ROORKEE –247-667




The Environmental Engineering section laboratories consist of undergraduate laboratory, and pilot scale laboratories. These laboratories are well equipped with facilities for technical and practical outreach activities in teaching and training. The labs are used to analyze physical, chemical and microbiological environmental samples with full range of environmental parameters in water and wastewater quality, solid wastes, air pollutants and noise levels. The lab also includes microbiological facilities for studying pathogenic characteristics. From 2003, these facilities had a major renovation, funded in part by the MHRD funds of IIT Roorkee. The environmental engineering laboratory has almost all state of art equipments such as,

1.  Total carbon analyzer.

2.  Spectronic 20 D spectrophotometer

3.  Gas chromatograph

4.  High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC)

5.  Ozonator.

6.  Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen (CHN) Analyzer

7.  Phase contrast microscope, Ion Chromatograph.

8.  Flame photometer

9.  Laminar hood

10.  Hach COD digester and colorimeter.

11.  Oxytop control Analyzer

12.  Thermostatically Controlled Cabinet

13.  Milli Q Water Purification System

14.  Digestion Apparatus

15.  DO, pH, ORP & turbidity meters

16.  Real Time Environmental Air Particulate Monitor,

17.  Stack monitoring kit.

18.  High Volume samplers

19.  Sound level Analyzer


The faculty members are involved in in-house and sponsored research and development programmes.

The Thrust Areas of Research are:

·  High rate anaerobic wastewater treatment by UASB & Anaerobic baffled Reactor

·  Pre & Post Treatment of UASB reactor.

·  Aerobic Hybrid Reactor for domestic and industrial wastewater treatment

·  Ozonation for color removal from industrial wastewater.

·  In-Vessel (Rotary Drum Composting for Municipal Solid Waste.

·  Vermicomposting.

·  Riverbank filtration.

·  Air Quality Modeling along Highway Corridor.

·  Air Pollution, Risk Assessment & Climate Policy Analysis

The ongoing sponsored research project are as follows:

1.  “Water quality Monitoring of Hindon River: Ganga Action Plan Phase II”, Sponsored by NRCD, Sponsored by Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India (Dr. Indu Mehrotra).

2.  “Vermicomposting of municipal solid waste” Sponsored by UCOST, Uttarakhand, (Prof. Renu Bhargava)

3.  Rotary Drum Composting of Municipal Solid Waste, Sponsored by DST, India (Dr. A. A. Kazmi)

  1. Air Pollution in Maga Cities, Sponsored by Max Planck Society, Germany. (Dr. B. R. Gurjar)
  2. “Development of Microbiological Quality Standards for Disposal of Urban Wastewaters”-Sponsored by Central Pollution Control Board, Delhi (Dr. Arvind Kumar & Dr. A. A. Kazmi).

6.  “ Color Removal by Ozonation” Sponsored by IIT, Roorkee (Dr. A. A. Kazmi).


In addition to the research activities, the faculty of the laboratory is also actively engaged in providing consultancy services in their areas of expertise to various Government and Private sector organizations.

Laboratory Air & Water Quality Testing:

·  Ambient Air, Indoor Air and Stack monitoring

·  Drinking, Industrial & construction water quality testing

·  Domestic & Industrial Effluents Testing.

·  Water quality monitoring of Rivers, Lakes, Ground water, Reservoir etc.

·  Solid waste & Sludge characterization

·  Soil Analysis

Environmental Management

·  Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Management (EM) Plan

·  Environmental Audits

·  Safety Audits

·  Solid Waste Management

Water & Wastewater Treatment

·  Sewage and industrial effluent treatment plants: Design, Upgradation and Evaluation.

·  Drinking and process water treatment plants: Design, Upgradation and Evaluation.

·  Water Supply and Sewerage Systems: Design, Upgradation and Evaluation.

