Revised 9/28/2018

Klein ISD Reading Rubric

2nd Grade

Student Name: ______Date:______Teacher:______

Points / Reading Level / Strategies / Comprehension / Fluency
Standards for 9 weeks period / End of nine week targets:
1st nine weeks = I-J
2nd nine weeks = J-K
3rd nine weeks = K-L
4th nine weeks = L-M
Starting: ______
Ending: ______
Growth: ______/
  1. Self monitors using meaning, sentence structure, and visual.
  2. Self-Correction rate of at least 1:3 (student corrects one out of every three errors.)
  3. Makes meaningful attempts before appealing to the teacher for help.
  4. Rereads phrases to problem solve.
  5. Uses known words, chunks, or endings to process new words.
/ Shows evidence of:
  • Predicting using prior knowledge.
  • Making inferences to determining important ideas, causes and effects, making predictions, and drawing conclusions
  • Retelling important events
  • Identifying similarities and differences across text.
  • Representing text in different ways (charts, graphs)
  1. Reads primarily in larger, meaningful phrase groups.
  2. Some repetitions and deviations from the text may be present but they do not detract from the overall structure of the story.
  3. Most of the story is read with expression.
  4. Reads at an appropriate rate. (#WCPM)
BOY – 53-82
MOY – 78-106
EOY – 94-124
4 / Independently reads above target level.
/ Applies all the strategies independently when reading. / Shows good understanding of the story, applies comprehension strategies such as predicting while reading and can retell all major ideas. / Reads with good fluency and intonation and appropriate WCPM for time of year.

3 / Reads at average level, with limited teacher support.
/ Applies most of the strategies independently. / Shows good understanding of the story with limited teacher prompting. / Some phrasing, not fluent
2 / Reads below average level with limited teacher support. / Applies most of the strategies independently, but requires teacher prompting for others. / Shows good understanding of the story but requires a lot of teacher prompting to get some ideas. / Voice pointing, occasional 2-3 word phrasing
1 / Reads below average level with teacher support. / Applies a few strategies independently, but requires teacher demonstration and prompting for most. / Shows some confusion about the main elements of the story but can recall some minor details. / Voice pointing, mostly non-fluent
0 / Reads well below average level. Requires much teacher support. / Uses little strategies to read text and/or inventing story completely. / Little evidence of comprehension. / Very slow reading or no attention to print (inventing).
Total / 0-4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16
Grade / 55 / 60 / 65 / 68 / 70 / 72 / 75 / 78 / 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100