Bancroft Elementary

PFC Board MEeting

Bancroft Elementary PFC Minutes–DRAFT

October 18, 2016 <Minutes are organized by Agenda schedule; not necessarily in order of actual presentation>

The meeting was called to order by PFC President Mari Mielcarski at 7:03 p.m.

Executive Board Members in Attendance

Linda Schuler- Principal; Mari Mielcarski- PFC President;Hillary Osness- Vice President; Ashley Foster-Treasurer;Marga Marshall- Historian/ Parliamentarian; Anna Rowe-Secretary

Others Present

MaryAnne Parker, Deanne Giffin, Emily Andrews, Suzanne Leibowitz, Federico Bongiovanni, Alyson Ogden, Sandi Rosenblatt, Gosia Dunning, Katherine Beckner, Philip Juarez, Stefanie Lee, Eric Kyonu, Pauline VanBeck, Sarah Rhodes, Christina Henricksen, and Angela Sandoval. (22 total in attendance)

Welcome – Mari Mielcarski


Approval of Minutes– Septemberminutes were reviewed. Mari motioned to approve the minutes as amended.The motion was seconded by Linda, and the motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report – Ashley(see handout)Dollar a Day estimated to bring in $5500 more with the installment payments, bringing us roughly to $70K, slightly under our year to date goal. We have $50,325 in savings, $152,536 in checking, and $6,345 in outstanding checks. That brings our cash balance to $196,516. Taking into account the reserve funds for music, library, and outdoor education, our net available cash is $178,649. Our forecasted remainder expense for this fiscal year is $52,888. Our 25% cash reserve is $45,142, bringing our total available free cash to $80,620.

Principal’s Report – Linda

  • Thanks for the flexibility about the walk-a-thon- rescheduled due to rain.
  • Modular building update- we will get a total of 6 classrooms, not all at once. First building is arriving in November. Electricity and plumbing will be done over winter break, and it will be ready in January. The buildings will go where the play structure on the playground is now.
  • Professional development for staff was on NGSS. Teachers planned lessonshow to best use the garden.
  • are applying and getting funded.
  • 5th grade camp is around the corner 11/15, 16,17, 18. 85 children are going, 66 families have made a contribution, and 4th grade fundraising goes toward the gap. Site council and PFC do not cover outdoor education gap.
  • Welcomed new IA Cecilia Santiago, supporting 4th grade. Another IA has resigned.
  • Soul Shoppe workshops for “stop and breathe” were held.
  • Community service day was 10/8, very successful, lots of help. Waiting for funding to help with murals, messaging, to support our Bancroft Bs.
  • Kids can come in costumes for Halloween, the school will be highlighting kindergarteners with their parade. Read guidelines for costumes.
  • 10/20 great shakeout for earthquake drill.
  • Site council meeting this Thursday and ELAC next Monday.
  • Question about application process for K dual immersion transfer, which is in February 7th. If you have a 5th grader transferring to middle school, you need to apply now for that transfer. 2/21 will be a kindergarten night for information.
  • Sun shades were ordered through, they did not work out, and now they are being exchanged.

Faculty Report-Mrs. Giffin- community day was wonderful for the garden. Professional development day was nice to have time to work in grade levels and see what would work in the garden. Every grade level did at least 2 planning sheets covering different standards that can be learned in the garden. STEAM lab did a September engineering challenge;which students will start next week. 5th grade is very excited about outdoor education.They are doing a year-long project-based learning turning the back area of the garden into a pollinating garden. They are also going to plant colonial plants. 4th grade is finishing Eagle Song. They are doing project-based learning by planting a succulent garden. Ms. Andrews- 2nd/3rd has started their ELD program. Bogni/Andrews are ELD teachers in the first 45 minutes. Restorative circles are working out really well. Thank you PFC for helping fund the Cpod printer. 2nd grade is studying the human body, families long ago, and taking afield trip to Heather Farms. Learning center- all students have made improvements. 3rd grade- appreciate chromebooks, and have started coding. They are going to use Spheros (robots). 3rd grade is also focusing on multiplication, division,Being a Writer, and the PBIS program (positive behavior and support program). Ms.Parker- learning activities in kindergarten dual immersion- lifecycle of the pumpkin. Lots of writing projects on animals. 1st grade is doing a lot with their thinking maps. Children’s work was shared, and she talked about planting in the garden and using science journals.

Old Business- Mari- talked about how Matt is working on many things for rolling out the strategic funds process.

New Business- Communication feedback- input on Konstella and methods being used. Philip is looking for any voices about communication. Constant contact- for the Principal’s message only 50% opened the email. There were 22 clicks on the costume document. How can we streamline communication and consolidate? It could all go through Konstella, but different teachers have different ways of communicating. There was a large discussion about Konstella.

Committee Reports

  • Walk-A-Thon- Stefanie- ready to go on Friday. There have been lots of donations and gift cards to raffle off to parents. Shirts will be distributed on Thursday.
  • Benefit update- Mari reports that it is super easy. $111.00 has been raised so far by the people who have been piloting the app.
  • Sloat fundraiser report- gift card for $50.00 went toward the garden.
  • Maker’s Faire- it is this Friday.
  • Fall Fest Update- we need more volunteers.
  • Disaster prep update- backpacks and supplies were purchased.
  • Harvest update- Ms. Velken is doing this through the garden.
  • Buddies report- there are 9 buddy families contacting families and welcoming them.

Next Meeting – Tuesday,November 8th, at 7 p.m.

Adjournment9:04 p.m.