Sperrin Local Community Plan Draft

The Sperrin

Local Community Plan


This Sperrin Local Community Plan concentrates on those issues which are specific to the Sperrin DEA(District Electoral Area). During the community consultation and engagement some issues were highlighted which have influenced and are best addressed by the Strategic Community Plan. These are outlined on pages three to seven. They will be delivered by the Council and partners in the statutory, community and private sectors. This delivery will be overseen by the Community Planning Partnership Board which includes the interim chairs from the eight Local Community Plan areas.

The issues specific to the Sperrin DEA are presented under the eight themes of the Strategic Community Plan on pages eight to twenty-two. Within each theme this Plan presents the outcomes for Sperrin which all partners will work together to achieve. A menu of actions for each theme is detailed and it is envisaged that this will evolve during the lifetime of the Local Community Plan as new opportunities or resources emerge.

A Local Community Planning Group will be established to take forward the Sperrin DEA Plan. The Council will facilitate the setting up of the Group which will include representatives of the statutory, business, community and voluntary sectors in the area.

Strategic-wide Actions on Sperrin DEA Issues

Local Issues of Wider Strategic Impact


Strategic Community Plan Level Actions

Community Development

Ensure that statutory agencies ‘rural proof’, ‘poverty proof’ and ‘age proof’their tenders for services in rural areas in recognition of social, community and wellbeing benefits of social economy model. / Develop co-design and co-production ways of working.
Establishment of Local Community Planning Group to oversee the implementation of this Sperrin Local Community Plan. Members of the group and staff should have strong local representation and an understanding of rural issues. / Derry City and Strabane District Council
(DCSDC) will facilitate a Local Community Plan Group, designate a Community Development Officer to advise on and support plan delivery and develop co-design and co-production working.
Council to employ one officer per two (District Electoral Areas) DEAs to oversee and drive the implementation of the Local Community Plans.
Undertake a scoping study of the infrastructure needs (capital and resources) of the community sector in the Sperrin area
Implement the recommendations of the Scoping Study seeking funding and resources where required. / Council will undertake an audit and make recommendations to the Local Plan Group. Council will also develop a community asset strategy.
Continuation of both Council and external funding programmes that provide revenue grants to rural groups and assist community festivals (e.g. DCSDC Community Support Programme, Awards for All etc) / Council will review its grant allocation procedures; work with partners to scope current funding and opportunities for collaboration.
Local Area Community Planning partnerships to work with the Council’s Good Relations team to annually scope and deliver a relevant initiatives which promotes Good Relations between people of different religion, race and political opinion and which builds a united community within the DEA.
Promote awareness of and encourage participation in initiatives under Council’s Peace IV programme covering Children and Young People, Shared spaces and Services and Building Positive Relations. / DCSDC Good Relations will work with Local Plan Group to identify and resource actions.

Health and Wellbeing

Develop and deliver an extensive expansion and improvement programme of the area’s play parks, open spaces and greenway and cycling network for outdoor activity. / Expansion programme of play areas, parks, open spaces and greenway/cycling network.
Develop services and programmes to facilitate long-term care support. / Proactive and ongoing health and social care service planning to implement measures to facilitate independent living.
Deliver a Compassionate Communities programme which recognises that end of life care is a social as well as a medical issue, builds capacity within communities to support those with life limiting illness to remain living independently in their own homes, makes a reality of a public health approach to end of life care and enables all of our citizens to age well.
Maintain and expand current community health and wellbeing initiatives where effective - e.g. walking groups, nutrition, social farms, and opportunities to maintain mobility and fitness, accessible opportunities for exercise). / Health literacy programme focused on developing the capabilities of individuals to take control of their own health.
Promotion of positive mental health and wellbeing.
A strong focus on mental health and wellbeing based on models of prevention, early intervention and pathways to recovery
Deliver a sports development programme to promote greater activity by people with a disability, women, girls, older people and those living in areas of high social need.
Support provision of programmes to counteract childhood obesity and commitment to the promotion of breast feeding.
Promote and support various sports, across the DEA (including non-traditional sports). / Build the capacity of our local sporting and recreational clubs.
Implement projects that have a proven impact on health benefitsacross the DEA (e.g.Men Sheds, Carers’ Support Programmes, Emotional Well Being Promotion, Older Peoples’ Initiatives, initiatives for people with disabilities, Allotments Programmes). / Develop an age friendly city and region through an integrated programme of action based on the eight World Health Organisation key themes.
Develop the role of heritage arts and culture in health and well being initiatives’ / Develop an age friendly city and region through an integrated programme of action based on the eight World Health Organisation key themes.
We live long, healthy and fulfilling lives / We are supported to age well, live longer and be more independent

Children and Young People

Develop links between youth programmes in the DEA and the European Youth Capital (EYC) Initiative to ensure that the bid has a strong rural dimension and the young people of Sperrin are part of it. / DCSDC will engage with all areas in both development of bid and in enabling all young people to engage with and benefit from a successful bid.
Continue to support, lead and facilitate youth initiatives across the DEA that will ensure participation from rural, urban, Black & Minority Ethnic(BME) and equitable geographical and religious representation. / Establish local structures to allow children and young people to be involved in decisions (e.g. a Youth Council).

