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Title of service being assessed / Essex Jiangsu Festival
Directorate / -Select-Adult, Health and Community WellbeingChief ExecutiveCommercial, Property and InfrastructureCommunicationsEnvironment, Sustainability and HighwaysFinanceHuman ResourcesIS, Performance and ProgrammesPolicy, Community Planning and RegenerationSchools, Children and Families
Name and role of officer completing this assessment / Belinda Farrell, International Cultural Festival Manager
Contact Telephone Number / 01245 347456
Date Assessment Completed / 30/06/08
1. Which equality strands have you included in your data collection/ analysis and consultations?
Race and Culture / Disability
Age / Gender
Sexual orientation / Religion and Belief
2. What are the key findings/ observations resulting from the data/ consultations? Please include all findings that demonstrate inequality…You may wish to record inequality issues for additional groups (for example rural isolation, financially disadvantaged etc) please do this using box g.
a. Race and Culture
The focus of the Jiangsu festival is based on the Chinese culture, other cultural groups may therefore feel excluded from the festival programme.
b. Age
c. Sexual Orientation
d. Disability
Following consulation with all venue providers we have identified that some venues have access issues, which may cause disadvantage to people with certain disabilities.
e. Gender
f. Religion and Belief
g. Other
/ Essex County Council Impact Assessment Form Section 2 / ECC40a
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/ Essex County Council Impact Assessment Form Section 2 / ECC40a
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3.We have a duty to promote equal opportunities and promote good relations between community groups as well as eliminate discrimination. Please list below any opportunities to promote equal opportunities or good community relations within your review area.
Equality Group / Opportunity
/ Essex County Council Impact Assessment Form Section 2 / ECC40a
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/ Essex County Council Impact Assessment Form Section 2 / ECC40a
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4. Adverse impacts and/or inequalities in policy or service delivery that need to be resolved or mitigated. It is likely that you will have more than one possible solution for each issue
a. Race
Adverse Impact and/or inequality / Possible Solutions
The festival is focused on the Chinese culture, which could result in people from differing cultures not participating in the events. / Brochures have been sent to the Essex Race
Equality Council for distribution to their members. This will ensure encouragement to attend the festival events from all cultures.
Essex Jiangsu brochure is available in a range of languages, including Chinese Mandarin. The number to call for this service is clearly printed on the brochure.
In order to make the festival more inclusive, a performance by the Yangzhou Puppet Show is being organised by the Ethnic Minority Activities Network.
b. Age
Adverse Impact and/or inequality / Possible Solutions
c. Sexual Orientation
Adverse Impact and/or inequality / Possible Solutions
d. Disability
Adverse Impact and/or inequality / Possible Solutions
Raleigh Windmill is not fully accessible; however is a specialist venue used for arts within the region. / The ‘Images of Jiangsu’ Art Exhibition (exhibiting at Raleigh Windmill) is also being displayed at the nearby Castle Point District Council Offices, which is fully accessible to all.
Colchester Castle Museum has specific access restrictions. / The website for Colchester castle has been included within the events programme, where people are able to download the museums access brochure.
All venue access details have been included on the programme of events.
The Essex Jiangsu programme of events has been sent to Sophie Weaver (the disability access specialist at Colchester Borough Council) for comment. Due to timescales, the comments and suggestions made will be actioned for the second half of the tour.
The programme is available in large print, Braille and audio tape on request. Contact details are printed on the leaflet
e. Gender
Adverse Impact and/or inequality / Possible Solutions
f. Religion
Adverse Impact and/or inequality / Possible Solutions
g. Other
Adverse Impact and/or inequality / Possible Solutions
/ Essex County Council
Impact Assessment Form Section 2 / ECC40a
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5. You now need to complete the action plan. You need to prioritise the work that needs to be done. If you have found any adverse impact or discrimination that is illegal you must address these immediately and therefore they will be top priority in your action plans. The notes for guidance will help you to prioritise your other actions. If there are areas which you feel need to be looked at in more detail then the resulting action may be an additional EIA focussing on a specific area of concern.
Please list the actions that you need to take as a result of this assessment. Directors will need to decide how these actions will be prioritised.
Issue Identified / Issues taken from question 4 / Action Required – agreed solution / Name of service /unit/ individual’s work plan where action will be included. / Officers responsible – Directorate Lead and Action Lead / Details of Cost – inc. Resource & financial / By when1 / The festival is focused on the Chinese culture / All solutions detailed in section 4a have been completed / Belinda Farrell, International Cultural Festival Manager / Belinda Farrell, International Cultural Festival Manager
Directorate Lead, Duncan Wood / This was accounted for during the original costings in terms of brochure production / All Complete
2 / The festival is focused on the Chinese culture / For second phase of events, change the reference to Mandarin Chinese (alternative languages including Mandarin Chinese). / Belinda Farrell, International Cultural Festival Manager / Belinda Farrell, International Cultural Festival Manager
Directorate Lead, Duncan Wood / N/A – phase 2 brochures have not yet been printed. / November 2008
3 / Raleigh Windmill is not fully accessible / The art exhibition being shown is available at an alternative local venue. / Belinda Farrell, International Cultural Festival Manager / Belinda Farrell, International Cultural Festival Manager
Directorate Lead, Duncan Wood / N/A / Action Complete.
4 / Colchester Castle Museum has specific access restrictions. / The web address provided for further access information is incomplete (missing .uk from the address).
This as well as the access symbols will be added to the second leaflet / Belinda Farrell, International Cultural Festival Manager / Belinda Farrell, International Cultural Festival Manager
Directorate Lead, Duncan Wood / This can be resolved in the Phase 2 programme brochure at no additional cost. / November 2008
Further EIAs Required
Subject / Planned Date / Lead Officer / Action Officer
This action plan needs to be agreed with your Director and Service Manager and actions included in the appropriate service or unity plans.
Signature of Executive Director/ Director…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Signature of Service Manager……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
Please submit this form to the equalities team: