Personal Information
Name / Mr.Arjun Khadka
Address / 380Maguire Village= Apt 8, Gainesville,FL, USA
Telephone / 3522624659
Sex / Male
Marital Status / Married
Nationality / Nepali
Language ofproficiency / English,Nepali


Education and Qualifications
Level / Academic
Year / Institute / Grades
Doctor ofPlant
Medicine (DPM) / May,2015-
Present / Department ofEntomology
and Nematology, Universityof
Florida, UF
MS(Entomology) / May,2015-
Present / Department ofEntomology
and Nematology, Universityof
Florida, UF
BSAgriculture / 2009- 2013 / TribhuwanUniversity,
Institute ofAgriculture and
Animal Sciences (IAAS), Rampur Campus, Chitwan, Nepal / Distinction

Special areas ofInterest:

Agriculture, Plant protection,FoodSecurity,InvasiveSpecies

Experiences and works:

1. Currently,workingasaGraduateResearchAssistantinDepartmentof EntomologyandNematologyatUniversityof Florida underDr. Amanda Hodges fromMay, 2015. Iamworkingonfindinghostrangeof Halyomorphahalys, aninvasive pestspecies of US andtestingthis stink bug under differentrelative humiditylevels.Iamalso enrolledas aDPM

(Doctor of PlantMedicine)Programindepartmentof entomologyand

Nematology,Universityof Florida.Othertasks performedare:

  • Rearingof Brownmarmorated stinkbugatQuarantinefacilityof Departmentof EntomologyandNematology,Universityof Florida, Gainesville,FL,USA.
  • Preparationof e-learningmodules for the extensionprojectsofDr.


2. Workedas Technicalofficer (T6)inAgronomy divisionof AgricultureFood Security (AFSP)fundedbyWorldBankatNepal AgricultureResearch Council (NARC)atJumla,Nepal fromFeb2015- Feb2015.

3. Enrolledina3month longvolunteer programinthe EntomologyDivisionof

Nepal AgricultureResearchCouncil atKhumaltar,Lalitpur. The program was basedonrearingof eggandlarval parasitoidsof potato tuber moth.

4. Actively participatedin3month long IPMtrainingheldinthepremises of

IAAS (InstituteofAgricultureand Animal Sciences).

Award and Excellences:

  • General meritscholarshipawardedbythe TribhuwanUniversity, Institute of AgricultureandAnimal Sciencesfor B. Sc. level.
  • General meritscholarshipawardedbythe TribhuwanUniversity, Institute of AgricultureandAnimal Sciencesfor B. Sc. Level duringeach semester.
  • Recruitedas aGraduateResearchAssistant underDr. AmandaHodges inDepartmentof EntomologyandNematology,Universityof Florida
  • Full memberof Entomological Society ofAmerica (effectivefromMay21,2015)
  • Full memberof ENSO(EntomologyandNematologySociety Organization)
  • Full memberof DPMSO (Doctor of PlantMedicineStudentOrganization)

Volunteer activities done at UF

  • Volunteeredatthe DPM (Doctor of plant medicine) stall atthe StephenC.O’Connell Center,Universityof Florida, Gainesville,Florida
  • Volunteeredatthe DPM (Doctor of plant medicine) stall atthe swamp event,Universityof Florida,Gainesville,Florida
  • VolunteeredinBugFEST,2016inDepartmentof Entomologyand

Nematology,Universityof Florida,Gainesville,FL


  • AttendedFloridaFirstDetector workshopheldfor mastergardeners,state park personnel,and other community members interestedininvasive species issuesinSt. John's,Florida.June4,2015
  • AttendedOld worldBollworm,HelicoverpaarmigeraonApril 7and8, 2016, atEntomologyandNematologyDepartment, UniversityofFlorida.
  • Attended41stAnnual Joint Tomato Conference on September 6 to 8, 2016 atNaples, FL


  • Workingas aTeachingassistant(TA)for the Principles ofEntomology, ENY3005L/ENY5006Lfor summer2016.
  • InvitedSpeaker talkontopic‘Internalphysiology of insects” for the

Principles of Entomology, ENY3005L/ENY5006L


Working in Dr. Jeff Bloomquist laboratory at Emerging pathogen institute (EPI), University Florida. My projects are:

  • Assessment of selectivity of permethrin, matrine and carbaryl in Aedes aegypti and Drosophila suzukii.
  • Assessment of mixture of fatty acids (octanoic, nonanoic and decanoic acid) and permethrin against Aedes aegyptii.

Non-refereed publications:

  • Rhizosphaerakalkhoffii (Needle blight on spruce). Author: Arjun Khadka, University of Florida – Extension publication
  • Volutella buxi (Volutella blight) Author: Arjun Khadka, University of Florida – Extension publication
  • Disease note on Pseudomonas marginalis(First report of Pseudomonas marginalisinfecting cabbage on Mars)


Dr. AmandaHodges,PhD DPMDirector

AssociateExtension Specialist

Departmentof EntomologyandNematology

Universityof Florida



Phone- 352-273-3957


Iuphold that all the above testimonials are factual,inclusiveand proper to the

best ofmycomprehension and credence.Iconsentthat evena single spurious account,subjectto proof,will provide grounds for the erasureofthe engagement if anyisaccredited.


Arjun Khadka