June 23, 2009
DearVillage of Endicott Resident,
Thank you for your interest in the Neighborhood Watch Program. Through the program The Endicott Police Department and the residents of the Village of Endicott establish a partnership which unites us in our efforts to identify, address and deter crime in our community.
Now, to get started you should know:
- There is strength in numbers, so talk to your neighbors to see who might be interested in joining your Neighborhood Watch.
- Next, contact me, and I will help you choose a date for your first meeting that coordinates with your assigned officers schedule. Both I and your community policing officer (see attached list) will be present at your meeting to help you set up the Watch Program in your neighborhood.
- The Watch program helps you to keep abreast of current crime trends/enforcement efforts occurring in your neighborhood and it helps your police department to be aware of your concerns/observations so that together we can formulate a plan of action. Your community policing officer will always be present at your meetings, as long as you coordinate with him/her and I to have your meeting correspond with his/her rotating schedule.
- If you can’t find any neighbors who are interested in joining you at this time, please contact me and I will let you know when we are having our next Neighborhood Watch Council Meeting here @ PD. Anyone who is interested may attend.
Lastly, the Police Officer who delivered this packet is your assigned Community Policing Officer and he/she is the one who will be present at any neighborhood gathering you organize. We are here as a resource for you and your group as you empower yourselves in the fight against crime and as you get to know one another.
We are looking forward to joining you in this project.
Sgt. Laurie M. Sorensen
Community Services