YES Advisory Committee

Meeting Notes

1 Meeting Logistics

Item / Description
Date / October 18, 2005
Time / 8:30 a.m.
Location / Kilcawley Center – Bresnahan I & II

2 Attendees

Role / Name
Facilitator / Eileen Greaf & Dona Madacsi
Note Taker / Eileen Greaf
Participants / Jonelle Beatrice (for Judy Gaines), Hugh Chatman, Terry Fullum, Eileen Greaf, Beth Kushner, Dona Madacsi, Virginia Phillips and KJ Satrum
Not Present / Bill Beisel, Bege Bowers, Ron Chordas, Bill Countryman, Chris Domhoff, Cynthia Hirtzel, Bob Hogue, John Hyden, Peter Kasvinsky, Paul Kobulnicky, Rick Marsico, Angela Mavrikis, Jimmy Myers, Ron Strollo and Walt Ulbricht

3 Agenda Items Notes

1.  Approve notes
September 20, 2005 notes approved.
2. Banner Finance
à  Survey results collected by Donna Wainio from her finance pilot group were distributed. The responses were reviewed and improvements are being made as possible. Example is extending the 30 min timeout to 3 hours.
à  Deficit spending policies revisited as a result of additional information received from a different SCT finance consultant – proposed changes: more functional staff will be authorized to override deficit spending if goods or services have already been received; and additional monitoring and consequences will be incorporated on the back end.
à  Quick Tips document for Finance Self Service developed by Donna Wainio and available on the YES website was reviewed by the committee. All were encouraged to communicate the use of the productivity aids to staff using Finance Self Service.
à  Input received on web materials: make it user-friendly and searchable within the site, identifying recent updates (especially for Q&A section); “who to call” section for help is needed; Tech Desk staffing is a problem – already understaffed.
3.  Luminis Input
à  E-mail announcements versus announcements on Luminis
o  Encouraged gathering statistics and doing surveys prior to making any decisions in this regard; many ignore announcements
à  Use of and access to individual Luminis calendars
o  Value of university-wide work calendar questioned; faculty would not support being required to keep or share such a calendar; would need to be password protected.
4. External Databases
Attachment provided to bring to the attention of the Advisory Committee to give thought to the policies/guidelines that need to be developed for data and external databases as we move forward with the Banner implementations. Future discussions are to include a separate sub-committee to address the subject.
5. YES update
Ø  Advancement - The new Advancement system went live Monday, October 3, as rescheduled as a result of the delay from the union strike.
Ø  Luminis - The development of the SCT portal (MyYSU) is on schedule with a phase I implementation in January to a pilot group. “MyYSU” is the winning portal name submitted by student, Kamila Pralova.
Ø  Banner 7.0 upgrade - YSU will take advantage of annual upgrades to the system with Banner 7 as the first upgrade scheduled for December 5. As a result, the new finance and advancement systems will be unavailable on December 2 in order to allow for the necessary conversions.
Ø  Business process analysis (BPA) for Student, FinAid and HR/Payroll -The intensity of the Banner project increases significantly as the next three systems begin implementation concurrently. The Student BPA was completed and the Financial Aid and HR/Payroll BPAs are scheduled for early November.
6. Other
Ø  ERIP - The impact of the early retirement buyout on the Banner project was discussed at length. The Advisory Committee should review the Implementation Team’s ERIP-related recommendations for continued support of the project through 2007 prior to sending to the Executive Committee. There are significant concerns with the aggressive implementation schedule currently in progress; staff identified for early retirement who are assigned to the implementation teams; issues surrounding timing of hiring replacement staff for training, system setup, etc. It is important to know who will be leaving and when, in order to move forward. All agree there is a need to understand the logistics for the ERIP process in order to provide input regarding this issue.
Ø  Non-classified vacation issues for long-term involvement in Banner – Hugh requested input on concept of establishing a process whereby non-classified employees heavily involved in Banner might be able to request a payoff of hours in excess of 40 under limited circumstances. Reaction was generally negative to this concept unless it was expanded to include all staff losing vacation accumulated over 40 days. The general belief was that addressing the issue only for certain Banner involvement would be problematic – issue is broader than just Banner. However, given the Banner project guidelines, the group supported that the time over 40 days should be allowed to be taken within a six month period. If not taken, then the use it or lose it rule would apply.
Ø  Input received that overlapped topics - the Advisory Committee needs statistics to make informed recommendations; computer-based analyses should be used to evaluate accelerating or delaying implementations; interim employees should be used to lift some of the burden from staff; and if someone absolutely cannot take vacation, additional staffing (full or part-time) should be considered.
7. Meeting dates / Next meeting: December 6, 2005 8:30 a.m.
Cheryl Beil will contact group to confirm December meeting

4 Action Items

New Action Items / Owner / Due Date / Status
1.  ERIP / Advisory Committee / Ongoing / Will review proposed Banner changes that result from the ERIP
2.  External Databases / Special Committee / deferred / Will form sub-committee to address later in project
3.  YES Website / Project Managers / 12-6-05 / Is the website searchable?
Prior Action Items
1.  Follow-up on user-specific Banner finance issues / Marianne Anderson / Completed
2.  Address 30 minute timeout / Project Managers / Completed / Extended to 3 hours
3.  Request SCT system enhancements to address 5 line limit and inability to save / Project Managers / 10-18-05 / Not addressed in Banner 7. Will discuss at OBUG for add’l supporters.
4.  Discuss issues with finance consultant / Marianne Anderson & Eileen Greaf / Completed
5.  Include Metro in Student BPA / Jeanne Herman, Student Lead / Completed / Julie Sharrow will represent Metro College
6.  Communication on how “business” will change / Project managers / On-going


YES Advisory Committee Meeting Notes