·  Effluent Treatment plants for Industries

Recent Consultancy Projects:

1.  Water Quality Monitoring of Tehri Reservoir.

2.  Upgradation of Water Treatment Plant at Mathura Refinery

3.  Design of Effluent Treatment Plant at Thermal Power Plant

4.  Design of Sewage Treatment Plant and Reuse Facility for DHBVN Colony, Hissar.

5.  Rapid EIA for SIDCUL Industrial Estate near Roorkee City.

6.  Design of Sequencing Batch Reactor Sewage Treatment Plant for Ganganagar colonies Meerut.

7.  Hydraulic and structural design of pumping stations and sewage treatment plant for Shatabdi Nagar, Meerut.

8.  Performance Evaluation of River Bed Filtration Sites in Uttaranchal.

9.  Technical Evaluation of Water Supply Scheme for Pauri & Bauri group of villages.

10.  Management & Conservation of Dal & Nagin lakes in Jammu and Kashmir.

11.  Water supply and sewage system for Tehri Hydropower Project.

12.  Solid Waste management of Bhubuneshwar City.


Arvind Kumar, Professor of Environmental Engineering. Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, University of Roorkee, 1983. Water Treatment, Wastewater Collection, Treatment and Disposal, Environmental Monitoring and Impact Assessment, Natural Resources and Environmental Professional Practices, Environmental Planning and Management.

Courses: CE-521 Treatment Processes I, CE-621 Treatment Processes II.

Contacts: Tel: (01332) 285449 Email: prof

Indu Mehrotra, Professor of Environmental Engineering. Ph.D. in Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, 1972. Waterchemistry, Treatment chemistry, Wastewater treatment, High rate anaerobic process, UASB treatment process, Metal Speciation

Courses: CE-522 Environmental Chemistry, CE-523 Water Quality Lab. CE-601B Environmental Impact Assessment of Civil Engineering Projects.

Contacts: Tel: (01332) 285451 Email:

Renu Bhargava, Professor of Environmental Engineering. Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, University of Roorkee, Solid Waste Management, Rural water supply & Sanitation Including Waste Management,Lake Modeling And Diagnosis, New Techniques of Aerobic Waste Treatment.

Courses: CE-524 Solid Waste Management, CE-624 Industrial Waste Management

Contacts: Tel: (01332) 285458 Email:

Pradeep Kumar, Professor of Environmental Engineering. Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, University of Roorkee, Year 1987. Phosphorus in water and wastewater, biological phosphorus removal, study of water quality of lakes.

Courses: CE- 411 Environmental Engineering- II

Contacts: Tel: (01332) 285446 Email:

Uday Bhanu Chitranshi, Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering. M. Tech. in Environmental Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, Year. Air Pollution, Water & Wastewater treatment.

Courses: CE-622 Air Pollution Control

Contacts: Tel: (01332) 285459 Email:

Pramod Kumar, Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering. Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, University of Roorkee, 1999. Hazardous Waste management, Risk Assessment, Environmental Engineering.

Courses: CE- 312 Environmental Engineering I, CE-626 Hazardous Waste and Risk Management.

Contacts: Tel: (01332) 285692 Email:

Bhola Ram Gurjar, Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering. Ph.D. in Environmental Risk Analysis, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, 2000. Air pollution emissions and their impacts on air quality, public health and climate; Environmental risk assessment and management; and integrated cross-disciplinary study of science and policy issues of the environment, energy, economy, entrepreneurship,

Courses: CE-622 Air Pollution Control

Contacts: Tel: (01332)285881 Email:

Absar Ahmad Kazmi, Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering. Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, 1999. Sustainable On-Site & Small-scale wastewater treatment systems, Sequencing Batch Reactor Activated Sludge Process, Technology Development & Design of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant, Industrial wastewater pretreatment by Yeast Cycle System. Wastewater and Sludge Recycling and Reuse, Water Quality Modeling and River Action Plan

Courses: CE-412 Water and Wastewater Treatment, CE-623 Advanced Water Supply & Sewerage.

