Application Form for The Best Camping, Caravan or Glamping Experience
Please note areas marked with a * can be submitted as links / detail on no more than 3 separate documents
BUSINESS / Name of Business:Name of Person submitting the application:
Your role (ie owner / manager):
Phone No:
Social media accounts:
Are you submitting supporting documents (please circle)? Y / N. If so how many? 1 2 3
Are you / any of your staff Brecon Beacons Ambassadors? – please list:
Do you employ any staff – if so how many?
100 word description of your business:
Criteria: Online Information / Your submission will be judged on how inspiring your website is for guests to book your business and to encourage them to visit the Brecon Beacons. Marks will be awarded for pre-visit information, how up to date the site is, how adaptable the site is for different media. You will also be marked on your use of social media, your online reputation and how this is managed*.
Business Response: No more than 400 words please:
Criteria: Quality / Your submission will be judged on the overall quality of your submission, evidence of quality provision, fixtures & attention to detail. Details of recent investment. Additional marks will be awarded if you are graded, have other awards or are an Ambassador. Marks will also be awarded for Environmental Good Practice / Green Credentials. Also if an access policy is in evidence*
Business Response: No more than 400 words please:
Criteria: Customer Experience / Your submission will be judged on evidence from your guest book other than on line,* evidence of effort made by the business to enhance the customer experience for guests whilst on site, evidence of effort made by the business to encourage the customer to enjoy the locality by visiting local attractions / events or information on other local services that can be booked
Business Response: No more than 400 words please:
Criteria: Customer Care & Staffing (please note if you do not employ any staff this question still applies to the owner/managers). / Describe your customer care values & philosophy, give examples of how you believe your service is outstanding. Include how you handle enquiries, visitor welcome and arrival, the visit itself and departure. Also describe how you deal with complaints.
Please detail your training values and philosophy for your business. How do you ensure that you and/or staff remain motivated, feel part of the team and gain the correct knowledge to ensure that the customer receives high quality attention? What investment has been made in staff training and development in the last 12-18 months and give examples how this has improved the services provided to guests/visitors.
Business Response: No more than 500 words please
Criteria: Things that make a difference: / Your submission will be judged on the things that you believe make a difference, the effort you have put into your submission and any other additional information not already supplied. An extra mark can be gained if you have adopted the new Brecon Beacons branding into your marketing with evidence of the new logo on printed &/or digital material*
Business Response: No more than 400 words please: