/ Australian Youth Championships
Saturday & Sunday11-12 October 2014
Archers Manor, 17 Alanvale Road, Launceston, Tasmania.
2014Australian Youth Championships
Host State / WeightliftingTasmania Incorporated
Dates of Competition / 11–12 October, 2014
Competition Venue / Archers Manor, 17 Alanvale Road, Newnham, Launceston, Tasmania
Qualifying Standard / AWF `E’ Standard
Age Eligibility / Athletes born during and between years 1997to 2001
Qualifying Period / 1st January, 2014 – 31stAugust, 2014
Entry Fee / $75 per participant (inc GST)
Awards /
  • T-Shirt
  • Medals – Top 3 per category
  • Team Trophy+photograph


  • The minimum age for participation in the Youth events is thirteen (13) years.

Reference; IWF Technical Rules 1.2.2 – Note 5;

  • Athletes that compete in both the Under 15 and Youth Championships will be charged $100 entry fee.
  • Official Entry Forms and proof of payment must be received by the AWF Office via email or Australia Post to 5 Kelly Rd, Spring Creek, Qld 4343 no later than Monday 1st September, 2014. All entries must be submitted by the State Weightlifting Associations.


  1. The minimum weight that can be lifted in a competition for men is 26.0 kg, i.e. the bar (20 kg) and collars loaded with two 0.5 kg discs. The minimum weight that can be lifted in a competition for women is 21.0 kg, i.e. the bar (15 kg) and collars loaded with two 0.5 kg discs. IWF Technical Rules 6.5.6
  1. Athletes must produce Photo ID at the weigh-in. Failure to produce ID will result in the athlete not being able to contest the event.
  1. Athletes may compete in the category in which they have achieved qualification or go up or down categories. The category of choice must be declared at the verification of final entries held prior to the start of competition.
  1. Each State Member can nominate a team of up to 8 men (max 2/category) plus 2 reserves; and up to 7 women (max 2/category) plus 2 reserves. Any nominated team member or reserve who has not met the specified AWF `E’ Grade standard must have lifted in a minimum of one AWF sanctioned competition within the Qualifying Period for the AWF Youth Championships.
  1. If a State Member enters any male lifters who have lifted in an AWF sanctioned event during the stated qualifying period but failed to meet the AWF ‘E’ Grade standard, then the maximum number of male lifters that can be entered by that State Member is 8 (maximum 2 per category).
  1. A State Member can enter more than 8 men provided that each lifter has achieved the minimum AWF `E’ Grade standard in an AWF sanctioned competition during the stated qualifying period for the AWF Youth Championships.
  1. A State Member can enter more than 7 women provided that all of the lifters entered have achieved, as a minimum, the AWF `E’ Grade standard in an AWF sanctioned competition during the stated qualifying period for the AWF Senior Championships.
  1. If a State Member enters any female lifters who have lifted in an AWF sanctioned event and failed to meet the AWF ‘E’ Grade standard, then the maximum number of female lifters who can be entered by that State Member is 7 (maximum 2 per category) plus 2 reserves.
  1. Where a State Member enters more than 8 qualified men and/or more than 7 qualified women, at the Verification of Final Entries the State Member must nominate the 8 men (max 2 per category) and/or 7 women (max 2 per category) who will constitute the State Team for the AWF Youth Championships,. The additional qualified lifters can compete in the AWF Youth Championships, win medals and any other individual awards, but cannot gain points for the State Team.
  1. The ‘final’ team submitted by each State Member consisting of a maximum of 8 men / 7 women (maximum of two competitors per category) must be declared at the verification of final entries meeting being held at 1800hrs on Friday 10thOctober, 2014.
  1. All other competitors shall be entitled to compete (and win medals) however they will not be included as part of the team classification.
  1. The classification of each State team is calculated by adding the points allocated to each named team competitor at final verification of entries according to the following scale:

Placing in Competition / Team Classification
Gold / 16 points
Silver / 13 points
Bronze / 11 points
4thPlace / 10 points
5th Place / 9 points
6th Place / 8 points
7th Place / 7 points
8th Place / 6 points
9th Place / 5 points
10th Place / 4 points
11th Place / 3 points
12th Place / 2 points
13th Place / 1 point
  1. Placing & Points will be calculated off Totals only.
  1. An athlete who does not register a successful Snatch will not be allowed to continue in the Clean & Jerk;
  1. Athlete dress standard MUST conform to the IWF rules.

Official Entry Form


Entries must be submitted to the QWA via email r by fax to 3823 1371 or by Australian Post to PO Box 1056, Capalaba Qld 4157 together with the entry fee

no later than COB on Friday, 29th August 2014