To Every Global Person; Family; Business; Group; Nation; Culture;NT Church
02/13/2016(OFBGM® Launched in 2010 & now approved for 501(c)(3) status)
OFBGM®; PO 665 Lawrenceburg, TN 38464
OFBGM® stands for Our Father’s Business Global Ministries Inc. which is submitting this Business Plan for a turnkey system overview of self in life’s reality!
This Business Plan will give a complete insight into the business/ministry.
OFBGM® founder and team eagerly await your response to self’s lifetime reality life’s action plan called LAPEAL™ (Lifetime Action Plan in Every Area of Life)in this fallen world of selfishness. Our Father’s Business welcomes every global person to our God the Father Who allowed the 2nd Member of the Godhead to become His Son by His incarnation to share how much our Godhead: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit love every global person who has and will ever be conceived before God the I Am our Emmanuel that came to earth so that we can go to Heaven in His Direct Presence where our faith becomes sight in our Godhead’s abode of Invisibility at our Lord Jesus Christ 2nd eternal Spirit Appearance bringing Heaven’s New Jerusalem He is preparing in Heaven/Jn14:1-f.
On OFBGM® website, on every page across the top of the page is the “contact” link that will take you to your comments section which will allow for OFBGM® Business Plan to be analyzed and made better by your participation.
The Founder’s prayer is to find our God’s omnipresence by His Word of God the WCOG™ (Whole Counsel Of God) in the Bible and bask in His truth in love eternal nature and image for abundant life now and eternity at our physical death with Him forever in God’s city of Heaven. Thanks for taking your time to read this Cover Letter and the following Business Plan to help OFBGM® share our God.
OFBGM® has designed OFBGM® LAPEAL™ and LAPEAL™ as a professional and self-counseling program thru OFBGM® Lifetime Personal Library for every global person to take self: leadership, ownership, management of whatever life brings to us every moment. OFBGM® is about our Father/Mt6& His truth in love for us!
Our Father’s Business Global Ministries Inc. – OFBGM® INC.
Founder and President of OFBGM®: Daniel G Haislip
Webstore has images of current products & prices!
Also, most of OFBGM® products are free that are featured on the Website: OFBGM® BB (Business Brief) found on top of the right corner under the Archives Link; OFBGM® BC (Business Card- found in 4 April 2013 BB; from now on will just mention the #4 BB); OFBGM® WCOG™ (found annually by yearly BBs); OFBGM® LAPEAL™ (Now on BBs until Webstore product); LAPEAL™ (Now on BBs until Webstore product); OFBGM® Wisdom (Previous and later upcoming products); OFBGM® Self- Leadership™ by OFBGM® Library thru BBs WCOG & 16 self Bible Notebooks (BB #41); OFBGM® Daily Devotion And NT Fellowship Manual (BB #40);
Monthly Business Briefs link on top of website pages (Is the ultimate leadership tool for Jesus Kingdom lifestyle annual assessment); OFBGM® Christian Daily NT WCOG Ministries (On each Website page); OFBGM® upcoming social media accounts: Facebook; Twitter; Blogs; Goggle; Instagram; Pinterest; etc. (Any free OFBGM® copyright products may be reproduced for use); etc.!
OFBGM® MS (Mission Statement): Jesus, the Word of God, is the WCOG™/Mt4:4!
OFBGM® VS (Value Statement): Jesus is Creator of universe all spirits/Phi1:21!
OFBGM® VDS (Vision, Dream Statement): Jesus is Heaven’s Temple/City/Throne!
Cover Sheet Page 01
Title Page Page 02
Business Plan Contents Page 03
Executive Summary Page 04
The Family and Team Page 08
Products and Services Page 08
Marketing and Development Plan Page 09
Field Page 09
Industry Page 09
Our Story and Business/Ministry Description Overview Page 09
Operation Plan Page 10
Business/Ministry Model Page 10
Organization and Leadership/Management Page 11
Brand Differentiation and Value Proposition Page 11
Target Market Page 12
Competition/Industry Analysis Page 13
Financial Plan Page 13
Scale Page 14
Executive Summary – Pg 04
What is OFBGM®?
