6th, 7th and 8thGrade Affective Education Class

Mrs. Jan Gaspich

Course Description:The main focus of this course is to teach students how to interact and react positively in various social settings. The course involves strategies to help students get organized, take responsibility, self-advocate, and resolve their problems independently. A group setting is used in this course so that students learn to cooperate and collaborate.

Course Topics:1. Creating a Supportive Learning Community

2. Developing Self-Awareness and Self-Management

3. Building Academic Strengths and Purpose

4. Resolving Conflicts and Making Decisions

5. Behavior Management

6. Diversity

Resources: School Connectby Kathy Beland and Julea Douglass

Brainstorm by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.

Major Objectives:Develop Organizational Skills

Manage Emotions and Behaviors


Goal Setting

Build Positive Relationships


Resolve Conflicts

Course Requirements: Be Prepared for Class

Use Daily Planner

Participate in Class Discussions

Participate in Group Activities

Follow Classroom Rules

Complete a Daily Behavioral Log

Return weekly progress sheet signed

Assessments:Group Activities

Class Participation

Complete Daily Planner



Class Trips:We will be taking various curriculum based class trips throughout the school year. You will receive advanced notice and permission slips will be sent home. The trips are optional but recommended for the student to apply what he/she is learning in the classroom.

Token Economy:Students will receive fake money weekly for their positive behavior. Behavior logs will be used to monitor their behavior and they will be paid based on their percentage for the week. They will be able to use their money in the classroom store. The classroom store may consist of food, drinks, school supplies and other items. Please advise me if your child has dietary limitations.

Weekly Progress Report: A weekly progress report will be sent home with each student on Mondays. It will need to be signed and returned the next day. If I do not receive a signed report, I will make a phone call to the parent(s) or guardian.

Therapy Dog:A therapy dog will be visiting our classroom once a month.

Yoga:The students will be introduced to yoga. They may want to bring a mat or towel. They will have an opportunity to practice their yoga in the mornings before classes begin. This is an optional activity.

Guinea Pig:We have a guinea pig for a classroom pet. Her name is Lily Rose. The students are responsible for taking care of Lily. They are given an opportunity to volunteer for various jobs pertaining to the care of Lily. They get paid for completing their jobs. Please let me know if your child is allergic to Lily.

Grading System: Marking period grades are determined using total points. (Total points earned/total points possible x 100 = %)

98 – 100A+78 – 79C+

93 – 97A73 – 77C

90 – 92A-70 – 72C-

88 – 89B+68 – 69D+

83 – 87B63 – 67D

80 – 82B-60 – 62D-

59 and belowF

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

(717)566-5310 Room 205

Visit my website for more information. I will add new information to my website throughout the year.


I have read and reviewed with my child the information in the Affective Education course syllabus.



