  • Affiliation
  • Work experience
  • Publications
  • A letter stating the candidate’s English or French proficiency
  • A letter of acceptance/support from the Canadian host institution
  • Two letters of recommendation, including one from the host supervisor, indicating their support for the applicant’s research proposal
  • Identified scientific areas of knowledge

All applications must be submitted in English via the Science without Borders application portal.

Applicants are asked to submit the following documents at least three weeks prior to their intended departure to commence their research project:

  • Mitacs Postdoctoral FellowCode of Conduct and Ethics Form*
  • International Pre-Departure Form*
  • Any supplementary documents (as applicable)

An incomplete or modified application will result in a delay in the processing of your application.

*Please note that the International Pre-Departure and Mitacs PostdoctoralCode of Conduct and Ethics forms may be forwarded to Mitacs after submission of your application; however, funds cannot be released until Mitacs receives these forms.

Checklist - Preparing for International Travel

  • Consult with the appropriate university office to ensure the host university’s requirements and policies are adhered to regarding to visiting postdoctoral fellows.
  • Obtain necessary and appropriate visas and travel documentation
  • Have a valid passport that meets requirements for travel to Canada
  • Obtain comprehensive and sufficient medical and health insurance for duration of stay in Canada
  • Obtain appropriate immunizations and/or prophylaxis for travel to Canada and ensure routine immunizations are up to date
  • Register with the Foreign Office of Brazil (Ministério de Relações Exteriores) before departure
  • Make appropriate travel and accommodation arrangements
  • Sign, complete, and submit the following required forms to Mitacs:
  • International Pre-Departure Form (signed by postdoctoral fellow)
  • Postdoctoral FellowCode of Conduct and Ethics Form (signed by postdoctoral fellow)

Mitacs Postdoctoral FellowCodeofConductandEthics

Mitacs Globalink Early Career Fellowship – Brazil

When youacceptaMitacs Globalink Early Career Fellowship – Brazil,itisimportantto rememberthatyouwillberepresenting Mitacs,alongwithyourhomecountryandyour hostuniversityabroad.

Inthisdocument,“postdoctoral fellow”referstotheindividualwhowasacceptedtoparticipate intheMitacs Early Career Fellowship, whichprovidesBrazilian postdoctoral fellows the opportunity to undertake 12-month research fellowships at Canadian universities.

The“host university”referstotheuniversity in Canadaatwhich thepostdoctoral fellowisparticipatingin hisorherresearchproject.Mitacswillbereferredtoas“theorganization,”andthe Mitacs Globalink Early Career Fellowship – Brazilwillbereferredtoasthe“fellowship.”


  • Thebehaviors,attitudes,andgeneralconductexpectedbytheorganization
  • Thetypesofmisconductandbreachesoflawsandsafetycodes thataresubjectto investigation,discipline,andexpulsionfromthefellowship

TheMitacsCodeofConductandEthicsappliestoconductthatoccursduringyourtimeoncampusat yourhostuniversityand off‐campusconductthathasthepotentialtoadverselyaffecttheorganization,itsreputation,and/orthepursuitofitsobjectives.

Eachpostdoctoral fellowwillberesponsibleandaccountablefortheirconductfromtheirtimeofarrivalinCanadatothetimeofboardingthereturnflighthome.

AtnotimedoesthisCodeofConductandEthicssupersedeorcanceloutanyCodeofConductand Ethics,inpartorinfull,authorizedandrequiredbythehostuniversity.Whereverthis agreementoverlapswiththeCodeofConductandEthicsofahostuniversity,theCodeof ConductandEthicsofthehostuniversityshallprevail.


BelowisMitacsCodeofConductandEthics,asetofrulesandregulationseachpostdoctoral fellowisrequiredto understandandagreetopriortothestartofthe Mitacs Globalink Early Career Fellowship – Brazil.

  1. Youhavebeensuccessfullyawardeda Mitacs Globalink Early Career Fellowship – Brazil. Therefore,youareexpectedtoworktothebestofyourabilityandtoputforthyourbest efforts.
  2. You are expected to comply with the research schedule outlined in the application proposal that has been set out by your host academic supervisor. The typical research schedule will be that of a full-time work week in line with the hostuniversity’s policies.
  3. Theonlyreasonforexcusingyourselffromascheduledresearchdayisifyouareill. You maynotmissaresearchdaywithoutadvisingyourhostacademic supervisor/researchteam.
  4. Anydishonestytowardsyourhostacademic supervisor orfellowresearchteammembers as towhy you are missing research days will not be tolerated.
  5. Youareexpectedtofollowtherules, safetyprocedures,andregulationsofyourhost university.
  6. You are expected to adhere to your hostuniversity’s requirements and policies with regard to visiting postdoctoral fellows.
  7. All parties involved with Mitacs Globalink must comply with the Canadian host university’s policies regarding the ethical conduct of research and scholarly activities.Any issues or disputes around research or academic misconduct will be subject to the hostuniversity’s processes following their institutional policies.
  8. You are to meet all necessary travel requirements for your intended destination.
  9. YouaretotreatMitacsstaff,thehostuniversity’smembers, and thehostacademicsupervisorswithprofessionalism,cooperation, andrespect.