OFBGM® is the Trademark, Acronym, and composes part of the Logo for Our Father’s Business Global Ministries Incorporated! OFBGM® by God’s wisdom over the last 42 years has designed OFBGM® LAPEAL™ (Lifetime Action Plan in Every Area of Life) which is a universal, comprehensive, and timeless counseling time management (TM) field for lifetime self-leadership™ by professional group therapy or classes and global web self-counseling programs. OFBGM® constitution is the Bible’s WCOG™ only contained in the 66 Bible books of the authorship of our Godhead. OFBGM® self total daily ministries are found on the website of for any abundant life’s reality and Christians lifestyles.
About OFBGM®
OFBGM® INC. is thus says the Lord ministry that follows only our Jesus by His glorious example of living by every word of God/Mt4:4 or the WCOG™ (Whole Counsel Of God/Ac20:26-27) by OFBGM® LAPEAL™/Js1. OFBGM® LAPEAL™ covers every aspect and moment of every global person’s life by the Word of God thru God’s wisdom/Js1. OFBGM® Wisdom is the implementation of Jesus’ WCOG: word (s); phases; thoughts; lines; statues or ordinances; laws; commandments; covenant (s); NT doctrines; and eternal life’s principles! OFBGM® heralds and proclaims that only Jesus saves and no man is worthy or has the power to save anyone even themselves. Praise God that He allows His children to be a part of
OFBGM® to plant and water in order for our Godhead to give the increase.
OFBGM® INC. was incorporated in the state of TN in 2010 with OFBGM® Charter and Bylaws. The bylaws state the regular daily activities (as in any non-profit corporation) along with the constitution of OFBGM® will be the New Testament in our Bibles (27 NT Books) by OFBGM® WCOG™ Bible principles in Section 7.
Over the years LAPEAL™ has patent MY LIFE STORY™ in thousands of Group Therapy classes and one-on-one counseling sessions to share how every person from Adam until the last conceived person before Jesus 2nd Coming will be special and important to our best Friend, King, Lord, God- Emmanuel, Savior, High Priest,
Executive Summary – Pg 05
Lamb of God, Temple, Throne, and City Who is Jesus that will advocate for every global person’spatience for mercy grace in this evil fallen selfish world of sin! So every person’s MY LIFE STORY™ is made special and becomes abundant and eternal life important by Jesus Life Story™ revealed in the Bible’s 66 books. My Life Story™ has been a LAPEAL™ counseling tool that has put self in charge of life by addressing the reality of life in this fallen world of selfishness sin. OFBGM® is a global Kingdom of God or Kingdom of Heaven movement to unite fellowship every My Life Story™ to our Father and Emmanuel/2Jn9 by His Life Story™!
OFBGM® main ministry of the Bible’s endless ministries is global evangelism! Our Jesus gave up infiniteness (for 34 years) so we could go to His Temple & City of infiniteness! OFBGM® WCOG™ of the Bible’s NT gives instructions for initial salvation. OFBGM® is not a local church but a global ministry that replicates the WCOG™ NT pattern and doctrine of NT WCOG™ GPs (Gospel Preachers) like Paul, Timothy, Titus, and the rest of the NT Bible examples going regionally and globally planting NT WCOG™ local autonomous churches or assemblies in order to plant and water the seed. OFBGM® mission is to create a global mindset of every global Christian to pray and become a part of OFBGM® to follow Jesus leadership and fulfill Mt28:18-20 and Col1:23 in this generation and each following generation until Jesus ends this physical universe or world at His 2nd Coming. OFBGM® uses the website COM (Communication, Organization, Mobilization) to coordinate every nation and people group in reaching every global person for our Jesus by the same pattern and doctrine we see in OFBGM® NT WCOG™.
The Uniqueness of OFBGM® INC.
OFBGM® by the Bylaws and the Founder’s own Biblical Belief System will never compromise OFBGM® NT WCOG™ in order to keep living and following our Lord Jesus Christ/Mt4:4, Ac20:26-27 for abundant life now and eternity at our last physical breath. OFBGM® is also unique in restoring NT WCOG™ pattern and doctrine by having NT WCOG™ GPs that read/study/meditate/& live OFBGM® WCOG in order to preach & teach OFBGM® WCOG™ to bring every global planted church to maturity & then appointing elders in every global planted NT church.
