c/o Richards Hogg Lindley
17/F, OTB Building, 160 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Membership Application Form
1. Personal Details
Name (English) * / Name (Chinese) *
Title (Prof., Dr., Mr., Mrs., Miss) * / Sex (M / F) *
Nationality / Private Email Address*
Correspondence Address* / Telephone Number*
2. Company Details
Company Name (English)* / Company Name (Chinese)*
Office Telephone Number / Office Facsimile Number
Office E-mail Address / Office Website
Office Address
Signature / Date
Name of Introducer / Official Use Only
Please submit your duly completed application form to the Executive Committee for approval either in person or via any member of the Club. It is mandatory for applicants to fill in the items marked with an asterisk*. The Personal Information Collection Statement of the Club is attached.

Personal Information Collection Statement ("PICS") –Marine Insurance Club

  1. Your Privacy

Marine Insurance Club ("the Club", "we", "our" or "us") respects your legal rights of privacy when collecting, storing, using and transmitting personal data and this PICS explains our privacy practices. It is our policy to comply with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) of the Laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and all related codes of practice and guidance notes issued by the Privacy Commissioner. In doing so, we will ensure compliance by our executive committee members with the strictest standards of security and confidentiality. Please read the following carefully to understand our policy and practices regarding how your personal data will be treated. This policy may from time to time be revised, or otherwise changed where we deem necessary but we will give you advance notice of any such revision or change. "Personal data" means any personally identifying information or sensitive data (such as names, occupations, addresses, contact details, your employer) from which it is practicable for the identity of an individual to be ascertained.

  1. Purposes for which we will use your Personal Data

We collect your personal data when you apply for our membership. If you want us to process your application to be our member, you must provide the personal data marked as mandatory in our Membership Application Form. All the personal data provided by you will be used by us for the purposes of: (a) application, administration, continuation and termination of your membership at the Club; (b) providing you with news, notices and other communications of the Club; (c) verification of your identity; (d) to enable us to better understand the demographics of our Members; (e) disclosing only your name and company name on our website ( and circulating only your name and company name among our members.

It is entirely voluntary for you to provide personal data which is not marked as "mandatory" in the Membership Application Form. Purposes for which it is only voluntary for you to provide your personal data is to enable us to better understand the demographics of our Members.

  1. Disclosure

In cases where we do collect personal data from you, we will: (a) tell you (by way of this PICS or by a separate notification) that we are doing so and the use that we will make of such personal data we collect; and (b) tell you how we will store your personal data and how you can review, change and delete the personal data we have stored.

We will take all practicable steps to keep your personal data confidential but we may circulate only your name and company name among our members and disclose only your name and company name on our website (

  1. Security

Except as mentioned in paragraph 3 above, your personal data, however stored, will be accessed only by our executive committee members, authorised employees of the Club, or contractors who are authorised to do so. Personal data stored electronically are password-protected. Our computer systems are placed in restricted areas.Authorised employees of the Club and contractors designated to handle personal data will be instructed to do so only in accordance with this PICS.

  1. Your Right to Access and Correction

You may at any time request access to and to correct personal data relating to you in any of our records. To exercise any of your rights, contact us at the address below, marking your communication "Confidential". In response, we may ask you to provide certain details about yourself so that we can be sure you are the person to whom the data refers. We are required to respond to your requests within 40 days, but we may charge you a reasonable fee for doing so. We will not retain your personal data if you request us to terminate your membership of the Club. In the case of termination, we will erase your personal data as soon as practicable after we are no longer obliged to retain such data by law.

  1. Personal Data Privacy Officer

The person to whom (1) requests (i) for access to data or correction of data, (ii) for general information regarding our policies and practices with respect to personal data and (iii) about the kinds of personal data that we hold and (2) general questions and complaints should be addressed is as follows:
Secretary of the Marine Insurance Club

c/o Richards Hogg Lindley

17/F OTB Building

160 Gloucester Road

Wanchai, Hong Kong

  1. Retention of Data

We will keep your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purpose for which the data was collected. We may also retain archived personal data for statistical purposes. Personal Data which is no longer required will be destroyed.