Report of the Director of Environment

Author: Derek TwiggTel: 01707 356565

Executive Member:- Stuart Pile, Executive Member for Highways, Transport and Rural Affairs

1Purpose of report

1.1The purpose of this report is to;

  • Report on the successful operation of the Winter Service Operational Plan for 2006/2007.
  • Report on developments to the Winter Service Operational Plan.
  • Seek Panel’s endorsement of the Winter Service Operational Plan for 2007/2008.


2.1The Winter Season 2006-2007 was the second warmest since 1914 with rainfall figures showing an above average rainfall figure.

2.2Early preparation and pre planning resulted in a successful delivery of the Winter Service Operational Plan and the winter service for Hertfordshire.

2.3Minimal change is required to the Winter Service Operational Plan for 2007/2008.


3.1The Panel is requested to consider and endorse

  • the Winter Service Operational Plan 2007/2008 attached as Appendix 1

Publication of the Winter Service Operational Plan 2007/2008on HertsDirect. (Without itsAppendices as these contain personal contact details)

3.2The Winter Service Operational Plan will be agreed with the Executive Member for Highways, Transport & Rural Affairs.


4.1Every highway authority must have a Winter Service Operational Plan that should contain the information laid out in “The Code of Practice for Highways Maintenance Management – Well Maintained Highways”.

4.2The 2006/2007 Winter Service Operational Plan was agreed by Highways and Transport Panel on 15TH September 2006, and was made accessible to the public through HertsDirect.

4.3The Code of Practice requires the Winter Service Operational Plan to be reviewed annually to accommodate changes in legislation, best practice, and local operating requirements, and is presented to Highways and Transport Panel for endorsement.

5Winter Service 2006/2007

5.1With previous experiences of ‘White Friday’ snow, and roads gridlock, there was considerable media interest in the prospect of a severe winter.

5.2Early in February 2007 there was snow-fall. Hertfordshire police and Hertfordshire County council & its partners in Emergency planning mobilised a snow desk which operated for 56 hours at Police HQ, this included mobilising the farmers and snow ploughs and commencing secondary salting actions.Herts Highways was praised in its management of this snow event.

5.3Winter service operations were carried out in accordance with the Winter Service Operational Plan. It was overall a successful season with 99% of all normal salting operations being completed within the prescribed treatment time. There were, as is usual, some roads that suffered operational problems of access by salting vehicles. These roads were included in the summer review of salting routes.

5.4The whole gritter fleet was sent out for salting operations on 31 occasions during the 2006/2007 winter, on each occasion salting all 2,500km of precautionary salting network.

5.5Trials of “Safecote” treated salt from Kings Langley depot demonstrated the ability to reduce salt spreading volumes from 20gm2 to 15gm2 on the routes from this depot.As a result of this trial treated salt will be used across the county for the 2007-2008 season,with reduced spread rates.

5.6A Route optimisation exercise has been undertaken throughout the summer months to ensure route accuracy and correct coverage of the network,further investigation of these routes will be undertaken with route tracking and a matching exercise during this winter 2007/2008 .

2004/2005 / Number
2005/2006 / Number
Full precautionary salting operation of all gritters / 56 / 55 / 31

5.7The average number of salting outings over the last 15 years is 43 outings per year. The number of salting outings for 2006/2007 is below average and underlines the milder than average weather that was experienced.

5.8As reported to Highways and Transport Panel on 22nd September 2005, the ‘Duty to Salt’ has resulted in all highway authorities undertaking more precautionary salting outings fearing potential claims and bad publicity.

5.9Additional funding has previously been allocated to the winter service budget to accommodate the increasing level of service resulting from the ‘Duty to Salt’.

5.10Hertfordshire’s winter duty officers, who are on call to make salting decisions 24hrs per day during their shift, received additional training prior to the start of the winter season to assist in making more accurate decisions.

5.11Three duty officers left the organisation during the winter season. These will be replaced with newly trained duty officers.

Fault/Service Request / Number
2004/2005 / Number
2005/2006 / Number
Ice or snow on carriageway / 177 / 188 / 449
Ice or snow on the footway / 22 / 22 / 76
Salt bin damaged/stolen/empty / 106 / 101 / 185
Salt bin information / 43 / 58 / 55
Information on salting routes / 132 / 204 / 183
TOTAL / 480 / 573 / 948

5.12The dramatic increase in contacts for snow and ice on the footway and carriageway relate to the snow event in February.

5.13Proactive publicity of our operations and regular media releases via the Communications Unit during cold spells informing of our salting outings meant Hertfordshire Highways was viewed in a good light by the media.

6Winter Service Operational Plan 2007/2008

6.1The Winter Service Operational Plan 2007/2008 is included at Appendix 1 (note that some Appendices of the plan itself are not included as these are subject to later alteration and include duty rotas and personal contact details). It includes all the requirements of the Code of Practice for Highway Maintenance Management as well as the specifics and broad winter policy for Hertfordshire Highways.

6.2The Winter Service Operational Plan is reviewed annually to accommodate any changes in legislation, best practice and local operating requirements which occur during the year.

6.3Changes in the Plan from the previous year are highlighted with ‘Rev 07’ in the right hand margin.

6.3.1 A new type of salt will be used from all of the 4 winter salting depots in Hertfordshire. The salt contains an additive that claims to;

  • help salt stick to the road so allows less salt to be spread, saving on money and environmental effects
  • help prevent rusting of salting vehicles
  • help prevent corrosion damage to highway structures such as bridges and lamp columns

6.3.2A new Ice Warning Station, part of the ICELERT system used by the winter duty officers and Hertfordshire’s contracted road specific weather forecast provider, has become operational on the Baldock by-pass, operational difficulties with the web cam have been overcome so that duty officers can see actual road conditions. Considerations are being made for this web cam can be made publicly viewable via HertsDirect.

6.4Duty officers have received instruction on making further consideration towards instigating post salting activities of secondary salting routes during holiday periods when traffic flows may be low.

6.5Additional winter duty officers will receive ‘advanced weather forecasting and salting decision making’ training to further improve the accuracy of decisions and the winter service delivery.

6.6With successful previous developments to the Plan, and a successful operation during the 2006/2007 winter season, there are few changes to the 2007/2008 Winter Service Operational Plan.

7Financial Implications

7.1The final out turn spend on winter service in 2006/2007 was £2.22million.

7.2Winter Service budget allocation was transferred to support other winter related costs (Flooding & Storm Damage).

7.3The winter service budget for 2007/2008is £3.59million.

8Summary of Appendices

Appendix 1 – Winter Service Operational Plan 2007/2008