Executive Summary – Pg 06
OFBGM® will look for the good and pure in every person and religious group outside OFBGM® NT WCOG™ and be thankful for every global person who follows some of the NT WCOG™ because of the good that any precept, principle, or law obeyed has on the society and culture of any nation. However, OFBGM® will continue preaching and teaching for every global person to follow only Jesus and live by every word of God/Mt4:4 or OFBGM® WCOG™. Each component in this Executive Summary the following content sections will be expanded with more OFBGM® LAPEAL™ counseling for each person to hold self accountable first!
The Brand of OFBGM®
The brand of OFBGM® is not picking and choosing or adding and deleting from OFBGM® WCOG™ put following our Jesus and living by every word of God. The NT WCOG™ is the very mind and heart of our Jesus! When we follow our Jesus example in His NT, we are following the very nature and image of our Godhead/
Jn14:9. OFBGM LAPEALcounsels that our brand of following Jesus/Mt4:4 yield the abundant life/Jn10:10 eternity/Jn14. Also, living or walking in sin in this fallen world of sin ruled by satan yields darkness, selfishness, evil, hurt/wrong.
The brand encapsulates Jesus global family/Mt12:46-f with Himself Who loves His people so much that He gives His truth in love to overcome this oppressive world.
LAPEAL™ is not only a timeless universal comprehensive counseling field but also a time management field. Each word in the vocabulary of the field of TM (Time Management) is given an exact meaning which applies to all industries & fields.
OFBGM® brand coined a new word, Self-Leadership™, in order for self to take ownership of the reality of our lives because we can’t give what we don’t have. Also, Jesus allows us to love ourselves by allowing us to love the Godhead with all our minds, heart, and souls by Jesus forgiving all our sins/1Jn. By obeying the Bible’s NT WCOG the brand of OFBGM® allows us to experience the glorious presence of our Godhead and His peace and joy that passes understanding!
OFBGM® Quick Overview of the Global Ministry
OFBGM® LAPEAL™ covers every aspect of self total & whole life from conception to physical death to Jesus 2nd Coming to Jesus eternity of Heaven or Hell. OFBGM® LAPEAL™ covers every institution, event, and issue by OFBGM® WCOG™.
Executive Summary – Pg 07
OFBGM® restores the NT WCOG™ doctrine and pattern of GPs going regionally globally to plant and preach/teach OFBGM® WCOG™ to mature the newly established NT WCOG™ local autonomous family or assembly of our Lord Jesus Christ in order to ordain (the Bible way by the NT WCOG™ to choose the candidates for the leadership of the local church or congregation) elders. OFBGM® over the years has developed “ye” or local church ministries from the smallest to the largest assembly to be the family of Jesus/Tit1:16. OFBGM® also follows Jesus leadership by His NT WCOG™ thru OFBGM® website to COM the brotherhood (used in the NT) or global nation of priesthood to help the global NT churches by evangelism and needs like the Jerusalem NT famine. OFBGM® Lectures and preaches that every global person is called by Jesus NT WCOG to come one-on-one with our Godhead by putting your faith only in Word not man.
OFBGM® Timeline
1955-1998: Hearing the WCOG™Preaching/Lecturing/Counseling the WCOG™
1999-2009: Marketing/Writing thousands of OFBGM® and LAPEAL™ articles
2010-2017: State Charter, Bylaws, Trademark, Incorporated, 501(c)(3) status
(Approved for Tax-exempt status & put on approved list in 2015),
Started OFBGM® Website, for COM & Webstore
(Total cost of ministry expenses up till 2-13-16 without any income)
Continue Website updates with OFBGM® BBs & marketing OFBGM
Plans for OFBGM® tolaunch in 2018 if Founder & President retires
2018-2nd Coming: OFBGM® is only about our Father & Godhead not any man
OFBGM® Website: on top of each page click “contact” link then add your
Comments (Also, on OFBGM® Website free Bible resources)
OFBGM® Office Phone Number: 931-762-0039
OFBGM® Address: PO 665, Lawrenceburg, TN 38464 (At present HQ in home)
OFBGM® Email:
OFBGM® Head Quarters (HQ): Plans to eventually to obtain global HQ office (s)
OFBGM® Jesus made His Father’s Business OFBGM/Lk2:49, 52; Mt6:9; Jn10:25-30
The Family and Team – Pg 08
OFBGM® INC. global evangelism of every global person looking for the light of our Jesus and of every local NT WCOG church, are the family of Him/Mt12:46-f. Every global person that obeys more of the Bible’s NT WCOG will live a better life. OFBGM® LAPEAL™ and LAPEAL™ counseling programs help the global family of Jesus and the global team of the Bible’s NT WCOG life principles of nations, businesses, cultures, and all social groups to live the highest paradigms of life which is the very nature and image of our Godhead. OFBGM® LAPEAL™ and LAPEAL™ have spent years counseling the NT WCOG of the Bible life principles of the very nature and image of our Godhead’s very eternal infinite relationship.
