January 18, 2011
The Board of Education of the Borough of Manasquan, Monmouth County, met for the Regular Open Business Meeting on Tuesday, January 18, 2011, at 7:00 p.m.,in the Manasquan High School Media Center.
ThePresident, Mrs. Brown, called the meeting to order in accordance with the Open Public Meeting Law, Chapter 231, P.L. 1975 advising that notices were forwarded to newspapers, Board Members and were posted as required.
Present for Roll Call: Trisha K. Brown, Chris Haley, Peter J. Kenny, Chris Muly, Cynthia O’Connell, Jim Smith and Katherine Verdi, Manasquan Board of Education Elected Members (MEB), Kerry Morgan, Sending District Representatives (SDR). Absent: Thomas B. Bauer, Linda DiPalma (SEB), Cherie Adams and Thomas Pellegrino (SDR), Meghan Burke and Jimmy Gallagher, Student Liaisons.
Also Present: Geraldine Margin, Superintendent of Schools, Margaret M. Hom, Business Administrator/Board Secretary, Wayne J. Oppito, Board Attorney, representatives of The Coast Star and members of the public.
On a motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mrs. Haley, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to approve the minutes of the Special Action Meeting, Open Agenda Work Session and Closed Executive Session of December 7, 2010 and the Regular Open Business Meeting and Closed Executive Session of December 14, 2010. 1/18-01 (MEB/SDR)
Roll Call Vote as follows:Mrs. Brown – yesMrs. Muly – yes
Mrs. Haley – yesMrs. O’Connell – yes
Mr. Kenny – yesMr. Smith - yes
Mrs. Morgan – abstainMrs. Verdi – yes
Let the minutes reflect that Mrs. DiPalma is now present.
Superintendent’s Report – 1/18-02
Mrs. Margin opened her report by recognizing the teachers and students who organized Life Is Good Day. This event was organized by Jamie Congilose and Chryseis Apostolou. Ms. Congilose reported on the event and acknowledged and thanked the students and adults who assisted with the program.
Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Margin thanked the group for their efforts and hard work in organizing this program.
Mrs. Margin reported that the high school Science League teams in Biology Two, Physics Honors and Chemistry competed against seven other teams from the local area schools. She reported that the Biology Two team placed first, the Physics Honors team placed second and the Chemistry team placed forth and congratulated all the team members on their accomplishments.
Mrs. Margin provided a mid-year report on the progress towards the district goals.
Mrs. Margin asked the Board to review the enrollment figures as specified in Document A. She reported an enrollment as of December 31, 2010 at the Elementary School of 687 and at the High School of 986 full-time students and 49 shared-time students, for a total of 1035, bringing the total district enrollment to 1722. She also reported the average daily attendance of 93.07% at the high school and 96.09% at the elementary school for the month of November. She referred to the suspension report, fire and bus emergency evacuation drill reports for the high school and elementary school which the district is required by law to report at an open meeting, as specified in Document B.
Mrs. Margin ended her report.
Mrs. Brown opened the first Public Forum for discussion of agenda items only. 1/18-03
During the Public Forum the following questions and comments were addressed:
- Clarification of the number reported on the elementary school suspension report.
- Clarification of the cost of the registration fee for the football coaches clinic
There were no additional questions or comments from the public. Mrs. Brown closed the Public Forum.
Mr. Smith requested that the Board adjourn to meet in Closed Executive Session prior to addressing the personnel motion.
On a motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mrs. Haley, pursuant to Chapter 131, P.L. 1975, also known as the Open Public Meetings Act, that authorizes a public body to meet in executive or private session under certain limited circumstances, and whereas, said law requires the Board to adopt a resolution at a public meeting before it can meet in such an executive or private session, it was RESOLVED by voice vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to hereby determine that it is necessary to meet in executive session on January 18, 2011 to discuss personnel and that any matters discussed will be made public if and when confidentiality is no longer required and action pursuant to said discussion will take place at a public meeting.
On a motion by Mrs. DiPalma, seconded by Mrs. O’Connell, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to approve the high school personnel, as specified in Document C(1), with the exclusion Item #2 –non-paid volunteer for 2010-2011 SY - Valentine Barnaby – Boys’ Basketball Coach. 1/18-04(MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mrs. O’Connell, seconded by Mrs. DiPalma, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to approve the elementary school personnel, as specified in Document C(2). 1/18-05 (MEB)
Roll Call Vote as follows:Mrs. Brown – yesMrs. Muly – yes
Mrs. DiPalma – yesMrs. O’Connell – yes
Mrs. Haley – yesMr. Smith – yes
Mr. Kenny – yesMrs. Verdi - abstain
On a motion by Mrs. Haley, seconded by Mrs. O’Connell, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to approve the students for treatment and/or placement as prescribed by the Child Study Team, as specified in Document D. 1/18-06 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mr.Kenny, seconded by Mrs. O’Connell, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to approve the high school professional days and field trips submitted, as specified in Document E(1) 1/18-07 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mrs. Muly, seconded by Mrs. Brown, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to approve the elementary school professional days and field trips submitted, as specified in Document E(2). 1/18-08 (MEB)
On a motion by Mrs. Verdi, seconded by Mrs. O’Connell, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to approve thepurchase of a site license for Study Island beginning January 30, 2011 through June 30, 2011, at a cost of $1600. 1/18-09 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Ms. Morgan, seconded by Mrs. O’Connell, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to approve the adoption of the following textbook for the 2010-2011 school year:
Publisher: Delmar Cengage
Textbook: Introduction to Medical Terminology – Second Edition
1/18-10 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mrs. DiPalma, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to approve that the Annual School Election be held on Wednesday, April 27, 2011, as specified in Document F. 1/18-11 (MEB/SDR)
Mrs. Hom pointed out that some of the dates in the document are tentative and will be confirmed upon receipt of the official election calendar. The election date is a confirmed date.
