History 17B: United States History from 1865 – Present E.M. Nava Spring 2017


You will be required to answer one of the following questions on Thursday, February 16. You may choose the question. Therefore, you must study and prepare for one question to be answered in class in a small (8.5X7) Blue Book. In your answer, incorporate the reading material from your text, the reader, your lecture notes and any documentaries viewed in class. Please make sure your thoughts are clear and analytical. Support your arguments with examples and make strong conclusions. Good Luck. Bring a small Blue Book, 8.5x7. Introduce the political and social aspects of the era in your essay.

  1. Write an essay critically analyzing the laws, policies and amendments that were passed by Congress in its efforts to extend the parameters of democracy during Reconstruction in the South. Make sure you include how these laws; policies and amendments affected the African American community and the Women’s movement. Conclude with a short analysis of why you think reconstruction did or did not work.
  1. Examine and critically analyze the laws, policies and concepts that led to conflicts between the U.S. government and American Indians on the Great Plains. Describe specific examples of these conflicts. What ramifications did U.S policies have on the American Indians? Do you believe that these conflicts could have been avoided? Why or why not?
  1. With the development of the American West came changes in American society. Develop an essay summarizing the political, social, and economic changes that occurred after the Civil War and into the late 1800’s in the American West. In your discussion, discuss how the Chinese and Mexican Americans were affected by these changes and analyze how each of these groups pushed against the prevailing attitudes of the government in order to survive. Conclude with an evaluation of their effectiveness.

You may wish to incorporate some of the following into your essay:

History 17B: United States History from 1865 – Present E.M. Nava Spring 2017

  • Battle of Little Horn, 1876
  • Dawes Act of 1887
  • Reservation Policy
  • Wounded Knee, 1890
  • Chinese Exclusion Act, 1882
  • Barrioization
  • Sitting Bull
  • Andrew Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan
  • A.W.S.A.
  • Proclamation of 1863
  • Ku Klux Klan
  • Susan B. Anthony
  • Ghost Dance
  • Santa Barbara (A Case Study)
  • Mutual Aid Societies
  • Dual Wage System
  • Foreign Miners Tax
  • “Chinese Problem”
  • Freedman’s Bureau
  • Elizabeth Cady Stanton
  • N.W.S.A.
  • Charles Sumner
  • B.T. Washington
  • Lucy Stone