Central Connecticut State University

MAT 511 Introduction to Special Education

Term: Summer One Credits 1

Course Instructor:

Course Description Introduction to basic concepts, legal issues, and terminology related to teaching special learners in the regular classroom. Satisfactory completion of exit examination is required to pass the course.

Prerequisites: Admission to MAT program.

Course Objectives

Teacher candidates will:

1.  Explain key terms and concepts that describe special education

2.  Describe the categories of disabilities addressed in federal law

3.  Discuss special education procedures and services

Required Texts/On-Line Reading Assignments

Friend, M. & Bursuck, W. (2002). Including Students with Special Needs A Practical Guide for Classroom Teachers, Third Edition

Additional online and reserve readings as assigned

Course Requirements and Grading Procedure

1.  Disabilities notebook & online components 40% of final grade

2.  Final exam 60% of final grade (Must earn > 74% on final to pass course)

Special Needs

If you have a registered disability that will require accommodation, please see the instructor immediately. If you have a disability you must register with the Affirmative Action office on campus located in ____ Davidson Hall.


Plagiarism - whether it entails passing off another person's ideas as your own; submitting work for this class that has been previously submitted for another class (even if it is your own); or violating CCSU’s Code of Academic Integrity in some other form or fashion - will not be tolerated (see page ____ of the CCSU Catalogue). Judicial matters include, but are not limited to the loan or purchase of papers, the use of the same paper(s) for more than one course, plagiarism, fabrication, and facilitating academic dishonesty.

Clinical Component

You may have the opportunity to observe learners with special needs in the concurrent field experience. While not required, such observations will provide additional opportunity to understand the materials you are reading. Course Outline,

Week / Primary Topics
1 / Learners with special needs; introduction
2 / Legal responsibilities, issues and processes
3 / Classifications of special learners and implications for school settings
4 / Classifications of special learners and implications for school settings
5 / Final exam