Present: Reeve Richard Funk, Councillors Greg McConnell, Roland Marohn, Don Boxall, Dave Baskerville, Arnie Suski, John Pottinger and CAO Wendy Wutzke.

Call to order

Reeve Funk called the meeting to order at 9:55 a.m.

Adoption of the Agenda

Baskerville - Pottinger

2015/16 Be it resolved that the Council of the Municipality of Glenella-Lansdowne approve the agenda with additions.


Financial Statement

None pending year end

Confirmation of Minutes

Baskerville - Boxall

2015/17 Be it resolved that the Council of the Municipality of Glenella-Lansdowne approve the minutes of the Inaugural meeting held January 5, 2015, along with the RM of Glenella minutes of December 10th, 2014 and December 30, 2014 and the RM of Lansdowne minutes of December 12, 2014 as read and circulated.



Darryn Wilson attended to discuss issues relating to public works.

Henry Enns spoke via speakerphone from the Arden office to discuss issues relating to public works.


Baskerville - Pottinger

2015/18 Be it resolved that Bylaw 1/2015, being a bylaw of the Municipality of Glenella-Lansdowne to govern the organization and the committees thereof be hereby given second reading.


Baskerville - Pottinger

2015/19 Be it resolved that Bylaw 1/2015, being a bylaw of the Municipality of Glenella-Lansdowne to govern the organization and the committees thereof be hereby given third reading. In accordance with 137 M.A. requiring that a recorded vote be taken on the third reading of a bylaw.

For the Motion – Funk, McConnell, Marohn, Boxall, Baskerville, Suski, Pottinger

Against –none

Abstained - none


Baskerville - McConnell

2015/20 Be it resolved that Bylaw 2/2015, being a bylaw of the Municipality of Glenella-Lansdowne to govern the proceedings and conduct of the council and the committees thereof be given second reading.


McConnell - Boxall

2015/21 Be it resolved that Bylaw 2/2015, being a bylaw of the Municipality of Glenella-Lansdowne to govern the proceedings and conduct of the council and the committees thereof be given third reading. In accordance with 137 M.A. requiring that a recorded vote be taken on the third reading of a bylaw.

For the Motion – Funk, McConnell, Marohn, Boxall, Baskerville, Suski, Pottinger

Against –none

Abstained - none


Suski - Marohn

2015/22 Be it resolved that Bylaw 3/2015, being a bylaw of the Municipality of Glenella-Lansdowne authorizing the payment of Indemnities, mileage, remuneration and expenses to officers, employees and members of Council be given second reading.


Suski - Marohn

2015/23 Be it resolved that Bylaw 3/2015, being a bylaw of the Municipality of Glenella-Lansdowne authorizing the payment of Indemnities, mileage, remuneration and expenses to officers, employees and members of Council be given third reading. In accordance with 137 M.A. requiring that a recorded vote be taken on the third reading of a bylaw.

For the Motion – Funk, McConnell, Marohn, Boxall, Baskerville, Suski, Pottinger

Against –none

Abstained - none


Suski - Boxall

2015/24 Be it resolved that Bylaw 4/2015, being a bylaw of the Municipality of Glenella-Lansdowne to prescribe a fee chargeable for tax certificates for the municipality be given second reading.


Marohn - Boxall

2015/25 Be it resolved that Bylaw 4/2015, being a bylaw of the Municipality of Glenella-Lansdowne to prescribe a fee chargeable for tax certificates for the municipality be given third reading. In accordance with 137 M.A. requiring that a recorded vote be taken on the third reading of a bylaw.

For the Motion – Funk, McConnell, Marohn, Boxall, Baskerville, Suski, Pottinger

Against –none

Abstained - none


Baskerville - Suski

2015/26 Be it resolved that Bylaw 5/2015, being a bylaw of the Municipality of Glenella-Lansdowne to establish the position of Chief Administrative Officer of the municipality be given second reading.


Suski - Pottinger

2015/27 Be it resolved that Bylaw 5/2015, being a bylaw of the Municipality of Glenella-Lansdowne to establish the position of Chief Administrative Officer of the municipality be given third reading. In accordance with 137 M.A. requiring that a recorded vote be taken on the third reading of a bylaw.

For the Motion – Funk, McConnell, Marohn, Boxall, Baskerville, Suski, Pottinger

Against –none

Abstained - none


Suski - Marohn

2015/28 Be it resolved that Bylaw 6/2015, being a bylaw of the Municipality of Glenella-Lansdowne authorizing the establishment of designated officer positions of the municipality be given second reading.