Anypostdoctoral fellowfoundtohavecommittedortohaveattemptedtocommitthefollowing misconductis subjecttothedisciplinaryactionsoutlinedinthisandallotherMitacspolicies.

  1. Actsofdishonesty,includingbutnotlimitedto:
  2. Furnishing false information to any Mitacs employee, or the employees, faculty members, and officials of the host universityor home institute.
  3. Forgery,alteration,ormisuseofanydocument,record,orinstrumentofidentification.
  4. Misrepresentation or falsificationofidentity.
  5. Disruptionorobstructionofteaching,research,administration, and/ordisciplinaryproceedings.
  6. Physical abuse, verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, coercion, and/or other conduct that threatens or endangers the health, security, or safety of any other person.
  7. Attemptedoractualtheftofand/ordamagetopropertyofMitacsand/orthepropertyofthe host universityoraffiliatedorganization(s),includingbutnotlimitedtoaccommodations, researchspace,publicspace,andcommunalareas.
  8. Attempted or actual theft of and/or damage to property belonging to another Mitacs sponsored student and/or a student of a host university.
  9. Violationofanyfederal,provincial,ormunicipallaworstatute.
  10. Unauthorizedpossession,duplication,oruseofkeystoanypremisebelongingtoMitacsorthe host university.
  11. Use,possession,manufacturing,ordistributionofmarijuana,heroin,narcotics,orother controlledsubstancesexceptasexpresslypermittedbylaw in the host country.
  12. Illegalorunauthorizedpossessionoffirearms,explosives,otherweapons,ordangerous chemicals.
  13. Participationinadisorderly,on‐campusoroff‐campusdemonstrationorriotatthehost university.
  14. Conduct that is disorderly, lewd, or indecent; conduct that violates the privacy of other persons; breach of the peace; or aiding, abetting, or procuring another person to breach the peace.



  1. Investigationintotheallegedviolation.
  2. RemovalfromMitacspremisesand/orthepremisesofthehost university.
  3. ExclusionfromMitacsevents,awards,and/orprograms.
  4. UponchargesoftheftordamagetotheassetsofMitacs,thehost university,and/orany affiliatedorganization,Mitacsgivesitselftherighttowithholdfundsasnecessarytoreplaceor restoretheassettothestateknownpriortotheviolation.
  5. Immediateexpulsionandsubsequentreturntothe home countryatthepostdoctoral fellow’sexpense.
  6. CriminalchargesassetoutintheCriminalCodeofCanada.

Please note that this list is not exclusive.

Whena postdoctoral fellowis chargedwithconductthatpotentiallyviolatesanyofthefollowing:

  1. TheCriminalCodeofCanadaand/or
  2. MitacsCodeofConduct and/or
  3. The Criminal Code of the home country and/or
  4. Thehost university’sCodeofConductandEthics

Mitacsdisciplinaryproceedingsmaybeinstitutedagainstthepostdoctoral fellowwithoutregardtothetiming oroutcomeofcivilorcriminallitigationincourt,criminalarrest,orprosecution.


Atalltimes,Mitacs Globalink Early Career Fellowship – Brazilparticipantsaresubjecttoanyandallsafety standardsandproceduresadoptedbytheirhost universities.

Postdoctoral fellowsareresponsiblefortheirownsafety,andforthesafetyofotherswhomaybeaffectedbytheir behavior.Disciplinaryactionsmaybetaken againstapostdoctoral fellowchargedwithviolatingsafetycodesor withotherunsafeconductthatcouldharmorpotentiallyharmthepostdoctoral fellow,otherpersons,or thefacilities andequipmentofthehostuniversity.

I, _,hereby swearthatIhavereadtheaboveCodeofConductandagreetoabidebytherules,regulations, and policiesassetoutinthisdocumentandacknowledgethatIamsubjecttoalldisciplinaryproceduresas notedaboveandassetoutintheCriminalCodeofCanada.


on this day of _, 20 .

Postdoctoral FellowSignature

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Mitacs Globalink Early Career Fellowship – Brazil

January 2016