Contacts: Tel: (01332) 285725 Email:


The continuing education programmes enable practicing engineers and technologists to be exposed to latest developments and interact with the faculty more closely on practical problems. The faculties in the division have been organizing a number of Continuing Education programmes in the form of short-term courses. Some of these programmes are also organized for teachers from engineering colleges under QIP/ISTE schemes. In addition to short-term courses, the faculty also organizes a variety of workshops, seminars and symposia. Recent courses organized by the section are as follows:

·  CPCB sponsored Course on Analytical Methods for Water and Wastewater Quality.

·  JICA sponsored short course on basics of Sewage Treatment, 2006.

·  A CPCB short course on Physical, Chemical & Biological Phenomena for wastewater treatment, 2005.

·  A Workshop on Disposal of Bio-Medical Waste.

·  Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Management (EM) Plans

·  Short Term Course “New Developments in Water Treatment & Sewage Treatment Plant Design”

·  A short course on “Laboratory Practices in Public Health Engineering”



1.  S. Prashanth, Pradeep Kumar, Indu Mehrotra Anaerobic Degradability: Effect of Particulate BOD J. Environmental Engineering (ASCE), accepted for publication.

2.  Zainab, Mohd. PeerBhoi, Indu Mehrotra and A.K. Shrivastava (2003) Treatability Studies of Black Liquor by Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor, J. Environ. Eng. Sci., 2, 307-313.

3.  Fouad, M. & Bhargava, R., Approximate Solution for Design of Steady State Biofilm-Activated Sludge, Water Intelligence Online, August 2004.

4.  Foud, M. & Bhargava, R., The Optimum Stage for Nitrification Efficiency In The Biofilm-ASP Reactor, Water Intelligence Online, July 2004.

5.  Fouad, M. and Bhargava, R., Sludge Production And Settleability In Biofilm-Activated Sludge Process’, Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE), Vol. 131, No. 3, March 2005, pp. 417-424.

6.  Fouad, M. and Bhargava, R., Mathematical Model for the Biofilm Activated Sludge Reactor, Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE), Vol. 131, No. 4, April 2005, pp. 557-562.

7.  Fouad, M. and Bhargava, R., A Simplified Model for Steady-State Biofilm-Activated Sludge Reactor, Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 74, 2005, pp. 245-253.

8.  Ahmad, Y., Bhargava, R., & Parida, M., Transport Generated Air Pollution on National Highways in Haridwar District, Journal of Indian Association of Environmental Management, Vol. 31, No. 3, Oct. 2004, pp. 225-229.

9.  Kazmi A.A (2005) Wastewater Reclamation & Reuse in Urban Areas- Japanese Experiences, Journal of Indian Waterworks Association.Vol. 27, No. 2,Apirl-June 2005, pp 133-145.

10.  Kazmi A. A. & Furumai H., Sustainable Urban Management in Asia. Special Issue of International Review of Environmental Strategies, (2005) Vol. 5 No. 2 pp 425-428.

11.  Gali S. Veeresh, Pradeep Kumar, Indu Mehrotra, Treatment of Phenol and Cresols in Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB), Process: A Review, Water Research, Vol.39 (2005), pp. 154-170.

12.  Raja Chowdhury and Indu Mehrotra, Minimization of Short Circuiting Flow Through Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor, Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol.130(9), (2004), pp. 951-959.

13.  Nema, P., Chelani, A., Ojha, C.S.P., Kumar Arvind and Khanna, P., Utility of Column Lysimeter for Design of SAT System for Waste Water Renovation Using Artificial Neural Networks, J. ASCE Environmental Engg. Division, Dec. 2004, pp. 1534-1543.

14.  Gurjar, B.R., J. Lelieveld, 2005. New Directions: Mega cities and global change. Atmospheric Environment 39 (2), 391-393.

15.  Gurjar, B.R., J.A. van Aardenne, J. Lelieveld, M. Mohan, 2004. Emission estimates and trends (1990-2000) for megacity Delhi and implications. Atmospheric Environment 38 (33), 5663-5681

16.  Molina, L.T., M.J. Molina, R. Slott, C.E. Kolb, P.K. Gbor, F. Meng, R. Singh, O. Galvez, J.J. Sloan, W. Anderson, X.Y. Tang, M. Shao, T. Zhu, Y.H. Zhang, M. Hu, B.R. Gurjar, P. Artaxo, P. Oyola, E. Gramsch, P. Hidalgo, A. Gertler, 2004. Air Quality in Selected Mega cities. Critical Review Online Version ISSN 1047-3289 J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc. 55:000–000.