Baskerville - Suski

2015/29 Be it resolved that Bylaw 6/2015, being a bylaw of the Municipality of Glenella-Lansdowne authorizing the establishment of designated officer positions of the municipality be given third reading. In accordance with 137 M.A. requiring that a recorded vote be taken on the third reading of a bylaw.

For the Motion – Funk, McConnell, Marohn, Boxall, Baskerville, Suski, Pottinger

Against –none

Abstained - none


Marohn - Boxall

2015/30 Be it resolved that Bylaw 7/2015, being a bylaw of the Municipality of Glenella-Lansdowne to establish a tax sale manager position of the municipality be given first reading.



Neepawa & Area Silver Spurs sent a letter requesting sponsorship.

Pottinger - McConnell

2015/31 Be it resolved that Council of the Municipality of Glenella – Lansdowne sponsor the Neepawa & Area Silver Spurs 4H Club in the amount of $100.


Taxervice sent their 2015 engagement letter.

Marohn - Boxall

2015/32 Be it resolved that Council of the Municipality of Glenella – Lansdowne contract with Taxervice to provide tax sale services for the municipality.


Glenella School Playground Co sent a letter updating their fundraising efforts to replace the playground structure at the school, and requesting a grant in the amount of $5,077 which will be their shortfall once they receive a grant from Community Places in the amount of $18,917.00.

Suski - Marohn

2015/33 Whereas the Glenella School Playground Committee have been fundraising to replace the playground equipment at the Glenella School, and whereas the total project cost is $49,252 and whereas they have raised a total of $25,258 and whereas they are applying for a grant from Community Places in the amount of $18,917 and whereas they are requesting a grant from the municipality for their shortfall of $5,077; therefore be it resolved that Council of the Municipality of Glenella- Lansdowne agree to grant the Glenella School Playground Committee $5,077 on the condition that they receive the Community Places Grant of $18,917.


Anthony J Reid Chartered Accountant Inc. sent the audited financial statement for the RM of Lansdowne for the year ended, December 31, 2013 – publish in the paper as per Section 194 of the M.A.


Boxall - Marohn

2015/34 Be it resolved that accounts numbered #1 to #66 and payroll direct deposit payments amounting to $130,183.00, as well as RM of Glenella accounts numbered #11569 to #11587 and payroll direct deposit amounting to $56,746.67, and RM of Lansdowne accounts numbered #8689 to #8730 and amounting to $197,187.96 hereby approved for payment.


Pottinger - Suski

2015/35 Be it resolved that Council Indemnity accounts numbered #67 to #73 and amounting to $8,131.13 be hereby approved for payment.


New Business

Council discussed the upcoming AMM Midwestern District Meeting which will be hosted by the Municipality of Glenella – Lansdowne at the Arden Hall on Wednesday, June 17, 2015. – need to book caterer and get door prizes

McConnell - Marohn

2015/36 Whereas Section 173(1) M.A. states that “A council may by resolution borrow money for operating expenses during a fiscal year, but the amount borrowed must not exceed the amount collected in taxes and grants in lieu of taxes in the previous fiscal year.”; and whereas the Council of the Municipality of Glenella-Lansdowne deems it necessary to apply for an operating line of credit to meet the requirements of the operating expenses of the municipality; now therefore be it resolved that the Reeve and the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to apply at the Glenella Branch of the Beautiful Plains Credit Union for an Operating Line of Credit in the amount of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars, ($300,000.00), for the 2015 fiscal year; and further be it resolved that the uncollected taxes and grants in lieu of taxes to be levied in 2015, be used for collateral against the Operating Line of Credit.


Marohn - Boxall

2015/37 Be it resolved that pursuant to Section 163 of the Municipal Act, the following interim operating budget for 2015 be established:

General Government Services $350.000

Protective Services $ 60,000

Transportation Services $850,000

Environmental Health Services $ 70,000

Public Health & Welfare Services $ 16,000

Environmental Development Services $ 25,000

Economic Development Services $ 70,000

Recreation & Cultural Services $ 60,000

Fiscal Services $400,000

Utilities $100,000


Marohn - Boxall

2015/38 Be it resolved Council of the Municipality of Glenella – Lansdowne authorize the CAO to apply for a credit card with the Beautiful Plains Credit Union.


Marohn - McConnell

2015/39 Whereas Section 365(2) of the Municipal Act states, Council may, in any year designate the previous year or any earlier year as the year for which properties in arrears must be offered for sale by auction to recover the arrears and costs, therefore be it resolved that Council of the Municipality of Glenella-Lansdowne designate 2014 for tax sale purposes.