Enterprise and Economy

Complete a review of broadband and telecoms infrastructure in the council area and lobby the NI Executive for funding to address gaps.
Scope and implement a pilot Rural Community Broadband Scheme in areas with no access to Broadband.
Roll out pilot across the Sperrin DEA addressing gaps in fibre broadband capacity (based on areas of greatest need). / Develop a pilot Rural Community Broadband Scheme and roll-out in multiple locations.
Sperrin DEA participation in Rural Business Investment Programme supporting micro, small and social enterprises in non-agricultural/non-food activities. / Deliver business start-up programmes and development support focused on areas of high economic inactivity and rural districts.

Education and Skills

Ensure that residents in the DEA benefit equitably from all relevant education and skills programmes and projects in the Strategic Community Plan. / Implement a STEM action plan in primary and post primary schools.
Support community and parental engagement pilot programmes focusing on numeracy, literacy and family support.
Programmes to promote academic, professional and technical learning for 16-18 year olds.

Tourism and Culture

Establish a strategic group to strategically review and develop rural tourism, forming strong linkages with existing structures such as the Sperrin Outdoor Recreation Forum and the Tyrone and the Sperrin’s Group.
Develop linkages with City based tourism facilities, to ensure visitors to the City are encouraged to visit attractions in the rural area.
Progress projects that will improve access to the countryside and link to existing access provisions (e.g. Sperrin/Killeter Walking Festival, International Appalachian Trail and Ulster Way). / Develop comprehensive tourism strategy and action plan.
Establish Tourism Delivery Partnership to oversee strategy and act as industry voice and lobby group.
Develop a management plan for the Sperrin’s Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Maximise any tourism opportunities that arise from AONB Designation. / Develop and promote our heritage areas (including natural and built heritage)
Maximise the potential for heritage to contribute to this area, utilising the many heritage features across the Sperrin area which could be key tourism drivers. / Develop and promote our heritage areas (including natural and built heritage)
Work with rural groups to encourage participation in cultural events / Review funding to include capacity and revenue costs

Physical and Environmental Regeneration

Undertake a scoping exercise to identify other development sites and progress feasibility studies to provide development for the local community (examples : the old petrol station Ballymagorry; public toilet site in Cranagh; public toilet site in Park; Sperrin Heritage Centre; The Mart, Donemana; Gormley’sPlumbridge; opportunities in Artigarvan and other settlements). / Map under-utilised and/or derelict and suitable vacant properties to address current social housing demand and commercial need and develop a programme for their repair and/or re-development.
Develop a programme for their sustainable repair and/or re-development which seeks to enhance and exploit their wider potential to contribute to initiatives such as heritage tourism. / Map under-utilised and/or derelict and suitable vacant properties to address current social housing demand and commercial need and develop a programme for their repair and/or re-development
Work with relevant partners to implement actions identified in Village Plans within the DEA. / Review village plans to develop and deliver prioritised programmes of village improvement schemes.
Rivers and Fisheries in the Sperrin DEA included in the Rivers and Waterways Masterplan. / Masterplan for the District’s primary rivers and waterways to encourage access, activities, conserve heritage and promote sustainable development opportunities.
Review the walkways and green spaces within the Sperrin area identifying potential areas for improvement of walkways, and potential sites for development. / Progress implementation of North West Greenways to improve connectivity. Develop community-led regeneration initiatives to promote environmental stewardship – the responsible use and protection of the environment.
Scope potential sites for social/assisted/fold housing / Liaise with relevant bodies to put in place audit/survey of need


Promotion of renewable energies / windfarms. / Work with communities to identify suitable locations for siting renewable energy installations.
Improve transport links across the North West / Develop a multi model transport hub to promote the increased use of public and sustainable transport
Develop a new strategy for transport provision in rural areas. / Review Department for Infrastructure’s Integrated Transport Project and how it can be developed across the Sperrin DEA
Improve rural broadband i.e. speed, not spots etc / Review other providers i.e. Virgin etc

Community Development

Key Issue: Lack of access to Council, statutory and community services.

Outcome- Increased access to Council, Statutory and Community Services

Actions to achieve this outcome

Community Hub programme in local communities where need is identified utilising community spaces accessible to all, with specific support for the residents of the Sperrin DEA.

