*for more information about this session contact Jay Clark (APAC)


1.  Homeowners set the agenda

2.  State HOAs have resources

3.  Eliminate park prejudice

4.  No stigma

5.  Own the land

6.  Fair rent for Affordable Housing

Brainstorming Issues & Dot-mocracy

1.  Own the land (23)

2.  Homeowners set the agenda (22)

3.  Children proud of their community (20)

4.  Statewide HOAs have adequate resources to do their work (17)

5.  Elimination of prejudice (17)

6.  Fair rent for affordable housing (17)

7.  Fair interest rates (17)

8.  MHO have same rights as stick-built HO (15)

9.  Better equity and re-sale value (12)

10.  Investor owned communities are resident owned communities (11)

11.  Fair balance between land owners & homeowners (11)

12.  Language – “I’m from X community” (rather than mobile home, trailer, or MHP) (11)

13.  Attractive, safe and well-maintained communities (10)

14.  Respected (9)

15.  Equality within greater community (7)

16.  Blend in – no division (6)

17.  Won’t have to have meetings like the MHOAA convention to set the agenda (4)

18.  Value-added (4)

Brainstorming Solutions & Dot-mocracy

1.  Coverage of MHOs plight during presidential campaign (13)

2.  Have a communication network set up for MHOAA (newsletter, website, email list, blog) (12)

3.  Active contact with all other HOAs out there (9)

4.  MHOAA hire grant writer (8)

5.  Get APAC model organization started in 3 new states (7)

6.  Greater racial representation/diversity in general at next year’s convention (6)

7.  Propose federal legislation (6)

8.  Set up a system so any media person who uses “T” word gets 30 phone calls (6)

9.  HOAs encourage 3 non-profits to help them with TA for ROCs (5)

10.  3 more states have their first cooperatively owned MHP (4)

11.  Establish a NW regional association (4)

12.  Oprah show on park closings (4)

13.  Pass voluntary preservation bill in WA state (3)

14.  Homeowners approach at least 5 funders with this vision and request funding (3)

15.  Qualifications for good leadership (3)

16.  4 new states join MHOAA (3)

17.  Double attendance at the next convention (2)

18.  3 statewide symposiums to educate people and raise awareness of issues (2)

19.  Get Jay a collared shirt (1)

20.  Biker’s park (1)

21.  Only HO vote to set this agenda (1)

22.  50% of people in this room invite at least one person to next year’s convention (1)

23.  Oregon GAP funding (0)


1.  Coverage of MHO plight during the presidential campaign

2.  Have a communication network set up for MHOAA

3.  Active contact with all HOAs out there

4.  Hire grant writer

5.  Get APAC model organization started in 3 states

6.  Propose federal legislation

7.  More racial & other representation/diversity next year

8.  System so media people who use the “T word” get 30 phone calls

9.  HOAs encourage 3 nonprofits to help them with TA for ROCs

Tactics to Achieve Chosen Solutions

“T” Word

1.  Set up phone tree

2.  Put state we’re from

3.  Computer search

4.  Letter-writing campaign

5.  Letters to editor in local newspaper

6.  Go to Daily Show pre-Stewart departure

7.  Recruit at meetings

8.  Meet with editors to set style guidelines

9.  List of bullet point

10.  Protest the Idaho Statesman

Presidential Campaign Attention

1.  Call Mitt Romney

2.  Call campaign headquarters

3.  MHOAA – tell campaigns the issues

4.  Obama moment

5.  Invite candidates to park

6.  Tours of housing: tea party & crumpets tour

7.  MHOAA website – keep in touch with each other

8.  Call-in programs

9.  Go to e.g. mayor debate

Communications Network Set Up for MHOAA

1.  Blog on MHOAA website

2.  Multi-media chat rooms to use for advanced set chat meetings inviting all state for discussion

3.  Listserve – terrible idea

4.  Follow up information from this convention

5.  List of state with newsletter, trade newsletters

6.  Links to newsletter

7.  Statewide webpage, links to other groups

8.  Paper copies of web site stuff

9.  Communication cooperation with AARP

10.  Invite AARP to MHOAA

11.  Encourage state to contact each other

MHOAA Grant Writer

1.  Dave

2.  Examples of successful grant

3.  List of possibilities

4.  APAC/NWAF contact with MHOAA

5.  University student grant writers

6.  Conference calls

7.  Research student

8.  Networking of grant-makers

Tactics to Achieve Chosen Solutions (cont.)

Active Contact with all HOAs

1.  Call the HOAs that border your states

2.  Ask to send their contact information to MHOAA or APAC

3.  Look at list, send info for other organizations to APAC (who will distribute)