Unfinished Business

Council discussed a letter received from the Town of Neepawa regarding the proposal they presented regarding tax sharing on the ambulance facility and the purchase of the road to the PCH along with the RM of Lansdowne’s request to include tax sharing of the medical clinic. – tabled until a meeting with all parties can be arranged

Boxall - Marohn

2015/40 Be it resolved Council of the Municipality of Glenella – Lansdowne agree to participate in the Municipal Employees Pension Plan, Disability Income Plan and Group Insurance Plan and further be it resolved under the Disability Income Plan the employees will be responsible for 100% of the required contributions, and under the Group Insurance Plan, the Municipality will pay 50% of the required basic life insurance contributions.


McConnell - Marohn

2015/41 Be it resolved Council of the Municipality of Glenella – Lansdowne agree to participate in the AMM Group Health & Dental Insurance Plan and further be it resolved the municipality will pay 100% of the required contributions.


McConnell - Marohn

2015/42 Be it resolved that the RM of Lansdowne held a tax sale on April 30, 2014 and purchased the following properties Roll 6300 Lots 7/8 Block 7 Plan 201 for $7,131.37 and Roll 9400 Lot 7 Block 11 Plan 237 in the amount of $2,723.60; and further be it resolved that no payment was made at the time of the tax sale; and further be it resolved that the 2014 taxes were levied on both of these properties as well as penalty continued to be accrued;

Therefore be it resolved Council of the Municipality of Glenella-Lansdowne agree to pay the balance outstanding on these two properties and take ownership of these properties.


Marohn - Pottinger

2015/43 Be it resolved that the offer to purchase Roll 6300, Lots 7/8 Block 7 Plan 201(222 Lansdowne Avenue) in the Village of Arden from Shiva Maharaj in the amount of $10,000.00, with a $2,000.00 down payment and a payment plan of $1,000.00 per month for 8 months be accepted with the following conditions:

1)  All legal, transfer and associated costs associated with the sale shall be paid by the purchaser

2)  Each months payment must be received in the office on the first working day of the month or this contract is null and void


Committee Reports

Council discussed the billing problem that has arose in Arden due to the fact that some water meters newly installed do not conform with the rest of the water meters. The CAO will get a quote to replace these meters for the next council meeting.

McConnell - Boxall

2015/44 Be it resolved that the following individuals be hereby appointed to the Arden Fire Dept. in the Municipality of Glenella-Lansdowne:

Brad Meyers – Fire Chief

Kim Braun – Deputy Chief

Kevin Paramor

George Braun

Leah Dear

James Paramor

Mark Murray

Shaun Isaac

Jordan Buchanan

Damian Dempsey

Al Paramor

Don Unger

Terry Bennett

Terry Bradley

Wanda Nemic

Steven Braun


Pottinger - Suski

2015/45 Be it resolved that the following individuals be hereby appointed to the Glenella Fire Dept. in the Municipality of Glenella-Lansdowne:

Sheldon McDonald – Fire Chief

Clare Preisentanz – Deputy Fire Chief/Secretary

Gordon Wilson

Cory Heudebourck

Don Boxall

Brent Miller

Gary Rossnagel

David Marohn

Gary Juskowiak

Dallas Ehr

Justin Sawchuk

Todd Suderman

Shane Henton

Josh McDonald

Jesse Kushner


Glenella Fire Dept. sent a copy of the minutes from their meeting held January 7, 2015

Marohn - Suski

2015/46 Be it resolved that Council of the Municipality of Glenella – Lansdowne authorize Glenella Fire chief Sheldon McDonald purchase a small floor jack, Jackall, backboard and straps, batons for landing helicopter and a socket set as per their request in their minutes.


Neepawa Veterinary Services and Gladstone Veterinary Services Boards have sent their levy for 2015, which is unchanged from 2014.

Prairie Mountain Health have sent notice that there is a joint hospital health committee meeting in Minnedosa on March 12, 2015 at 10am.

Council discussed the grant application to the Community Places for renovations and repairs to the Arden Community Hall.

Pottinger - Baskerville

2015/47 Be it resolved that the following individuals be hereby appointed to the Lansdowne Recreation Commission Board in the Municipality of Glenella – Lansdowne:

Terry Buechler - President

Leah Dear - Treasurer

Mark Murray

Kerry Funk

Lisa Wrightson

Elizabeth Paramor

Lesley Pounder

Pam Lewis

Michelle Benett


Boxall - Marohn

2015/48 Be it resolved that Council of the Municipality of Glenella – Lansdowne agree to sign a five year lease with the Lansdowne Recreation Commission to lease the Arden Community Hall for $1.00 per year.