Revised 9/28/2018
Klein ISD Reading Rubric
2nd Grade
Student Name: ______Date:______Teacher:______
Points / Reading Level / Strategies / Comprehension / FluencyStandards for 9 weeks period / End of nine week targets:
1st nine weeks = I-J
2nd nine weeks = J-K
3rd nine weeks = K-L
4th nine weeks = L-M
Starting: ______
Ending: ______
Growth: ______/
- Self monitors using meaning, sentence structure, and visual.
- Self-Correction rate of at least 1:3 (student corrects one out of every three errors.)
- Makes meaningful attempts before appealing to the teacher for help.
- Rereads phrases to problem solve.
- Uses known words, chunks, or endings to process new words.
- Predicting using prior knowledge.
- Making inferences to determining important ideas, causes and effects, making predictions, and drawing conclusions
- Retelling important events
- Identifying similarities and differences across text.
- Representing text in different ways (charts, graphs)
- Reads primarily in larger, meaningful phrase groups.
- Some repetitions and deviations from the text may be present but they do not detract from the overall structure of the story.
- Most of the story is read with expression.
- Reads at an appropriate rate. (#WCPM)
MOY – 78-106
EOY – 94-124
4 / Independently reads above target level.
/ Applies all the strategies independently when reading. / Shows good understanding of the story, applies comprehension strategies such as predicting while reading and can retell all major ideas. / Reads with good fluency and intonation and appropriate WCPM for time of year.
3 / Reads at average level, with limited teacher support.
/ Applies most of the strategies independently. / Shows good understanding of the story with limited teacher prompting. / Some phrasing, not fluent
2 / Reads below average level with limited teacher support. / Applies most of the strategies independently, but requires teacher prompting for others. / Shows good understanding of the story but requires a lot of teacher prompting to get some ideas. / Voice pointing, occasional 2-3 word phrasing
1 / Reads below average level with teacher support. / Applies a few strategies independently, but requires teacher demonstration and prompting for most. / Shows some confusion about the main elements of the story but can recall some minor details. / Voice pointing, mostly non-fluent
0 / Reads well below average level. Requires much teacher support. / Uses little strategies to read text and/or inventing story completely. / Little evidence of comprehension. / Very slow reading or no attention to print (inventing).
Total / 0-4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16
Grade / 55 / 60 / 65 / 68 / 70 / 72 / 75 / 78 / 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100