On a motion by Mrs. DiPalma, seconded by Mrs. O’Connell, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to approve the 2011-2012 School Calendar, as specified in Document G. 1/18-12 (MEB/SDR)
On a motion by Mrs. O’Connell, seconded by Mrs. Haley, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to advertise to bid for Athletic Uniforms. 1/18-13 (MEB/SDR)
Mrs. Hom said the bid would be for football uniforms being paid out of next year’s budget unless the athletic department has money left in the current budget to pay for the uniforms.
The Business Administrator/Board Secretarycertified that as of December 31, 2010, no budgetary appropriations account has obligations and payments, which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the Board of Education of the Borough of Manasquan.
On a motion by Mrs. Haley, seconded by Mr. Kenny, it was RESOLVEDby roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education that pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2A.10(d), the Board of Education of the Borough of Manasquan, accepts the Business Administrator/Board Secretary’s certification as of December 31, 2010, that no budgetary appropriations account has obligations and payments, which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the Borough of Manasquan Board of Education.
The Board of Education further recommended the acceptance of theSecretary’s Financial & Investment and the Treasurer’s Reports for the month ending December 31, 2010, as specified in DocumentH. (The Treasurer of School Moneys Reports for the month of December 2010 is on file in the Business Office and is in balance with the Secretary’s Report.)
It was further RESOLVED that pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2A.10(e), the Board of Education of the Borough of Manasquan, County of Monmouth, after having reviewed the Report of the Secretary and upon consultation with the appropriate officials, certifies
that as of December 31, 2010 it is to the best of its knowledge that no major account or fund has been over-expended and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year, and that the Board of Education further approved the transfers made within line item accounts of the current expense portion ofthe 2010-2011 budgets for December and January, as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools, as specified in DocumentH.
The Manasquan Board of Education further recommended the acceptance of the elementary school Central Fund Report for the month ending December 31, 2010, as specified in DocumentI(1).
It was further RESOLVED to approve Bills (Capital Expense) in the amount of -$0- for the month of January 2011 be approved. Record of check (#-0-) and distributions are on file in the Business Office.
The Manasquan Board of Education also confirmed Bills (Capital Expense) for December 2010 at $15,817.50 and check (#1250). 1/18/14 (MEB)
On a motion by Mr. Kenny, seconded by Mrs. Haley, it was RESOLVED by roll call vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to accept the high school Central Fund Report for the month ending December 31, 2010, as specified in Document I(2).
The Manasquan Board of Education further recommended the acceptance of the Cafeteria Report for the month ending December 31, 2010, as specified in Document J.
It was further RESOLVED to approve Purchase Orders for the month of January 2011, as specified in Document K.
It was further RESOLVED to approve Bills (Current Expense) in the amount of $1,218,585.34 for the month of January 31, 2011. Record of checks (#28138 through #28232), and distributions are on file in the Business Office.
The Manasquan Board of Education also confirmed Bills (Current Expense) for December2010 at $2,184,938.62 and checks (#27994 through #28137). 1/18-15 (MEB/SDR)
Mrs. Brownopened the second Public Forum. 1/18-16
Mrs. Brown closed the second Public Forum seeing no comments or questions from the public
Under Old and New Business:
Mr. Smith corrected a comment he made at the last meeting and said that he misstated that Wall Township funded the golf program when it was actually Neptune
Mrs. Margin said that the proposal brought to her for a girls’ golf team was still in discussion.
Mrs. Margin said that a credit was still in place from New Jersey School Boards and encouraged the board members to look into programs and workshops offered by them to utilize the credit.
Mrs. Hom also reported on the Safety Award and Grant that the district was awarded by the New Jersey School Boards Association Insurance Group.
Mrs. Hom explained the SEMI program and the waiver that would possibly be presented for approval by the Board to waive our participation in the program.
Mrs. Brown reported that there would be a budget presentation on Saturday, February 5, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. in the High School Media Center. She encouraged the public to attend the meeting.
Mrs. Margin provided pictures of the Can Sculpture and reported on the success of the project.
Mrs. Brown reported that the Board would be adjourning for Closed Session to discuss contractual issues and would not be returning to take any further action. She asked for a motion to adjourn to Closed Executive Session. 1/18-17
On a motion by Mr. Kenny, seconded by Mrs. Haley, pursuant to Chapter 131, P.L. 1975, also known as the Open Public Meetings Act, that authorizes a public body to meet in executive or private session under certain limited circumstances, and whereas, said law requires the Board to adopt a resolution at a public meeting before it can meet in such an executive or private session, it was RESOLVED by voice vote of all those present in favor by the Manasquan Board of Education to hereby determine that it is necessary to meet in executive session on January 11, 2011 to discuss contractual issues and that any matters discussed will be made public if and when confidentiality is no longer required and action pursuant to said discussion will take place at a public meeting. 1/18-18 (MEB/SDR)
Respectfully submitted,
Margaret M. Hom
Business Administrator/Board Secretary