Barbados Association of Texas

Minutes July 18, 2015

Type of meeting / Monthly General Meeting
Facilitator / Wendell Rawlins / Note taker / Rodgricia Cooper
Attendees / Wendell Rawlins, Andrea Marshall, Beverly Arthur, Hugh Massiah, Erlene Arthur, Judy Foster, Stephanie Adams, Rodgricia Cooper, Ed McDaniel (call in)
Call to Order / 3:31 p.m.
opening prayer / H. Massiah
Reading of minutes / Motion to accept by J. Foster and seconded by B. Arthur
Collection of dues
Sunday, November 15th at 3pm Volunteer Circle at the TSU Museum hosts the "International Tea", an event focusing on 4 countries (Barbados is 1), celebrating the heritage and culture of each through food, music, dance, art and history. Bonita Cutliff.
On June 30th General Fund - $4808 Scholarship Fund - $702
On July 18th General Fund - $8713 Scholarship Fund - $702
Scholarship – applications online. Hard copies will be available at the Taste of Barbados.
Membership – No update
Public Relations – No update
Social – Social Committee met on 7/11/15 to discuss the Taste of Barbados. Hayden Murrell and Reggie Clarke Sr. would do the cooking onsite. Committee has set a budget. Hayden will purchase the food items.
·  Name Change BAGH – In progress. The Directors are: Wendell, Ed, Beverly, Shontelle and Rodgricia. The new name, Barbados Association of Texas, effective May 15, 2015.
·  Conference Room available in room 172-B. To schedule, please call or email.
·  QEH update – No update
·  BAGH Website – The website is almost complete.
·  PCN Austin Trip – June 1st – Cancelled due to Weather plus poor planning from organizer
·  Houston Carnival – Bagh showed in force with T-Shirts. Promo Booth set -up
·  Houston Caribbean Queen Pageant June 28th –– attended by some members.
·  Houston Caribbean Festival July 5th attended by Judy, Ed, Andrea and Laticia
·  Barbados Picnic / Fundraiser – Cancelled due to weather
·  TropX boatride feedback – Need to change the date
·  Taste of Barbados August 15 – Erlene asked is a discount for members who have paid their dues. It was decided patrons will receive 5 tickets. Mac will purchase the chicken. Tickets are available and flyers are in Dropbox and on Facebook. Ed will also send out an email.
·  Jamaica Gala – July 25th Bayou Event Center $90 – The Ed and Wendell will attend.
·  Bake Sale fundraiser offer for BAGH at Jounen Kweyol (Creole Day) October 25th –
·  Feed Homeless June 28th
BAJAN MINUTE / Pushing breadcart - pregnant
ADJOURNMENT / 4:30 p.m.