17.  Mohan, M., B.R. Gurjar, 2004. A risk-based model to establish threshold planning quantities of hazardous substances. J. Air & Waste Management Association 54 (4), 495-503.

18.  Ahmad Y & Bhargava Renu, Vermicomposting of Filter mud from Sugar Industry Mixed with food waste, IPhE, Vol 2005 (1) pp 34-37


19.  Ajay S. Kalamdhad., Kazmi A.A., Rotary Drum Type Composting- An Option for Decentralized Composting. Proceedings, National Seminar on Sustainable Infrastructure for National Development, April 2005. pp. 265-273, Aligarh, India (2005).

20.  Ajay S. Kalamdhad,. Kazmi, A.A., Rotary Drum Type Composting – An Option for Decentralized Composting, Proceedings National Seminar on Sustainable Infrastructure for National Development, April 2005, pp. 265-273, Aligarh.

21.  Tyagi, V.K., Durgapal, N.C., Sharma, C.S. and Kumar Arvind, ‘Performance Study of Common Effluent Treatment Plant at Delhi with specials reference to Effluent Toxicity Reduction using Daphnia Magna as Test Organism’, Proceedings of 11th National Symposium on Hydrology with Focal Theme on Water Quality Monitoring, Modeling and Prediction, held at NIH, Roorkee, Allied Publishers, pp. 505-513.

22.  Dash, R.R., Balomajumder, C. and Kumar Arvind, ‘Biodegradation of Cyanide Bearing Wastewaters’, Proceedings of Indian Chemical Engineering Congress, Chem-Con 2004, held at Mumbai, Dec. 27-30, 2004, Proceeding Abstract p. 9-11 (Env. Sc. & Enggs. Section), Dec. 2004 (Full paper in the proceedings CD).

23.  Dash,.R., Majumdar, C.B. and Kumar Arvind, ‘Biodegradation of Cyanide Bearing Wastewaters by Rhizopus Oryzae’, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Industrial Wastewater Treatment held at Chennai (Sponsored jointly by French, German Govts. and Anna University, Chennai), Feb. 9-11, 2005.

24.  Lt. Col. Nagaraj M., Kumar Arvind and Hatwar, J., Cost Effective Alternatives for Disposal of Distillary Spent Wash with a View to Achieve Zero Discharge, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Industrial Wastewater Treatment, held at Chennai (Sponsored jointly by French and German Govts. and Anna University, Chennai), Feb. 9-11, 2005.


The Environmental Engineering within the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering lead to M.Tech. and Ph.D. degrees in Environmental Engineering. The program is sufficiently flexible to accommodate a wide variety of interests and engineering backgrounds. Cooperation with other departments and programs of the university encourages the development of a coordinated approach to the solution of complex environmental problems. Each specialty area is built on required core courses and appropriate advanced and elective courses, chosen in consultation with the student’s advisor, to meet graduation requirements. Core courses are listed below, followed by discussions of the specialty areas and their course requirements, listed by specialty area.

Core Courses:

CE-521 Treatment Processes I Crs. 4 (3-1-0)

CE-522 Environmental Chemistry Crs. 4 (3-1-0)

CE-523 Water Quality Lab. Crs. NC (0-0-2)

CE-621 Treatment Processes II Crs. 4 (3-1-0)

CE-601B Environmental Impact Assessment Crs. 4 (3-1-0)

CE-622 Air Pollution Control Crs. 4 (3-1-2/2)

Elective Courses:

CE-524 Solid Waste Management Crs. 4 (3-1-0)

CE-525 Water Quality Management Crs. 4 (3-1-0)

CE-623 Advanced Water Supply & Sewerage. Crs. 4 (3-1-0)