Ensuring that Council Services are accessible to older people and people with disabilities e.g. not just providing online but in a range of formats to ensure inclusivity in decision-making.

Provide fibre optic broadband in each of the hubs.

Provide information on what is available locally for broadband.

Liaise with partners to identify potential service delivery in hubs (e.g. Council Services, DEARA, Enterprise North West, Post Office, Libraries NI, Sports Development, Health [including mental health and self-harm/suicide prevention], Community Pharmacy, Community / Voluntary Sector, Education and Training opportunities, employment opportunities, youth services, older peoples services, more localised clinics).

Implement pilot programme of activity for community hubs to provide local services.

Work with the Rural Development / Peace IV Programmes to ensure that residents of Sperrin DEA benefit from improved services. Ensure representation from the Sperrin Area on the decision making boards.

Good Relations issues such as bonfires and flags need to be included so they can be addressed

Encourage the community sector in the Sperrin area to take on a lobbying role to ensure representation for the Sperrin Area, and ensure that decision makers are mindful of rural issues.

Develop a local communication strategy to ensure that the Local Community planning Group is engaged, transparent and has clear lines of communication to disseminate information.

Provide opportunities for groups to communicate / network with each other with a view to sharing expertise / resources.

Audit capital resources for community provision, and explore the possibility of utilising facilities e.g. Schools, church halls etc.

Groups need support to apply for charitable status

Ensure that communication is made to all section 75 groups

Consider impact for residents in Greater Claudy area living close to DEA boundaries or boundaries with other Local Government Districts and develop protocols for cross DEA, Cross Council resource collaboration

Remove the ‘perceived’ penalty of living rurally, eg access to services, equality of resourcing, transportation challenges, infrastructure, urban centred growth

Development and utilisation plan for Council facilities at Cumber Park,

Invigorate Cumber park access to Claudy and Historic Beaufort Site

Key Issue: Weak Community Infrastructure, over-reliance on volunteers, lack of paid community workers.

Outcome- Strengthened Community Infrastructure

Actions to achieve this outcome

Agree a programme of work to strengthen the community infrastructure and build capacity of local groups.

Work with partners to develop programmes to promote and encourage volunteering opportunities and benefits and to provide relevant training and support in line with the Volunteer Strategy for Northern Ireland.

Volunteers need support/capacity building

Need to form partnerships, share resources

Need for community database to include all groups across the Derry City and Strabane District.

Importance of networking

Provide accredited volunteer training for all (including young people) providing access to qualifications. Explore the possibility of working with schools to align volunteering programmes with UCAS points or other qualifications.

Review existing best practice for community partnership approaches to programmes and activities across the DEAs, with a view to improving and sustaining community infrastructure and employing workers for the area (e.g.sharing knowledge, staff and other resources).

Progress the capital projects identified across the area as noted in the Sustainability Plans 2016.

Continuation of the partnership structure between community networks in the area, to deliver a community support service and a micro capital grants programme to rural groups across the council area.

Undertake a scoping study of current community services across the Sperrin DEA.

Improve community infrastructure to support programmes for older people, including those living independently in rural areas.

Consult with agencies such as RNIB when installing new street furniture as can impact on people with visual impairments

Public centre need to be accessible for people with visual impairments and disabilities

Need for appropriate signage at council buildings – need to be visual to ensure inclusion for people who are unable to read and in different languages

Changing facilities should be gender neutral

Encourage volunteering in local communities to set up programme activities provided by volunteers to reduce isolation and loneliness

Support community groups who rely on volunteers to deliver services and activities i.e. training, revenue etc

To create revenue to pay for community workers within the Sperrin area

Ensure that feedback from rural communities via scoping studies, workshops etc are taken on board.

Key Issue: Need for Communities to Feel Safer and for Good Relations within and between communities

Outcome- Safer Communities Created

Actions to achieve this outcome

Improve personal and home safety by targeted initiatives on accident prevention, farm safety, road traffic safety and e-safety.

Engage with programmes run by the PCSP, especially in the rural area.

Work with relevant partners to implement anti-drink drive programmes.

Need for a community warden/champion programme/service to provide a cross community led response to community safety needs

Training to be provided for these wardens to identify and respond to young people showing signs of anxiety, depression, isolation, feeling victimised, or suicidal.

Work with relevant Partners to promote a safe community/space

Improve water safety in rural areas including the river and address vandalism of water safety equipment

Develop more visual Community Policing and build relationships between youth and Community Police in Rural areas

Improve street lighting in key areas of Claudy and other rural hubs within the DEA

Support growth of local community safety for a/neighbourhood watch schemes

Greater police visibility

Programmes to target ‘boy racers’

Improve security of derelict sites/buildings and vacant premises