Extended abstracts
All presenters are requested to submit an extended abstractin the Adobe PDF (not exceeding 2 pages and 3MB).The extended abstract volume will be archived on the workshop website and its printed volume will be provided to all participants at the workshop.
Extended abstracts must be emailed to by30September, 2012.
1. File format to be in the Adobe PDF. Please carefully check the quality of your PDF file previously.
2. Two pages and 3 MB at the maximum of page number and file size, respectively.
3. File name to be Firstauthor.pdf. If one author has multiple papers, then append _a, b etc. to the filename (ex., Iwasaki_a.pdf).
4. We recommend single-column format, single-spaced 12-pt font (Times Roman orArial preferred) and A4 paper size for ease of reading on-screen. Paper title,authors, and so forth should be as the attached format.
5. Color figures are fine, but the printed version will be black and white. Please ensure
that your graphics are readable in either color.
6. The final abstract must be received by us no later than 30September 2012.
All authors are strongly encouraged to have theirmanuscripts reviewed within their institution, or by other colleagues.
Title centered and in 14 pt bold type
Taro Hiseiriki1andHanako Suchi2
1Meteorological Research Institute, Japan
2Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, Japan
(Taro Hiseiriki, )
- Introduction
The title should be the same as for your accepted presentation, centered and in 14-pt bold type.The authors should be in the same order as for your presentation. The authors and their affiliation should be centered, in 12-point type. Please include the corresponding author’s name with email addressin parenthesis.
- Sections
Sections should be numbered and have headings in bold type.Please leave a 25 mm (1 inch) margin all around.Paragraphs should be 12-pt single-spaced, with a blank line between paragraphs.References should use the author-year standard, such as Author (2009) or (Author, 2009).Please make sure that all your citations appear in the bibliography of your paper.
- Figures and tables
Figures may be in color for the CD, but will be printed in black and white for the hard copy.Please make sure that your figures are meaningful in both colors! Each figure should benumbered, and have a caption next to or beneath it. If your file size is larger than 3 MB, considerreducing the resolution of your figures.Tables should similarly be numbered and captioned.
Fig. 1. Logo of the MSJ research subcommittee of nonhydrostatic numerical model.
4. File Format
Please supply your document in the Adobe PDF file.File name is to be Firstauthor.pdf where Firsauthor name is to be thefirst author’s family name, capitalise the first letter only.If one author has multiple papers, thenappend _a, _b etc. to the filename.Your PDF file must not exceed 3 MB nor exceed 2 pages.
5. Deadlines and page limits
We must receive your extended abstract by September 30.All authors are strongly encouraged to have theirmanuscripts reviewed within their institution, or by other colleagues.
Thank you for your participation to 2ndInternational WS on NHM.
Author, A.N., 2010: Title of paper,J. Meteorol. Soc. Japan., 1, 1 – 10.