• Seasons Illustration Monday, August 15
  • The Perfect Landscape Thursday, August 18
  • Biome Project Friday, August 19

Mrs. Karen Lawler-Kelley

Contact Me

Phone: 770-289-9004

Lawler’s Geography
Lawler’s Geography /
Unit One Geography Projects

Project 1: Seasons Illustration

What is your favorite season?

Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter?
What do you like about it?
Based on the characteristics of the four mid-latitude seasons, choose your favorite and create a brochure, small page or poster, power point, Prezi, or other product of your choosing that illustrates the following:
1. What your favorite season is and why.
2. Your favorite activities during this season.
3. The causes of the seasons.
4. The typical characteristics of the normal mid-latitude season:
Level of Precipitation
Position of the Earth from the Sun during this time
The season’s impact on your environment
Fun activities and holidays
5. Solstice or Equinox: What are they and which occurs during your season?
6. Include pictures, drawings, or clip art that showthe environment during this season, activities, and holidays. /

These projects are to help our students explore our planet and to help them gain a deeper understanding of their connection to it.

‘green lands and blue seas, veiled in wisps of white clouds–our unique planet’ a haiku for our Earth by Crafty Green Poet

Project 2: The Perfect Landscape

What would the perfect landscape look like to you?

Create your own landscape using the following criteria:
Use 15-20 different types of land features, such as mountain, canyons, or volcanos
Use 5 different bodies of bodies of water, such as waterfalls, rivers, oceans, or lakes
Use the appropriate plant life that would be found around each
The type of product is of yourchoosing, and can either be two or three dimensional, electronic or paper. You may draw it, make a collage, use photos, or create a model, or any other type of project.
Show me your creativity! /

Project 3: Biome Project

Which biome is your favorite?

Desert, Tundra, Forest, Grassland, Ocean?
Choose your favorite biome and create a project of your choice that illustrates the following:
Correct plants
Correct animals
Bodies of water
All pertinent information about that biome, including regions where it is found, levels of precipitation
Human Interaction within this biome, such as, natural resources used, density of population, and human activities
Desert- hot or cold
Grasslands- tropical or temperate
Forests- taiga, coniferous/deciduous/mixed, tropicalrainforest/jungle
Ocean- Arctic or Antarctic, tropical, Atlantic/Pacific, Indian, seas, gulfs