OFBGM® LAPEAL™ and LAPEAL™ universal comprehensive timeless whole TM counseling programs will make this planet a more safer and peaceful place for self and our families! OFBGM® has spent decades preaching/counseling so be a part of OFBGM® and become a global movement in the Kingdom of God & Heaven!
Products and Services
The products of OFBGM® are offered on the website (which are free) and on the website store which go deep into OFBGM® WCOG™: 1 OFBGM Business Manual (Quick initial overview of OFBGM® along with the ministries on the website); 2 OFBGM Proclaims the Godhead (Relationship of our Godhead and the members of the Godhead with His family); 3 OFBGM Invisibility Of Our One Spirit Godhead (The 12 biblical paradigms of our Godhead’s one Spirit invisibility); 4 OFBGM Authorship Of Our Godhead’s Bible. Check out OFBGM BBs to see the upcoming products on the webstore. The founder and president of OFBGM® has never used any man’s works but preaches, lectures, counsels, and prays directly from OFBGM® WCOG™. OFBGM® Services will include many ministries listed on the website and those to be added globally which will be included in the updates of this Business Plan. However, the founder has read widely to understand viewpoints and gain insights from the greatest minds down thru history.
OFBGM® has many potential services like global counseling offices of LAPEAL™.
Marketing and Development Plan
OFBGM® is marketing now by the website and the founder giving OFBGM® BCs to many folks seen every day. OFBGM® Development Plan for 2016 is to add YouTube; Blog (s); Daily Facebook Devotions; Twitter; Instagram; & LinkedIn.
Marketing and Development Plan – Pg 09
Future plans of OFBGM® are to start global OFBGM Sermon and Lecture Ministry and many more such ministries which will be updated at that point in the ministry. Also, the opening of global counseling LAPEAL™ professional offices.
OFBGM® has developed the fields of TM (Time Management); comprehensive universal timeless counseling resource; consultation of the unique field of OFBGM® WCOG™; Self-Leadership™ (as OT says easier to run a city than to control and discipline self); etc.! Also, LAPEAL™ will study fields including the career field to understand the importance of work/job. OFBGM® will also study the field of religious and spiritual groups to help reach all with OFBGM® WCOG™.
OFBGM® industry of counseling and education of life skills and counseling resources will explore the total industry and learn from the professionalism. These components of OFBGM® Business Plan will greatly be enhanced when these areas are launched. Also, OFBGM® field & industry is the Bible’s WCOG™.
Our Story and Business/Ministry Overview
OFBGM® is a composite of every global person My Life Story™ in the partnership and involvement in the ministry. The Founder’s My Life Story™ in OFBGM® will be given when the growth of the ministry allows for global sharing. The business/ministry overview of the details of OFBGM® over the years will be shared per preceding sentence. OFBGM® Founder and President of My Life Story™ has been blessed by great parents who raised me up in Jesus family/Mt12:46-f. The Founder had the opportunity from conception to be at church or the assemblies several times a week plus all the special assemblies of Bible events while reading/studying/meditating/living by every word of God or OFBGM® WCOG™ privately since childhood. I love the Godhead with all my heart, mind, & soul and desire to experience His relationship personally daily and to find every global person who is seeking to come one-on-one with our Godhead for His kingdom now by faith when Heaven or Jesus came down & His glory fills our souls